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Kaieteur News again slammed for misinformationPDFPrintE-mail
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Tuesday, 28 August 2012 21:47
MINISTER of Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali has again slammed the Kaieteur News for misinformation, this time published in its August 28 edition under the article titled “APNU signs off on NCN “corruption’ debates: Challenges Irfaan Ali statement on CJIA expansion”. Minister Ali singled out the second paragraph of the article, which reads: “Joseph Harmon, a Member of Parliament for APNU, has sought to challenge Minister Irfaan Ali, who on Sunday’s programme stated that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had advised that there is need for an Environmental Impact Assessment for the expansion project for the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.”
Minister Ali clearly stated, “I have never made any comment, whether directly or indirectly, on the issue of whether an Environmental Impact Assessment was done or that the Environmental Protection Agency advised that there was no need for such an assessment.”
He challenged the Kaieteur News and Mr. Harmon to look back at the recording and that they would find that at no time did he make such a comment.
For Mr. Harmon and, by extension, the APNU to attribute the comment to him (Minister Ali), is to seek to mislead the public, the minister stated.
Minister Ali reiterated that government remains committed to developing a relocation plan for the residents living in the proximity of the CJIA, since being in their current location presents a great danger to their safety and well-being. He said that the Minister of Public Works, Robeson Benn and he have been “in continuous dialogue and discussion in working to formulate a relocation plan which we are hoping the residents would take ownership of.”
He added this must be done for the plan to be successful, and pointed out that over the years; numerous notices have been issued to residents living in this community.
Minister Ali provided copies of notices sent to residents in this regard and other documents which verify that government has been engaging the community in an effort to relocate residents in an amicable manner, in keeping with their socio-economic well-being.

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