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Originally Posted by Kari:

These two characters are oblivious to history and geo-politics. They have inane ideas about societal responses to extremism in any form - be it religious, ethnic, racial or political or class or caste.


It's a waste of time engaging them in any sane discussion. That's my take - what's yours?

How do we deal with them? What is the method to absolve us of them and what is the time frame?

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Kari:

These two characters are oblivious to history and geo-politics. They have inane ideas about societal responses to extremism in any form - be it religious, ethnic, racial or political or class or caste.


It's a waste of time engaging them in any sane discussion. That's my take - what's yours?

How do we deal with them? What is the method to absolve us of them and what is the time frame?

Don't worry Kari.  Just hope that you don't find out how Americans will treat you if ISIS sets off a bomb in a major US city with scores of victims.


What is your solution to the problem.  None that I can see.


The Talibans are barbarians too and Obama made a peace deal with them. How can Kari discount ISIS as non- Muslim when these people willing to sacrifice their lives for their religion? Plus, why Obama cant make a deal with them as he did to the Talibans? Remember, the real non-Muslim will like to understand why ISIS is unbeatable by the superpowers. May be God is on their side?

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

Isis lover snake, keep on showering those creeps with love and you will surely be visited by guys in shiny black shoes.

I think the snake has lost his mind. Do those guys still wear shiny black shoes? Most of the ones I see seem to be wearing raggedy black sneakers.

My buddies are usually well suits but shiny shoes, yes. The undercover guys wear just about anything but shiny shoes.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Are they the only insane people killing Muslims? Every non-muslim is consider infidels according to the Qur'an. When the Twin Towers came down, the whole of ME chant death to America. Are these people NOT good Muslims?



The sad part of this is that there are many who believe this ignorance, and I suggest that Muslims don't take too much comfort in this country safeguarding their civil rights.   I do recall 9/11 and how many Arabs had to run and hide in Harlem, when crowds in mid town were abusing them.


Last Friday, the same day of the Paris attack, the Kurds and Yazidis retook Sinjar town cutting off the supply lines between ISIS in Syria and ISIS in Iraq. The US armed these people and provided the air power and intelligence to squeeze their balls.


The US bombed over 80% of their oil infrastructure and some of the illicit traders over the past month.


The US got the Shiite-dominated Iraqi government to embrace some Sunni leaders on the Sunni provinces, just like the US did in the 2006-2007 Sunni awakening that led to the demise of Al Qaeda in Iraq. These leaders have been put back in charge of administration including security. These Sunnis will turn on these vile ISIS, now that they have been cut off from the Syrian faction.


The Russians are pounding the shit out of Raqqa, their capital in Syria. The French and Russians are sharing attack duties and intel. We'll see about the outcome of the talks Obama had with Putin at the G20 in Turkey this past week.


The good thing about these efforts is that you're getting Arab Muslims to take care of these barbarians.


ISIS is going to go the way of Al Qaeda, but it will take some time. Even if you get rid of these bastards you are not going to get rid of terrorism that easily. The US has done a good job on the Homeland since 9/11, spending over half a Trillion dollars in that effort. The Europeans have to beef up their spending in this area.


Once these brutes get exterminated, watch how Boko Haram, Al Shabab, Al Nusra and the other Al Qaeda affiliates and the ISIS affiliates in Libya and elsewhere will dissipate. It's like cutting off the head and there is no more trough to drink from. ISIS has been a magnet for foreign fighters and so on, but you have to remember that their greatest strength has been the Baathist Generals, Colonels and all those Saddam Administrators. Without them ISIS would have been like Al Nusra and the other dwindling Al Qaeda groups.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Last Friday, the same day of the Paris attack, the Kurds and Yazidis retook Sinjar town cutting off the supply lines between ISIS in Syria and ISIS in Iraq.

You sound like a GOP who think that ISIS is a country.  After the Islamists were chased out of Somalia they promptly decided to make havoc in Kenya, doing severe damage to that country's economy.


ISIS can be effective, once they have access to encrypted cell phones and the internet, and you are really stupid if you fail to understand this.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


How can Kari discount ISIS as non- Muslim when these people willing to sacrifice their lives for their religion?

