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Ray posted:


Ha ha....the resemblance is uncanny.

But all jokes aside...dem Canadians, Europeans and Japs have taken advantage of the US market since WW2. The US cannot afford to allow others to continue to get a free ride while the others practice free trade but not fair trade.

Trump is a knucklehead, but he knows how to run the economy. 

seignet posted:

simply expresses the mindset of some individuals.

Just look at these jokers, Trump is off trying to rein in a nuke horse gone wild and these clowns playing jackass!

VishMahabir posted:
Ray posted:


Ha ha....the resemblance is uncanny.

But all jokes aside...dem Canadians, Europeans and Japs have taken advantage of the US market since WW2. The US cannot afford to allow others to continue to get a free ride while the others practice free trade but not fair trade.

Trump is a knucklehead, but he knows how to run the economy. 

You are a simple minded dummy if you think that's all to it.  And you talk of Trump.  Banna, you are a real clown!  You don't understand and swallow Trumps throw-away propaganda which he is using to his advantage and appeal to the Red Necks.  You are like them.  He knows there is a bigger picture. 

Trudeau attacked Trump not because of G7 but because of his mounting looses at home.  Trump's tax policies are siphoning investments out of Canada and into the USA.  He needs a scape goat.  Trump knows this too, but he has to counter.  Trudeau is in a weak position but playing hardball.

If Trump's a knuckle head, yet you agree with him, then you are a knuckle seeking a head!

BTW, is that "uncanny resemblance" you seeing yourself in the mirror?



Check yourself,

Why you so hyper? Stop playing with yourself and go pick a fight with someone else.

Everybody knows Trump is catering to the Red Necks. Where did did I question this fact? 

But the fact remains that America has been extending its reach since World War 2 to protect its own economic interests, while fighting communism at home and abroad. This means that the US has allowed other countries (Europe, Japan and Canada) to take advantage of its economy. Japan, for example, was guaranteed protection under the US military while they selectively borrow from American technology and invest their money into creating a new technological class and rebuild high tech industries. Canada and Europe had similar deals in other areas with the US. They had an unfair advantage even though the international economic system promoted free trade (not fair trade).

The US cannot play that role anymore because these nations's economies, including others are more competitive today (Go read Friedman's book The World is Flat, if you can read) and the US is not the powerful hegemonic economic   force it once was.

So my point, to reiterate for your obtuse arse, is that there is a shift in American thinking (at least with the rise of Trump), that fair trade must become a part of free trade. Its called Economic Nationalism.



VishMahabir posted:


Check yourself,

Why you so hyper? Stop playing with yourself and go pick a fight with someone else.

Everybody knows Trump is catering to the Red Necks. Where did did I question this fact? 

But the fact remains that America has been extending its reach since World War 2 to protect its own economic interests, while fighting communism at home and abroad. This means that the US has allowed other countries (Europe, Japan and Canada) to take advantage of its economy. Japan, for example, was guaranteed protection under the US military while they selectively borrow from American technology and invest their money into creating a new technological class and rebuild high tech industries. Canada and Europe had similar deals in other areas with the US. They had an unfair advantage even though the international economic system promoted free trade (not fair trade).

The US cannot play that role anymore because these nations's economies, including others are more competitive today (Go read Friedman's book The World is Flat, if you can read) and the US is not the powerful hegemonic economic   force it once was.

So my point, to reiterate for your obtuse arse, is that there is a shift in American thinking (at least with the rise of Trump), that fair trade must become a part of free trade. Its called Economic Nationalism.



Its true that Trudeau attacked Trump because of his own troubles at home. The Europeans are also attacking Trump for the same reasons. 

Trump's tax policies are siphoning investments out of Canada and into the USA.

Thats not the whole picture, and not all of it is true....the US made the same case with the Europeans and Jagan.

VishMahabir posted:


Check yourself,

Why you so hyper? Stop playing with yourself and go pick a fight with someone else.

Everybody knows Trump is catering to the Red Necks. Where did did I question this fact? 

