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Kaieteur News clutching at straws to mask alleged wrongdoings – says PPP

October 14, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is keenly following the issue regarding the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) and the Publisher of the Kaieteur News, Mr. Glenn Lall. While we await the outcome of current investigations into alleged tax evasion and misuse of benefits for re-migrants, our Party has noted two interesting developments emanating from the reportage of the Kaieteur News.

The first has to do with that newspaper purposely trying to divert from the real issues and implying that it’s about the government wanting to close the entity. The question must be asked of the Kaieteur News; how does an issue of alleged tax evasion and abuse of some benefits of the re-migrant scheme be deemed an attack on freedom of expression?

Similar, recent concoctions by the Kaieteur News resulted when it maliciously published misinformation regarding logging protocols by a foreign company. The facts presented by the relevant agency exposed the newspaper’s proclivity to publish biased and unsubstantiated reports.

The Kaieteur News needs to be reminded that it was established under the PPP-led government which restored freedom of expression to this country after decades on oppression imposed by the dictatorial People’s National Congress (PNC) regime.

During that oppressive reign, many were jailed and some lost their lives in the struggle to freely express themselves. Then there were only two daily newspapers, three private television stations and the government TV and radio channels. Today, there are four established daily newspapers, over fifteen private television stations, some ten private radio stations and numerous online news entities, most of them owned privately.

Journalists, Columnists and Commentators, on a daily basis, freely express themselves without any semblance of fear which permeated the landscape under the PNC dictatorship. The fact that this freedom of expression has now become engrained in our society is testimony to the tenets of democracy that prevails.

Guyanese must be cognizant of these attempts by the Kaieteur News to deceive and not allow themselves to be hoodwinked in the process. The record of the PPP and the government it leads in defence of press freedom and freedom of expression is unmatched in our nation.

Secondly, Kaieteur News is now calling on the Guyanese public to stand by it on the face of what it sees as an attempt to close its operations. We believe that this is clearly a desperate effort by the newspaper to evoke sympathy.

What is even more astonishing is the automatic show of support by the Opposition regarding the newspaper’s fabrication. While this is unsurprising given the newspaper’s role in propagating and defending the Opposition, some questions therefore must be asked. Is the Opposition saying that it supports the evasion of taxes by an individual or entity as alleged? If that’s the case, then it’s another demonstration by the Opposition condoning illegalities.

Many Guyanese, including Government and Party officials, have in the past condemned the newspaper for its unethical and unprofessional journalism which is being used to assassinate and smear peoples’ characters. Our Party must ask if this is what the Opposition supports.

The PPP remains cognizant of the prevailing freedom of expression within our country and, as such, respects the Opposition’s right to support anything it chooses including alleged unlawful activities. However, in so doing, the Opposition has once again demonstrated its engrained propensity for such actions and to remain hypocritical.


Editor’s Note:
The charges against the publisher of this newspaper and his wife are trumped up. These charges have been instituted by a government that is desperate to snuff out criticisms.

We have established clearly that the charges formed part of ongoing witch-hunt by the ruling administration to stifle criticism and independent thinking. The attacks to which the independent  media in Guyana have been subjected under the PPP regime, makes a mockery of the ruling party’s claim to be upholding press freedom. The PPP has been engaged in sustained attacks on the independent media.

Its latest foray has been these trumped up charges leveled against the Kaieteur News publisher and his wife. The PPP in its most recent statement continues to accuse the Lall’s of tax evasion.

In fact, even before any evidence has been led in the case before the Courts, the PPP have deemed the Lalls’ guilty. Yet, despite the hype that the Guyana Revenue Authority and by extension the government has placed on the alleged massive tax evasion running into tens of millions of dollars, the lawyers for the GRA did not object to Mr. and Mrs. Lall being released on their own recognizance.

If as is being alleged, the Lalls have defrauded the State of tens of millions of dollars, why did the prosecutors not object to them being released on their own recognizance? Why did they not insist on bail?

If as is being alleged there has been massive evasion of taxes, why was substantial bail not demanded by the prosecution?

The PPPC has a discredited own record of press freedom. The government now has the unenviable record of hounding persons who are opposed to them. They have the record of both using and withholding State resources so as to punish those who criticize.
And now, according to email published by this newspaper, the plotters are keen to muzzle Kaieteur News.


Source - http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....rongdoings-says-ppp/

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Absolutely, his supporters are simply condoning Criminal Acts. They probably get some bread and butter from Lall.

What else you expect from KN editor? Only PPP do wrong.


Let the investigation into Lall’s actions speak for itself – PPP

- questions KN’s claims of attack on press freedom, Opposition support

October 13, 2014, Source - Guyana Chronicle


THE charge by Kaieteur News that there is an attack on press freedom afoot, following allegations of tax evasion by its publisher, Glenn Lall, and its call on the public for support, have been noted by the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP).And the PPP contends that these two positions are “interesting” developments emanating from the reports in the local daily.

“The People’s Progressive Party is keenly following the issue regarding the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) and the publisher of the Kaieteur News, Mr. Glenn Lall….we await the outcome of current investigations into alleged tax evasion and misuse of benefits for re-migrants,” the party said in a statement issued yesterday.