They are not sacrificing their lives for their religion. They are an evil group using Islam as a cover to commit heinous acts against all, Muslims as well as non-Muslims.

These Islamists couldn't survive without massive help from others. Elements in Saudi Arabia fund these louts and any one who thinks otherwise are being quite naÃŊve.  Why are these groups active around the Middle East, South Asia, Africa and Europe if they were only impoverished people living in caves?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Last Friday, the same day of the Paris attack, the Kurds and Yazidis retook Sinjar town cutting off the supply lines between ISIS in Syria and ISIS in Iraq.

You sound like a GOP who think that ISIS is a country.  After the Islamists were chased out of Somalia they promptly decided to make havoc in Kenya, doing severe damage to that country's economy.


ISIS can be effective, once they have access to encrypted cell phones and the internet, and you are really stupid if you fail to understand this.

Banna you're a real ass. ISIS is all about the Caliphate and a Salafist apocalyptic end-of-world scenario. They hate the Al Qaeda and Al Nusra models.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


How can Kari discount ISIS as non- Muslim when these people willing to sacrifice their lives for their religion?

They are not sacrificing their lives for their religion. They are an evil group using Islam as a cover to commit heinous acts against all, Muslims as well as non-Muslims.

These Islamists couldn't survive without massive help from others. Elements in Saudi Arabia fund these louts and any one who thinks otherwise are being quite naÃŊve.  Why are these groups active around the Middle East, South Asia, Africa and Europe if they were only impoverished people living in caves?

Because is so close and friendly with the Saudis, I have to think that the Saudis' hands are clean.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Banna you're a real ass. ISIS is all about the Caliphate and a Salafist apocalyptic end-of-world scenario. They hate the Al Qaeda and Al Nusra models.

And yet you scream that the end of ISIS means the end of these other groups.


Kari which other religion in 2015 has so many groups killing, using the religion as an excuse?  And doing so on an almost global basis.


Why is Islam so cursed?  This is what the Muslim majority should be dealing with, instead of pretending that there isn't a problem.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


How can Kari discount ISIS as non- Muslim when these people willing to sacrifice their lives for their religion?

They are not sacrificing their lives for their religion. They are an evil group using Islam as a cover to commit heinous acts against all, Muslims as well as non-Muslims.

These Islamists couldn't survive without massive help from others. Elements in Saudi Arabia fund these louts and any one who thinks otherwise are being quite naÃŊve.  Why are these groups active around the Middle East, South Asia, Africa and Europe if they were only impoverished people living in caves?

Because is so close and friendly with the Saudis, I have to think that the Saudis' hands are clean.

It was known since 9/11 that the Saudis were funding these various groups. Did people really think that Al Qaeda was making money from the caves of Afghanistan?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:


Once these brutes get exterminated, watch how Boko Haram, Al Shabab, Al Nusra and the other Al Qaeda affiliates

These groups pre existed ISIS.  What nonsense are you talking about?

English language is your problem. Who gives a shit about who precedes whom? The point is that those other groups represent a particular model and they are not anchored like ISIS is in territories. Watch how these other groups will get the attention from lessons learned over the years. They can melt in the population, and especially in Africa, the US has paid scant attention. The point is diminish ISIS and then turn on these otyher ass holes.


I ask myself why the hell are you fighting on this topic, caribny, and I can only think that you are an agent of ISIS. I better watch out for your ass.

Originally Posted by Kari:

I ask myself why the hell are you fighting on this topic, caribny, and I can only think that you are an agent of ISIS. I better watch out for your ass.

Kari YOU are the Muslim NOT I. Those who are watching will be watching YOU who pretend as if there isn't a major problem which needs to be dealt with with Muslims being the BEST people to end it for all.


The reason why your hero Obama isn't interested in boots on the ground is that he knows full well that ISIS can operate, even if they aren't tied to specific territories.  Paris was planned NOT in Syria, but in FRANCE as most of the men involved were FRENCH!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Banna you're a real ass. ISIS is all about the Caliphate and a Salafist apocalyptic end-of-world scenario. They hate the Al Qaeda and Al Nusra models.

And yet you scream that the end of ISIS means the end of these other groups.


