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Former Member

Justice For All Party opens constituency

office today

April 28, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


…calls on police to address death threat reports

With a sense of General Elections in the air, Jaipaul Sharma is making a run for Parliament as an independent and is set to open a constituency office at Robb and Camp Streets, at the CNS building today.
Severing ties with the A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) coalition and resigning as a Member of Parliament earlier this month, Sharma says that he has decided to run for Region Four, should there be National polls.

Justice for All Party executive: Jaipaul Sharma

Justice for All Party executive: Jaipaul Sharma00


Sharma told Kaieteur News yesterday that the office will be strengthening his Justice for All party’s presence. He told the newspaper that he has been “sensing” elections since day one, “every budget the government brings is an election budget, a budget to bait the Opposition.”
Presently, Sharma said, the party is only capable of running for Region Four and its membership will soon see representatives from other regions as he is currently engaged in outreach programmes for the establishment of regional offices.
The politician, who described himself as a geographic MP, said that his recent move to resign from Parliament in protestation against the Education Minister Priya Manickchand’s “provocative” heckling has been seen by many as, “a new dimension to current politics.” He said people see the move as “a breath of fresh air” and he is being encouraged to move forward in his political career, even if he has to do it alone.
The Justice for All Party was established by the former parliamentarian’s father, Chandra Narine Sharma, who sits at the head of the organization.
However, Sharma added that his political pursuits are being met with threats and warnings from sources unknown. He told Kaieteur News that along with his father, they have received several telephone messages demanding that they halt the regular mid-day Justice for All call-in television programme.
Sharma said they have been receiving threats since last month, and one more as recent as two days ago. He told the paper also, that despite giving the information to the police, including the number from which the messages are coming, they have failed to make any follow up contact with the family, let alone make an arrest.
Sharma said the messenger has identified the alleged mastermind and repeatedly notes that he is untouchable by the police.
Sharma maintains, however that this will not deter him from his plans, but insists on the police taking a pro-active approach to put an end to the matter.

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Sharma said the messenger has identified the alleged mastermind and repeatedly notes that he is untouchable by the police.


There goes our judiciary system, almost gone to the stray dogs.


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