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Justifiable calls for an IMC

THE calls of Local Government and Regional Development Minister, Mr Norman Whittaker, and the General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party for the introduction of an Interim Management Committee at the Georgetown City Council are being echoed by Guyanese throughout the country, and in the wider Guyanese Diaspora.The PPP recently expressed their concern over the state of affairs at the Georgetown City Council and recent acts of illegality perpetrated against the administrative branch of the M&CC.
The party further noted the attempts by Georgetown Mayor, Mr. Hamilton Green and his cabal to oust the legitimate and legally appointed Town Clerk, Ms. Carol Sooba from office, via illegal and backdoor manipulations.
Minister Whittaker noted that his ministry is guided by the Cabinet, and asserted that if and when the decision to have an Interim Management Committee as a replacement at City Hall is carried by Cabinet, the ministry will concur.
The ruling party, in a statement released earlier this week, condemned the act of desperation by the Mayor and his cabal, who, according to the PPP General Secretary, have brought the City Council into disrepute by their actions which smack of “racism and political bullyism.”
The PPP, therefore, demanded the removal of Hamilton Green and the entire City Council and their being replaced by an Interim Management Committee to foster hope for a better run City Hall.
Green has, over the last few months, transgressed in a multiplicity of ways in actions inimical to the welfare of the city, and has been severely condemned after he sabotaged the revenue collection on Easter Monday; illegally removed the keys of a motor vehicle on the said day; illegally appointed PRO Royston King as Town Clerk among other infringements.
King, too, has been delinquent after he allegedly signed City Hall tax waivers as Town Clerk before illegally assuming the post of Town Clerk, both fraudulent acts punishable by the laws of the land.
But while the Mayor and his minions are fiddling away at their own lewd music, the capital city is drowning, literally and figuratively, in filth. For decades, quite apart from the taxes, in which the Burrowes Commission of Inquiry and consultant Ramon Gaskin discovered massive discrepancies and outright acts of fraud, the Government has been pouring billions of dollars into City Hall in hard cash and resources, with everything seemingly falling into a bottomless pit.
New garbage trucks and other equipment are provided, and they break down within months, a phenomenon that has been ascribed to parts being exchanged with worn-out rejects, and the new ones sold to private contractors. So, the new trucks and other equipment are parked and become white elephants.
The massive and widespread acts of theft and fraud from the city, such as the one King recently perpetrated by signing off waivers to the tune of billions of dollars — most probably with substantial rewards of cash or kind — and the absolutely ill-managed affairs of the city has kept the municipality in the red for decades, with employees of the city many times denied their salaries until a bail-out by the Government.
Today, Town Clerk (ag), Ms. Carol Sooba, has scuttled most of the avenues for thefts, and for the first time, city workers are receiving their salaries in a timely manner. So, no wonder Hamilton Green and his cabal at City Hall are desperate to eject Ms. Sooba from her current position, and install someone who would be amenable to the continuation of the irregularities and mismanagement of the municipality.
In 1994, the newly-elected PPP/C Government ejected just such “a bunch of rascals,” as described by Dr. Cheddi Jagan, and appointed an Interim Management Committee, which comprised Chairman, Dr. Rose, and a membership among whom were Bert Carter and Bish Panday, mere months before Local Government Elections.
Within those few months, the city assumed a new look, with the Augean stables in Georgetown being cleaned for the first time in decades, and the city left in the black, a phenomenon not experienced ever since the PNC took control of City Hall.
Today, the beautiful structure left to Guyanese by the colonials is a decaying sore on the city landscape, and replicates the filth overwhelming the natural beauty of what was once called “The Garden City”. Georgetown is truly reflective of a microcosm of the capital city of Guyana under the stewardship of the PNC.
If the PPP/C Government could do it, then it could certainly do it now: Install an Interim Committee to clean up the city and its affairs, and rid City Hall of the vermin that are undermining the effective management of the affairs of the Georgetown municipality.
This current City Council’s term in office has been up long since, and whether there are local-government elections or not, they are illegally occupying the offices of the Mayor and Councillors of the city, and should be booted out forthwith.


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"This current City Council's term in office has been up long ago".