Kari which other religion in 2015 has so many groups killing, using the religion as an excuse?  And doing so on an almost global basis.


Why is Islam so cursed?  This is what the Muslim majority should be dealing with, instead of pretending that there isn't a problem.

The Taliban, who had no interest outside of Afghanistan and Pakistan, sheltered Osama and his Al Qaeda morons. Al QAeda was born because of US troops in the holy land.


The US criminal intervention in Iraq killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians by both the Saddam Baathists, the Shiite Brigade and the US.


The Arab Spring was a peaceful protest movement by US backed generals started killing their own people.


The ISIS people started their shit when the Baathists came on borad.


Why do you exaggerate how these Muslims are doing all te killing. Who gets killed? Mostly Muslims. So many got killed in Beirut and no shyte about that. then Paris caused caribny to go to the mountain top, just like ISIS wants him to.


you are skewing this argument. You know what? It's time to treat you like a stupid ignoramus.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Why do you exaggerate how these Muslims are doing all te killing. Who gets killed? Mostly Muslims. So many got killed in Beirut and no shyte about that. then Paris caused caribny to go to the mountain top, just like ISIS wants him to.


you are skewing this argument. You know what? It's time to treat you like a stupid ignoramus.

Tell you what Kari.  As far as the world is concerned Muslims can kill Muslims, just as Africans can kill Africans.


When Muslims however start killing Europeans, and threatening to kill North Americans, its a whole different show. Look at how mobilized these people get when they are affected. We saw this on 9/11, and we saw this again with Paris.


Given that Muslims escape atrocities from Muslims by fleeing to majority Christian lands I suggest to you that the attitudes of these people towards Muslims isn't going to go unnoted. Especially as these people remain the most powerful on this planet, even pulling in the Chinese with them. And yes China also has its Muslim "problem" and will gladly justify its treatment of these people by painting them with the jihadist brush, even though it is undeserved in their case.


So Kari, even as you pretend that ISIS is an isolated incident, and the other jihadists are also marginal, many others will use the fact that those frauds have tarnished the image of the Muslims by using this as justification for bigotry.


The Russians will use this, as will the Chinese. As will Le Pen in France, or Cameron in the UK, as he seeks to steal votes from UKIP.  The ENTIRE GOP in the USA.  Or Israel. All are happy as ever while the .00001% make the remaining 99.9999% look bad.


Muslims will suffer most, by ignoring the hijacking of your religion by tribal desert nomads.


You can get hysterical as you wish Kari, but you do know that every single other Muslim, who is responding to these threads, sees some truth in what I say.   Any of them running to your defense?



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The Talibans are barbarians too and Obama made a peace deal with them. How can Kari discount ISIS as non- Muslim when these people willing to sacrifice their lives for their religion? Plus, why Obama cant make a deal with them as he did to the Talibans? Remember, the real non-Muslim will like to understand why ISIS is unbeatable by the superpowers. May be God is on their side?

Not god, but Obama's weakness.  Remember, Satan also had his moments of "glory".

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


How can Kari discount ISIS as non- Muslim when these people willing to sacrifice their lives for their religion?

They are not sacrificing their lives for their religion. They are an evil group using Islam as a cover to commit heinous acts against all, Muslims as well as non-Muslims.

These Islamists couldn't survive without massive help from others. Elements in Saudi Arabia fund these louts and any one who thinks otherwise are being quite naÃŊve.  Why are these groups active around the Middle East, South Asia, Africa and Europe if they were only impoverished people living in caves?

Because is so close and friendly with the Saudis, I have to think that the Saudis' hands are clean.

It was known since 9/11 that the Saudis were funding these various groups. Did people really think that Al Qaeda was making money from the caves of Afghanistan?

ISIS is also a creation of the Satanic House of Saud, just like Al Qaeda and the Taliban and many Islamic terrorists groups around the world.  These Wahab devil worshipers are trying to impose their evil brand around the world.  They made a major miscalculation in driving down oil prices to bankrupt Russia and Iran, lets hope they run bankrupt and implode and go back to riding camels.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Last Friday, the same day of the Paris attack, the Kurds and Yazidis retook Sinjar town cutting off the supply lines between ISIS in Syria and ISIS in Iraq.

