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@Former Member posted:

No disrespect for ADMINS and Moderators.

No name calling ,offensive languages ,stick to the topic.

No offensive Racist post.

There are consequences .

Source - Political Section -

Do as I say and not as I do.


If the PNC believe they can thwart the system and steal the election, let them try swearing in Granger or anyone else.  Rodney's rebellion against Burnham rule will look like a pillow fight!  The PNC ain't dealing with Jagan PPP!

@Former Member posted:

If the PNC believe they can thwart the system and steal the election, let them try swearing in Granger or anyone else.  Rodney's rebellion against Burnham rule will look like a pillow fight!  The PNC ain't dealing with Jagan PPP!

Fat talk .  When the recount is over Granger will be sworn in and that would be that.  


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