1.  Whose fault is this?


2. Why doesnt the PPP use this as a reason to fast track local government elections?


3.  What is the REAL motive behind demanding an IMC?


Stop playing politics with the lives of Berbicians

May 15, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

DEAR EDITOR, Prior to the return of Democracy to Guyana in 1992, we in Berbice played a major part in helping to make Guyana a democratic country for all Guyanese.  Whereby we can live and work together as one people, one nation and one destiny.  The aim of bringing democracy, according to the PPP\C and the great Dr. Cheddi Jagan, was to have a free and open process whereby electorates can support any political party of their choice without being marginalized in society by the present day government.

Berbicians welcomed that initiative with open hearts and threw their support behind the PPP\C, and most of all behind the strong leadership of the great Dr. Cheddi Jagan.  Dr. Jagan was always said to be fighting for the working class of this country and to create a better Guyana for all without playing politics with the lives of our people. And we all know that Dr. Jagan was welcome in every community in Guyana no matter their race, religion, culture, sex, status, etc.  He was indeed the father of the nation. After the PPP\C came into power due to free and fair elections, we saw lots being done to put Guyana on the World map by Dr. Jagan.  During his tenure in office as President of this country we saw development coming at a rapid pace in all sectors of Guyana and also he paved the way for investors to feel comfortable in investing in Guyana.  He was a man of the people by fighting for the cause and most of all he was a leader who never used politics to gain the hearts of people but used issues of concern to win hearts into politics. That is why I can safely say that in the years Dr. Jagan was in office as President he was never fingered in any corruption cases or found to be corruptible.

Since the death of this great leader Berbicians have had the opposite to deal with.  We had the politics that Dr. Jagan would have never used to win votes.  He would have never used the cuss down politics that we have since seen being used by members of the PPP\C.  This type of behaviour Dr. Jagan would have never tolerated, and most of all, some of those presently serving in high ranking positions would have never had the chance to. Since Bharrat Jagdeo took office we have seen more of the unimaginable behavior in politics and the worst for Guyana.  Many will argue that he has done better than the rest, but let’s look deep as to where we are today because of him.  Many times we fail to understand what this man has done to this land of ours. Every single day we the Berbicians are being fed with misinformation from the PPP\C members and we are bugged with programmes of untruth on NCN Channel 15 in Berbice. We in Berbice are educated people we cannot be used anymore.

If the PPP\C is so concerned about the lives and welfare of Berbicians since the death of Dr. Jagan, they would have made Berbice a better place for all.  I will like to ask the PPP\C administration a few questions. How many new investors have invested in Berbice since 1997? How many jobs were created? (And please don’t talk of sugar and rice employees).  How much was spent on developing our young people? What was done to develop the lives of the poor, working class? Where is the free education that we used to have? Where is the better representation for the working class? How many qualified and experience Berbicians (living in Berbice) find a top job with this government\administration, especially if they belong to a different political party? Where are the better recreational facilities for our people? Why is it that our youths who just graduated from UGBC/TI/Secondary School or some institution have to migrate to other regions to find jobs? And I can go on, but let this corrupted PPP\C government answer us in the correct manner.

We are fortunate to have people like the Nand Persaud family, who operate a wide range of businesses that help to create thousands of jobs for Berbicians, young and old. Hundreds of youths comes out of Secondary school and cannot find a proper job suitable to their qualifications, and those that find favours in getting a job, work with the regional administration or government agencies without a vacancy being published or existing.  Take a clear look at the regional offices in both regions 5 and 6, who are the ones employed in various capacities?  This is the type of caring PPP\C government we have had to deal with since the death of Dr. Jagan – favourites for favourites.

We can clearly see that this present PPP\C administration is using the people of Berbice as their political football. Berbicians need to sit, relax and think as to where we are heading Let’s listen to our inner self and think as to what will happen to us, our children and grandchildren if we don’t act now.  Let’s stop being used and listen to the policies that will work for Guyana and then make our choice.  We must remember that Dr. Jagan is no more and the PPP\C is no longer using the tools of truth and accountability as Dr. Jagan would have done in his years in the PPP\C.  All that Dr. Jagan worked and struggled for has gone. This PPP\C we are seeing today is for the rich getting richer and poor being made poorer.  Take a look at the mansions and pool houses that the PPP\C top brass are living in and then take a look at our brothers and sisters living at Blairmont No.4, just before you enter the new scheme, and look at the others in various parts in Berbice.