You sound like a GOP who think that ISIS is a country.  After the Islamists were chased out of Somalia they promptly decided to make havoc in Kenya, doing severe damage to that country's economy.


ISIS can be effective, once they have access to encrypted cell phones and the internet, and you are really stupid if you fail to understand this.

Banna you're a real ass. ISIS is all about the Caliphate and a Salafist apocalyptic end-of-world scenario. They hate the Al Qaeda and Al Nusra models.

Stop peddling shyte.  ISIL is more than about the Caliphate.  Granted they prefer to focus and strengthen that entity now, but their aim is to reign mayhem and destruction much wider afield.  They don't hate Al Qaeda, they are just rivals in the same evil domain.


Bhai Nehru, this is above your pay grade (cheap likka grade ). The Arab States are indeed in the Middle East and are indeed Muslims - mostly of the Sunni persuasion. However all those dastardly organizations that v=create terror, mayhem and do beheadings in the name of Islam are not Muslims. Islam does not brook those actions, dos not condone them and frown upon them. Anybody can say they do this and do that in the name of God, and they can take passages and twist it to say "this is my authority from God", but that doesn't make it so.


The apologists for these Muslim terror groups are a part of the problem too. The first thing that needs to be done is to accept that there is a problem in the Muslim community. Burying your head in the sand and saying that these terrorists are not Muslim, when they obviously are Muslim, will not help to solve the problem. 



Originally Posted by Mars:

The apologists for these Muslim terror groups are a part of the problem too. The first thing that needs to be done is to accept that there is a problem in the Muslim community. Burying your head in the sand and saying that these terrorists are not Muslim, when they obviously are Muslim, will not help to solve the problem. 



OUCH!!!   Head in Sand is his favorite position.

Originally Posted by Mars:

The apologists for these Muslim terror groups are a part of the problem too. The first thing that needs to be done is to accept that there is a problem in the Muslim community. Burying your head in the sand and saying that these terrorists are not Muslim, when they obviously are Muslim, will not help to solve the problem. 



I need you to define "The apologists for these Muslim terror groups". Who exactly are they and what make them apologists?


Define a Muslim for me and show how these barbarian subhumans are Muslims. What make them Muslims? Saying Allah-o-akbar when they chop off heads? Saying their doing Allah's work? Those things don't make them Muslims.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mars:

The apologists for these Muslim terror groups are a part of the problem too. The first thing that needs to be done is to accept that there is a problem in the Muslim community. Burying your head in the sand and saying that these terrorists are not Muslim, when they obviously are Muslim, will not help to solve the problem. 



OUCH!!!   Head in Sand is his favorite position.

Little girls must be seen and not heard from, you clown. Let me put ny business in your favorite position you little girl.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mars:

The apologists for these Muslim terror groups are a part of the problem too. The first thing that needs to be done is to accept that there is a problem in the Muslim community. Burying your head in the sand and saying that these terrorists are not Muslim, when they obviously are Muslim, will not help to solve the problem. 



I need you to define "The apologists for these Muslim terror groups". Who exactly are they and what make them apologists?


Define a Muslim for me and show how these barbarian subhumans are Muslims. What make them Muslims? Saying Allah-o-akbar when they chop off heads? Saying their doing Allah's work? Those things don't make them Muslims.

Muslims do not stop being Muslims if they commit a sin. If that were the case, you or anyone else won't be a Muslim since we all sin. Who are you to judge a Muslim? I thought that was up to the imaginary man in the sky. Apologists like you, who try to bamboozle infidels with your nonsense, are the reason why the problem with Islamic Fundamentalists is getting worse. Instead of accepting that there is a problem in the Muslim community, you cover it up by denying that these people are Muslim. To fix a problem, you must first accept that there is a problem.       

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mars:

The apologists for these Muslim terror groups are a part of the problem too. The first thing that needs to be done is to accept that there is a problem in the Muslim community. Burying your head in the sand and saying that these terrorists are not Muslim, when they obviously are Muslim, will not help to solve the problem. 



I need you to define "The apologists for these Muslim terror groups". Who exactly are they and what make them apologists?


