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Justice For All Party pulls out of APNU


Leader of the Justice for All Party, Chandra Narine Sharma speaking with President David Granger.(Demerara Waves picture)

The Justice For All Party (JFAP) has bailed from the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)-led A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

In a letter dated September 1, 2020 PNCR Leader, David Granger, the JFAP informed him that the time had come for the party to withdraw from APNU which it described as “the umbrella organisation” for the PNCR and small parties.

“Like any other organisation, APNU has had its strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures. The Guyana political landscape is changing significantly and it demands a reexamination of roles and relationships,” JFAP General Secretary, Savitree Singh Sharma told Mr. Granger.

The JFAP and the Mr. Keith Scott’s National Front Alliance (NFA) were not selected to sit in the opposition benches, with Mr. Granger saying that parties needed to garner at least 7,000 votes to secure one of the 31 opposition parliamentary seats.

The JFAP is the second party to have departed the coalition after the March 2, 2020 election defeat at the polls. The first party to leave the five party coalition was the Working People’s Alliance (WPA).   That party said that transparency in leadership and the right to select its own members of parliament are the reason it departed in August, 2020.

The WPA’s Chairman, Tabitha Sarabo-Halley subsequently resigned from her party but remained as a parliamentarian for the APNU+Alliance For Change coalition.

The APNU is now made up of the PNCR and the Guyana Action Party which is represented in the opposition benches.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

They right. APNU is a sinking ship.

Gail denying them membership to all commissions. Other small parties are getting work proving that the PPP is committed to;

1. Inclusive governance which includes the smaller parties

2. Ensure that the APNU+AFC does not get rewarded for their rigging attempt for 5 long months.

@Django posted:

Justice For All Party quits APNU

4 hrs ago thread was posted.

Tell me, you made some changes to the forum, I don,t see who makes the postings on my smart phone, as a matter of fact I can't post from my phone, when I try I receive a negative message.

So I peep once in awhile on GNI. So before I post this News, tell me if AFC is still with APNU. Oh, I forget, them DEAD.

@kp posted:

Tell me, you made some changes to the forum, I don,t see who makes the postings on my smart phone, as a matter of fact I can't post from my phone, when I try I receive a negative message.

So I peep once in awhile on GNI. So before I post this News, tell me if AFC is still with APNU. Oh, I forget, them DEAD.

Nothing have changed ,blame the forum for possible an out dated smart phone.

So if AFC dead ,PNC is a strong party ,their votes have increased, FRAUD caused the party to loose the election.

@Django posted:

Nothing have changed ,blame the forum for possible an out dated smart phone.

So if AFC dead ,PNC is a strong party ,their votes have increased, FRAUD caused the party to loose the election.

To beat the PPP, the PNC will have to collate with a large third party. The AFC is dead thanks to Moses.  

@Ramakant-P posted:

To beat the PPP, the PNC will have to collate with a large third party. The AFC is dead thanks to Moses.  

There are no other large 3rd party.

As mentioned if the AFC dead ,that means the PNC attracted lots of voters factoring the low turnout in Central Georgetown and FRAUD ,the party is still a strong 

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

There are no other large 3rd party.

As mentioned if the AFC dead ,that means the PNC attracted lots of voters factoring the low turnout in Central Georgetown and FRAUD ,the party is still a strong 

They will have a base of 26 seats strong. They will need help. They can't be too cooky in thinking that they can go it alone.  The PPP can't either.

@Ramakant-P posted:

They will have a base of 26 seats strong. They will need help.

They can't be too cooky in thinking that they can go it alone.  The PPP can't either.

So how the PNC win 31 Seats ? if AFC dead. For information the Coalition won 13 of the 25 Regional Seats in the 2020 elections.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

So how the PNC win 31 Seats ? if AFC dead. For information the Coalition won 13 of the 25 Regional Seats in the 2020 elections.

Running as the PNC or APNU in the 2025 elections, they don't win as many as 31 seats. Those 31 seats came before they aggravated so many of their supporters over that 5 months depravity. Now that Guyana is going to start spending that oil money the PPP will be rewarded with votes even from traditional PNC supporters because the PPP is about to turn Guyana into the land of milk and honey. The PNC isn't ever getting back into government.

@Former Member posted:

PPP is about to turn Guyana into the land of milk and honey. The PNC isn't ever getting back into government.