We must stand up for our rights and not allow our struggle to be in vain.  At the 2011 elections Berbicians made a right choice and supported the AFC.  After we rewrote the history books of this country, by voting in a third party and creating a minority government, we saw corruption being highlighted from top to bottom of this PPP\C administration and that left us in a shock as to where the monies have gone.  We saw the walking out of Khemraj Ramjattan, Moses Nagamootoo and Ralph Ramkarran from the corrupted PPP/C. Who will be next? Let’s see ourselves as the makers of tomorrow, the new day that will bring us a new Guyana for all, where there will be accountability and transparency with equal opportunities. We in Berbice can make that change by being thinkers for ourselves.  We are educated enough to do so and not to be used. Let the struggle continue. Abel Seetaram Chairman AFC RMC Reg. 5

Originally Posted by Nehru:

An IMC would have been installed many years ago if it was anywhere else on the Planet. The PPP is afraid of the HOOLIGANS!!!!

Elections were due 15 years ago.  You have long past any excuses for this.


The only hooligans are the PPP who wishes to install an Indian dictatorship on the people of Georgetown.  If the PPP thinks that they can do a better job in running Georgetown then they ought to go and campaign and woo the voters.


They refuse to do so.  Clearly an admission that they know that they will LOSE!!!


"Mitwah's" posts usually speaks volumes of his intelligence, its clear he's completely oblivious of the local politics in Guyana, its no wonder he cannot engage in any civil political discussions.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

An I.M.C should indeed  replace Hamilton Green and his Cabal at the City  until the inevitable holding of Local Government Elections.


Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Mitwah's" posts usually speaks volumes of his intelligence, its clear he's completely oblivious of the local politics in Guyana, its no wonder he cannot engage in any civil political discussions.

Dumbass parasite!  You are the type of bitch who would lie on her own mother. Get loss faggy.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Stop playing politics with the lives of Berbicians

May 15, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

DEAR EDITOR, Prior to the return of Democracy to Guyana in 1992, we in Berbice played a major part in helping to make Guyana a democratic country for all Guyanese.  Whereby we can live and work together as one people, one nation and one destiny.  The aim of bringing democracy, according to the PPP\C and the great Dr. Cheddi Jagan, was to have a free and open process whereby electorates can support any political party of their choice without being marginalized in society by the present day government.

Berbicians welcomed that initiative with open hearts and threw their support behind the PPP\C, and most of all behind the strong leadership of the great Dr. Cheddi Jagan.  Dr. Jagan was always said to be fighting for the working class of this country and to create a better Guyana for all without playing politics with the lives of our people. And we all know that Dr. Jagan was welcome in every community in Guyana no matter their race, religion, culture, sex, status, etc.  He was indeed the father of the nation. After the PPP\C came into power due to free and fair elections, we saw lots being done to put Guyana on the World map by Dr. Jagan.  During his tenure in office as President of this country we saw development coming at a rapid pace in all sectors of Guyana and also he paved the way for investors to feel comfortable in investing in Guyana.  He was a man of the people by fighting for the cause and most of all he was a leader who never used politics to gain the hearts of people but used issues of concern to win hearts into politics. That is why I can safely say that in the years Dr. Jagan was in office as President he was never fingered in any corruption cases or found to be corruptible.

Since the death of this great leader Berbicians have had the opposite to deal with.  We had the politics that Dr. Jagan would have never used to win votes.  He would have never used the cuss down politics that we have since seen being used by members of the PPP\C.  This type of behaviour Dr. Jagan would have never tolerated, and most of all, some of those presently serving in high ranking positions would have never had the chance to. Since Bharrat Jagdeo took office we have seen more of the unimaginable behavior in politics and the worst for Guyana.  Many will argue that he has done better than the rest, but let’s look deep as to where we are today because of him.  Many times we fail to understand what this man has done to this land of ours. Every single day we the Berbicians are being fed with misinformation from the PPP\C members and we are bugged with programmes of untruth on NCN Channel 15 in Berbice. We in Berbice are educated people we cannot be used anymore.

