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Originally Posted by Vish M:

Is there even merit to the allegation?


It seems to be trendy to Dump on Jagdeo and the PPP/C?



Of course there is. The law was devised and passed by the PPP under Jagdeo. Surely it is most fitting that he should be the first one to benefit from this law. You can't deny the man his rights to test his own law in court.

Originally Posted by Freaky:

It is silly to revoke his right to travel. He is not going anywhere. If warned to return to court  or else...That should be sufficient. I am not fan of Jagdeo but I am a fan of justice. It should not be vindictive....justice should fit the crime and if inciting race is his crime then half of Guyana should be good candidates on the magistrate docks.

Originally Posted by Freaky:

I think this Magistrate is a political thug.


She was on a mission to embarrass and her message and action felt nice to me.


But when I sat down to prayed this morning, I realise you cannot attack evil with evil and her actions were evil and wrong.


She has no right to ban him from flying, he is not a flight risk.  He has the biggest house in Guyana in his name.


Shame on Her - what a political thug.

Last edited by Former Member

I wish Guyanese were not such a myopic people.

cant you see the writing on the wall?


it all starts with petty vindictive litigation.

burnham killed the press in Guyana through petty litigation.

this is the prevailing attitude of the supporters new government. 

payback time has begun. Soon it will infiltrate all persons in authority in the government. I suggest people in the opposition better flee when they can.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

Is there even merit to the allegation?


It seems to be trendy to Dump on Jagdeo and the PPP/C?



Of course there is. The law was devised and passed by the PPP under Jagdeo. Surely it is most fitting that he should be the first one to benefit from this law. You can't deny the man his rights to test his own law in court.

Vishnu only last nite

you called and I told you

one man Running Mad

because ...he discover Guyana Politics...

Is not a Game of Hop Scotch

Played with little Kids...

I told you...

Jagdeo use to Huff & Puff


De Magistrate

throw him in the Prison Dock

and he Shitting his Pants


Jagdeo only Shyttie-Shyting Now


 Zip his mouth ...


No more Babu John Huffing & Puffing

or Freedom House Press Conference...


And as Mr T said

De man need lil

Limacol Protocol from You


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