But the fact remains that America has been extending its reach since World War 2 to protect its own economic interests, while fighting communism at home and abroad. This means that the US has allowed other countries (Europe, Japan and Canada) to take advantage of its economy. Japan, for example, was guaranteed protection under the US military while they selectively borrow from American technology and invest their money into creating a new technological class and rebuild high tech industries. Canada and Europe had similar deals in other areas with the US. They had an unfair advantage even though the international economic system promoted free trade (not fair trade).

The US cannot play that role anymore because these nations's economies, including others are more competitive today (Go read Friedman's book The World is Flat, if you can read) and the US is not the powerful hegemonic economic   force it once was.

So my point, to reiterate for your obtuse arse, is that there is a shift in American thinking (at least with the rise of Trump), that fair trade must become a part of free trade. Its called Economic Nationalism.



You just confirmed your clownishness!  The "Red Necks" are above you with reasoning!  At least they have a personalize reason!  You are a simpleton joker!

VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Check yourself,

Why you so hyper? Stop playing with yourself and go pick a fight with someone else.

Everybody knows Trump is catering to the Red Necks. Where did did I question this fact? 

But the fact remains that America has been extending its reach since World War 2 to protect its own economic interests, while fighting communism at home and abroad. This means that the US has allowed other countries (Europe, Japan and Canada) to take advantage of its economy. Japan, for example, was guaranteed protection under the US military while they selectively borrow from American technology and invest their money into creating a new technological class and rebuild high tech industries. Canada and Europe had similar deals in other areas with the US. They had an unfair advantage even though the international economic system promoted free trade (not fair trade).

The US cannot play that role anymore because these nations's economies, including others are more competitive today (Go read Friedman's book The World is Flat, if you can read) and the US is not the powerful hegemonic economic   force it once was.

So my point, to reiterate for your obtuse arse, is that there is a shift in American thinking (at least with the rise of Trump), that fair trade must become a part of free trade. Its called Economic Nationalism.



Its true that Trudeau attacked Trump because of his own troubles at home. The Europeans are also attacking Trump for the same reasons. 

Trump's tax policies are siphoning investments out of Canada and into the USA.

Thats not the whole picture, and not all of it is true....the US made the same case with the Europeans and Jagan.

So either you are hopelessly in love with Trump, or you cant read. You better hope he doesnt deport your arse. 

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Check yourself,

Why you so hyper? Stop playing with yourself and go pick a fight with someone else.

Everybody knows Trump is catering to the Red Necks. Where did did I question this fact? 

But the fact remains that America has been extending its reach since World War 2 to protect its own economic interests, while fighting communism at home and abroad. This means that the US has allowed other countries (Europe, Japan and Canada) to take advantage of its economy. Japan, for example, was guaranteed protection under the US military while they selectively borrow from American technology and invest their money into creating a new technological class and rebuild high tech industries. Canada and Europe had similar deals in other areas with the US. They had an unfair advantage even though the international economic system promoted free trade (not fair trade).

The US cannot play that role anymore because these nations's economies, including others are more competitive today (Go read Friedman's book The World is Flat, if you can read) and the US is not the powerful hegemonic economic   force it once was.

So my point, to reiterate for your obtuse arse, is that there is a shift in American thinking (at least with the rise of Trump), that fair trade must become a part of free trade. Its called Economic Nationalism.



You just confirmed your clownishness!  The "Red Necks" are above you with reasoning!  At least they have a personalize reason!  You are a simpleton joker!

Ya got anything new to say to my response, or you simply gon repeat the clown act you mentioned twice above? Or you have an intelligent response to what I said?

Your guru, Trump, should really deport your arse back to that mud hut tree house you left in Guyana. You better bring a tall ladder to the wall because he building it to keep out brown people like you.

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Trump is a knucklehead, but he knows how to run the economy


...its not meant as a compliment for Trump

ahmmmm, OK . . .   

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
seignet posted:

simply expresses the mindset of some individuals.

Just look at these jokers, Trump is off trying to rein in a nuke horse gone wild and these clowns playing jackass!

Yo Beavis and Butthead, Trump is doing his best to get on side with NK and Russia and possibly China as he #&#%s up America's allies. Don't be surprised if he is exposed as a Russian mole.


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