Name all the things the PPP built in the 23 yrs of government that are functioning. Then we can talk about milk and honey ,blind loyalty is a bad thing.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Name all the things the PPP built in the 23 yrs of government that are functioning. Then we can talk about milk and honey ,blind loyalty is a bad thing.

You living in the past bai. The PPP of that 23 years was still being grossly obstructed by the PNC but the PNC for all intents and purposes is dead. This is a new time with new blinding wealth that will transform the country into a land of milk and honey. All the PNC can offer their supporters is some Facebook fake news.

I hope that "blind loyalty is a bad thing" was not addressed to me because remember I asked you before not to label me in anyway. I don't do that to you but if I ever do I expect you to equally reprimand me.

@Former Member posted:

You living in the past bai. The PPP of that 23 years was still being grossly obstructed by the PNC but the PNC for all intents and purposes is dead. This is a new time with new blinding wealth that will transform the country into a land of milk and honey. All the PNC can offer their supporters is some Facebook fake news.

I hope that "blind loyalty is a bad thing" was not addressed to me because remember I asked you before not to label me in anyway. I don't do that to you but if I ever do I expect you to equally reprimand me.

Going off on a tangent ,what can the PPP do better now ,than all the white elephants built in 23 yrs ,who are fooled.

Blind loyalty is general statement .Only a day ago there  were pot shots by you at Django.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Going off on a tangent ,what can the PPP do better now ,than all the white elephants built in 23 yrs ,who are fooled.

Blind loyalty is general statement .Only a day ago there  were pot shots by you at Django.

Good that it was not directed at me.

Now where did I direct pot shots at you?

@Django posted:

Do a recollection .

I don't have the time to go back and check what I posted. You should have brought it to my attention. Especially after I expressed my objections recently.

@Former Member posted:

I don't have the time to go back and check what I posted. You should have brought it to my attention. Especially after I expressed my objections recently.

There was an alert . My memory is good ,i do recall what i write here.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

There was an alert . My memory is good ,i do recall what i write here.

What alert. I hardly respond directly to anything you post and I make it a point not to make demeaning comments to you personally unless you do so first.

Going forward I will go a bit further and avoid commenting on any post or topic which you start. Hopefully that will keep our relationship where I wish it to be.


Ahhhh haul yall rass  with all dah grannin talk...jus fite........tarasss

Look guys, if all what many of you have been saying does come about, great for those in Guyana, if they do not follow through with their promises, is kick out dem gonna get, so yall doan say PNC dead an all dat, one one bad mistake by PPP could be detrimental.

@Django posted:

Nothing have changed ,blame the forum for possible an out dated smart phone.

So if AFC dead ,PNC is a strong party ,their votes have increased, FRAUD caused the party to loose the election.

Good ting PPP Won.

@Django posted:

Going off on a tangent ,what can the PPP do better now ,than all the white elephants built in 23 yrs ,who are fooled.

Blind loyalty is general statement .Only a day ago there  were pot shots by you at Django.

The PPP will be doing everything better this time.   You forgot to mention the last 5 years the PNC neglected to upkeep your white elephants. They were very destructive and inefficient. Had it not been for the PPP, Guyana would not have been what it is today.  There is an atmosphere of trust today in Guyana. Business is booming and jobs will be created very soon.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The PPP will be doing everything better this time.   You forgot to mention the last 5 years the PNC neglected to upkeep your white elephants. They were very destructive and inefficient.

Had it not been for the PPP, Guyana would not have been what it is today.  There is an atmosphere of trust today in Guyana. Business is booming and jobs will be created very soon.

The question was what the PPP build in the 23 yrs functions today. What was neglected by the past government ?

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

The question was what the PPP build in the 23 yrs functions today. What was neglected by the past government ?

Marriott hotel with lots of empty rooms, built only wid Chinese workers.  Chinese Skeldon factory that Indians now evaluating. Ramotar fibre cable network, that farmers now using the cable to tie cow fa graze and make good clothes line, fa Guyanese na have washing machine. 

There gotta be more PPP Personal Profit Project during the 23 years, eh Rama ?  

@Django posted:

The question was what the PPP build in the 23 yrs functions today. What was neglected by the past government ?

Everything. What did the PNC do in the last 5 1/2 years?  If you build a house and don't do the maintenance, it crumbles.  I rest my case. In Canada and the USA, they do maintenance every year. Take the rose-colored glasses off your nose and I believe you would see better.

What the PPP did in 23 years, the PNC can never do in 1000 years.


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