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Jurdon got Brassy hiding in Miami

May 04, 2017 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....ssy-hiding-in-miami/

People can always know when things ain’t going right. Is either you see people crying or talking to demself or quarrelling bout everything.

Things ain’t going right inside de govt because dem busy cancelling contracts and that is wha dem boys concerned about. Whenever de old govt, especially under that scamp, Jagdeo, use to cancel contracts everybody know was because de kickbacks wasn’t right. And dem boys know that some of dem in this govt love kickbacks just like de Pee Pee Pee boys and gyals.

So when dem boys start hearing bout contracts getting cancelled dem start to get worried again.

De other day dem put up a tender fuh electric meters. This was de second time. De first time word come out that dem had a contract fuh de same electric meters, a local man bid. He had a good thing going wid Brassington and Jagdeo so he think he had to get it. When he didn’t get it he report and kick up a stink and de contract was call off.

Then dem got this Sheriff Street road contract that cancel. Dem boys hope that de housing project is not a bigger kickback than de road project. Dem boys know that some big kickback pass wid govt settlements as soon as this set go in office.

Dem also cancel de East Bank Berbice main road contract. This contract was from Stanleytown to Everton. This is another big money contract and it don’t look like de right people getting de right kickback.

Brassington ain’t involve because he hiding in Miami since Jurdon dilly dally and allow him to slip out de country.

Jagdeo name calling. Dem boys believe he demand more than wha de new people want. He forget he is not president.

He not Doctor because he never write an exam, he is now Doctor Five.

Sam Blinds was a real doctor but he never use it. When he come out he demand people call him Doctor One because is only one he got in front he name.

Dem boys waiting to see if or when Soulja Bai gun get he own and wha he gun demand.

Talk half and know Doctor Soulja don’t sound nice.

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