If the PPP\C is so concerned about the lives and welfare of Berbicians since the death of Dr. Jagan, they would have made Berbice a better place for all.  I will like to ask the PPP\C administration a few questions. How many new investors have invested in Berbice since 1997? How many jobs were created? (And please don’t talk of sugar and rice employees).  How much was spent on developing our young people? What was done to develop the lives of the poor, working class? Where is the free education that we used to have? Where is the better representation for the working class? How many qualified and experience Berbicians (living in Berbice) find a top job with this government\administration, especially if they belong to a different political party? Where are the better recreational facilities for our people? Why is it that our youths who just graduated from UGBC/TI/Secondary School or some institution have to migrate to other regions to find jobs? And I can go on, but let this corrupted PPP\C government answer us in the correct manner.

We are fortunate to have people like the Nand Persaud family, who operate a wide range of businesses that help to create thousands of jobs for Berbicians, young and old. Hundreds of youths comes out of Secondary school and cannot find a proper job suitable to their qualifications, and those that find favours in getting a job, work with the regional administration or government agencies without a vacancy being published or existing.  Take a clear look at the regional offices in both regions 5 and 6, who are the ones employed in various capacities?  This is the type of caring PPP\C government we have had to deal with since the death of Dr. Jagan – favourites for favourites.

We can clearly see that this present PPP\C administration is using the people of Berbice as their political football. Berbicians need to sit, relax and think as to where we are heading Let’s listen to our inner self and think as to what will happen to us, our children and grandchildren if we don’t act now.  Let’s stop being used and listen to the policies that will work for Guyana and then make our choice.  We must remember that Dr. Jagan is no more and the PPP\C is no longer using the tools of truth and accountability as Dr. Jagan would have done in his years in the PPP\C.  All that Dr. Jagan worked and struggled for has gone. This PPP\C we are seeing today is for the rich getting richer and poor being made poorer.  Take a look at the mansions and pool houses that the PPP\C top brass are living in and then take a look at our brothers and sisters living at Blairmont No.4, just before you enter the new scheme, and look at the others in various parts in Berbice.

We must stand up for our rights and not allow our struggle to be in vain.  At the 2011 elections Berbicians made a right choice and supported the AFC.  After we rewrote the history books of this country, by voting in a third party and creating a minority government, we saw corruption being highlighted from top to bottom of this PPP\C administration and that left us in a shock as to where the monies have gone.  We saw the walking out of Khemraj Ramjattan, Moses Nagamootoo and Ralph Ramkarran from the corrupted PPP/C. Who will be next? Let’s see ourselves as the makers of tomorrow, the new day that will bring us a new Guyana for all, where there will be accountability and transparency with equal opportunities. We in Berbice can make that change by being thinkers for ourselves.  We are educated enough to do so and not to be used. Let the struggle continue. Abel Seetaram Chairman AFC RMC Reg. 5


Originally Posted by Conscience:

Cutting and pasting one letter over and over by the stroll "Mitwah" in an attempt to do damage control, cannot safe the AFC as their support base rapidly dwindle.

PPP cheap ho go wash you mouth after you blow. I pity fags like you.


At the 2011 elections Berbicians made a right choice and supported the AFC.  After we rewrote the history books of this country, by voting in a third party and creating a minority government, we saw corruption being highlighted from top to bottom of this PPP\C administration and that left us in a shock as to where the monies have gone.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Justifiable calls for an IMC