Define a Muslim for me and show how these barbarian subhumans are Muslims. What make them Muslims? Saying Allah-o-akbar when they chop off heads? Saying their doing Allah's work? Those things don't make them Muslims.

Muslims do not stop being Muslims if they commit a sin. If that were the case, you or anyone else won't be a Muslim since we all sin. Who are you to judge a Muslim? I thought that was up to the imaginary man in the sky. Apologists like you, who try to bamboozle infidels with your nonsense, are the reason why the problem with Islamic Fundamentalists is getting worse. Instead of accepting that there is a problem in the Muslim community, you cover it up by denying that these people are Muslim. To fix a problem, you must first accept that there is a problem.       

There is a problem with the Islamic religion, yes. But it is a tiny group that abandons the principles of Islam and use its name to justify barbaric killings, behaedings and cause terror. This group has morphed into a quasi state and it is on this level that the world has to deal with it. Focusing on the religion Islam misses the point, except where mosques are hijacked and usewd for plotting and planning, if that's the case. This is why some religious centers are under surveillance (just like other extremists).


I'm calling for a focus in the discussion on what is done at the military and political level, and it is clear that the quasi-state ISIS is not at the strength it was when it was marauding through Syria and Iraq Sunni territory seizing towns.


Apologists like you, who try to bamboozle infidels with your nonsense, are the reason why the problem with Islamic Fundamentalists is getting worse.


You know what, if it makes sing and dance to call me an apologist, be my guest. what does it solve for you? You eat better? You sleep better? You have more success in life?


Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mars:

The apologists for these Muslim terror groups are a part of the problem too. The first thing that needs to be done is to accept that there is a problem in the Muslim community. Burying your head in the sand and saying that these terrorists are not Muslim, when they obviously are Muslim, will not help to solve the problem. 



I need you to define "The apologists for these Muslim terror groups". Who exactly are they and what make them apologists?



You are because otherwise you would at a minimum conceded that the Muslim religion has a poor image among non Muslims, as there is a global reign of terror by people claiming to act on behalf of Muslims.  INCLUSIVE OF IMAMS!


This has long gone passed being the acts of one or two mad men, as we have seen terror in places as disparate as Australia, Kenya, Nigeria, France, Sweden, the UK and of course the USA. This in addition to the mayhem in the Middle East.


No other religion has this problem!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
 surveillance (just like other extremists).


I'm calling for a focus in the discussion on what is done at the military and political level,



Bombings in Australia, Canada, Paris, London?  What the hell does all of that have to do with a political/military campaign.  In most cases the people involved were born in the countries where they committed bloodthirsty acts.


WHY do we see so many incidents of this type involving Muslims GLOBALLY.  NO other religion has suffered this fate?


You need to answer the why, before you go an some rampage about what is happening to the "Caliphate".

I agree with Mars. Somewhere along the lines Muslims decided that they will be the protector of Allah's religion even as they proclaime that Allah is fully capable of protecting His religion. When the charges were made against the Catholic priests Christians did not feel the need to defend Christianity. They just recognize that a crime may have been committed and went ahead seeking justice for it. Granted that Muslims and Islam gets dragged into the conversation when these lunatics do what they do. Unfortunately it is these lunatics who first drag Islam into the conversation by claiming they their actions are Islamic. So yes, Muslims do have a crises and they better come to terms with it.
Originally Posted by Kari:

You know what, if it makes sing and dance to call me an apologist, be my guest. what does it solve for you? You eat better? You sleep better? You have more success in life?


As a non Muslim he doesn't have to care, unless he is one of those folks who have nightmares about the terrorists.


YOU on the other hand as a Muslim need to be concerned by the degree to which many otherwise normal people are now thinking the worst of Muslims, and with each major media reported incident, it gets even worse.


We had Boko Haram and those girls.  We had the mall bombing in Kenya. We had assassination of the French magazine employees, the bombing of the Russian plane, and now Paris.   And this on top of 9/11 and 7/7 in NYC and London.  These events all being widely reported.


Care to identify violent fanatics of other religions, purporting to kill in the name of the God, spreading such worldwide mayhem?

Last edited by Former Member

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