THE calls of Local Government and Regional Development Minister, Mr Norman Whittaker, and the General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party for the introduction of an Interim Management Committee at the Georgetown City Council are being echoed by Guyanese throughout the country, and in the wider Guyanese Diaspora.The PPP recently expressed their concern over the state of affairs at the Georgetown City Council and recent acts of illegality perpetrated against the administrative branch of the M&CC.
The party further noted the attempts by Georgetown Mayor, Mr. Hamilton Green and his cabal to oust the legitimate and legally appointed Town Clerk, Ms. Carol Sooba from office, via illegal and backdoor manipulations.
Minister Whittaker noted that his ministry is guided by the Cabinet, and asserted that if and when the decision to have an Interim Management Committee as a replacement at City Hall is carried by Cabinet, the ministry will concur.
The ruling party, in a statement released earlier this week, condemned the act of desperation by the Mayor and his cabal, who, according to the PPP General Secretary, have brought the City Council into disrepute by their actions which smack of “racism and political bullyism.”
The PPP, therefore, demanded the removal of Hamilton Green and the entire City Council and their being replaced by an Interim Management Committee to foster hope for a better run City Hall.
Green has, over the last few months, transgressed in a multiplicity of ways in actions inimical to the welfare of the city, and has been severely condemned after he sabotaged the revenue collection on Easter Monday; illegally removed the keys of a motor vehicle on the said day; illegally appointed PRO Royston King as Town Clerk among other infringements.
King, too, has been delinquent after he allegedly signed City Hall tax waivers as Town Clerk before illegally assuming the post of Town Clerk, both fraudulent acts punishable by the laws of the land.
But while the Mayor and his minions are fiddling away at their own lewd music, the capital city is drowning, literally and figuratively, in filth. For decades, quite apart from the taxes, in which the Burrowes Commission of Inquiry and consultant Ramon Gaskin discovered massive discrepancies and outright acts of fraud, the Government has been pouring billions of dollars into City Hall in hard cash and resources, with everything seemingly falling into a bottomless pit.
New garbage trucks and other equipment are provided, and they break down within months, a phenomenon that has been ascribed to parts being exchanged with worn-out rejects, and the new ones sold to private contractors. So, the new trucks and other equipment are parked and become white elephants.
The massive and widespread acts of theft and fraud from the city, such as the one King recently perpetrated by signing off waivers to the tune of billions of dollars — most probably with substantial rewards of cash or kind — and the absolutely ill-managed affairs of the city has kept the municipality in the red for decades, with employees of the city many times denied their salaries until a bail-out by the Government.
Today, Town Clerk (ag), Ms. Carol Sooba, has scuttled most of the avenues for thefts, and for the first time, city workers are receiving their salaries in a timely manner. So, no wonder Hamilton Green and his cabal at City Hall are desperate to eject Ms. Sooba from her current position, and install someone who would be amenable to the continuation of the irregularities and mismanagement of the municipality.
In 1994, the newly-elected PPP/C Government ejected just such “a bunch of rascals,” as described by Dr. Cheddi Jagan, and appointed an Interim Management Committee, which comprised Chairman, Dr. Rose, and a membership among whom were Bert Carter and Bish Panday, mere months before Local Government Elections.
Within those few months, the city assumed a new look, with the Augean stables in Georgetown being cleaned for the first time in decades, and the city left in the black, a phenomenon not experienced ever since the PNC took control of City Hall.
Today, the beautiful structure left to Guyanese by the colonials is a decaying sore on the city landscape, and replicates the filth overwhelming the natural beauty of what was once called “The Garden City”. Georgetown is truly reflective of a microcosm of the capital city of Guyana under the stewardship of the PNC.
If the PPP/C Government could do it, then it could certainly do it now: Install an Interim Committee to clean up the city and its affairs, and rid City Hall of the vermin that are undermining the effective management of the affairs of the Georgetown municipality.
This current City Council’s term in office has been up long since, and whether there are local-government elections or not, they are illegally occupying the offices of the Mayor and Councillors of the city, and should be booted out forthwith.


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

This is the PPP doing its best to justify an intent to subvert the elected officials and inplant their own select drones of the Sooba ilk in office.


They are the ones who refused to magnify democracy by enhancing local decision making in their communities by facilitating Local elections.


If Green is corrupt think of the PPP! Those are the fellows who ive us Fip, Bobby and the giveaways, the Berbice river bridge and its usurious rates, the Marriot and its ghost investors, Buddy give away of 900 thousand US etc etc,


Their management success is as sparse as their corruption is vast. We have no successful industry. Every industry is an extractive industry which are give away for kickbacks and the only expected "income" is the expense these predators put out to pillage the society.


No IMC for Georgetown. They have already replaced almost one half of the existing local authorities with their handpicked political flunkeys. Being completely bereft of any democratic provenance, these old communists are trying to reconstruct their vanguard party by, this is their strategy of voter suppression and the theft of democratic consensus with the  installation of IMCs across the country. Georgetown should be a red line to their usurpation of power. An IMC here should be a box on their houses.


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