On the issue of press freedom, the PPP questioned the correlation between allegations of tax evasion and talk of an attack on press freedom.

“The question must be asked of the Kaieteur News; how does an issue of alleged tax evasion and abuse of some benefits of the re-migrant scheme be deemed an attack on freedom of expression?” the party said.

The ruling party contends that there seems to be an attempt to purposely divert attention from the real issues. “(They) are implying that it’s about the Government wanting to close the entity,” the party said.

According to the PPP, the Kaieteur News needs to be reminded that it was the PPP-led Government that restored freedom of expression to this country after decades of oppression imposed by the dictatorial People’s National Congress (PNC) regime.

The party said, “During that oppressive reign many were jailed and some lost their lives in the struggle to freely express themselves. Then there were only two daily newspapers, three private television stations and the government TV and radio channels.

“Today, there are four established daily newspapers, over fifteen private television stations, some ten private radio stations and numerous online news entities, most of them owned privately. Journalists, columnists and commentators, on a daily basis, freely express themselves without any semblance of fear which permeated the landscape under the PNC dictatorship.”

The ruling party stressed that freedom of expression has now become engrained in our society and is testimony to the tenets of democracy that prevails.

“Guyanese must be cognizant of these attempts by the Kaieteur News to deceive and not allow themselves to be hoodwinked in the process. The record of the PPP and the Government it leads in defence of press freedom and freedom of expression is unmatched in our nation,” it said.


On the issue of a public call for support, the PPP stated that the grounds on which the calls for support are based are questionable.

The Kaieteur News, in a Page One comment titled, ‘Will you stand by us’, last week appealed to the public for solidarity, in the face of what it alleges is a ploy by people in high places to destroy its operations.

“We call on all political parties, trade unions, the Guyana Bar Association, the religious community, the Guyana Press Association, other civil society groupings and you the citizens to rally by the side of Kaieteur News,” the local daily said.

Simultaneously, the joint opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC), also indicated their willingness to support the paper.

General-Secretary of APNU, Mr. Joseph Harmon, was quoted in an edition of the Kaieteur News as saying, “We want to put the Government and Sattaur on notice that we will not sit idly by and watch them violate the rights of citizens,” adding that the newspaper has the Coalition’s “unwavering” support in the fight for democracy against the powers-that-be.

The AFC, in a separate statement, has also expressed similar sentiments. “The AFC executive meeting on Saturday also expressed solidarity with Kaieteur News, which is being subjected to attempts to muzzle the free press.”

AFC Executive Members, Mr. Moses Nagamootoo, Mr. Nigel Hughes and its leader, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, have been the most vocal on this issue.

The PPP in commenting on the series of events since the paper made its call said, “We believe that this is clearly a desperate effort by the newspaper to evoke sympathy. What is even more astonishing is the automatic show of support by the Opposition regarding the newspaper’s fabrication.”

According to the ruling party, the Opposition parties’ stance is not surprising, given the Kaieteur News’ role in “propagating and defending” the Opposition.

“Is the Opposition saying that it supports the evasion of taxes by an individual or entity as alleged? If that’s the case, then it’s another demonstration by the Opposition condoning illegalities,” the PPP questioned.

The party made it clear that the Opposition, in supporting the local daily, has once again demonstrated its engrained propensity for such actions and to remain hypocritical.

“Many Guyanese, including Government and Party officials, have in the past condemned the newspaper for its unethical and unprofessional journalism which is being used to assassinate and smear peoples’ characters. Our Party must ask if this is what the Opposition supports….the PPP remains cognizant of the prevailing freedom of expression within our country and, as such, respects the Opposition’s right to support anything it chooses including alleged unlawful activities,” the PPP concluded.


Recently, the publisher of the Kaieteur News has been fingered in tax evasion schemes.

In early September, Lall was alleged to have evaded taxes for over a decade now. Reports are that Mr. Lall, the owner of the Guyana National Media Publishing Company, is being investigated by the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) for the importation of printing ink packaged as a CARICOM (Caribbean Community) product, which enjoys duty free concessions under the Revised Treaty of Chaguramas. Upon closer inspection, however, it was allegedly found that the origin of the inks was from overseas; and therefore in breach of the Treaty. As it relates to the progress of the investigation of the alleged tax evasion, the Guyana Chronicle has been given to understand that the necessary verification requests are still with the relevant authorities in Trinidad and Tobago.

Prior to the tax evasion allegation, Mr. Lall was fingered in an alleged remigrant duty-free concession scam.

Six criminal charges have altogether been since filed against Lall; his wife, Bhena; and Narootandeo and Gharbassi Brijnanan, who have all been implicated in the scam. The charges follow the seizure of two vehicles allegedly at the centre of a duty-free scam. The two vehicles in question, PRR 8398 and PRR 8399, were handed over to GRA and impounded at the Authority’s warehouse at the end of August, after an hours-long standoff between GRA officials and the Brijnanans’ son, Navin Sankar, a high-ranking GRA employee. An investigation was then launched to ensure that procedures and policy, as well as the provisions of the law were adhered to. The criminal charges, this newspaper understands, stem from that investigation.

Also, in mid-September, both Lall and his wife were sued by Acting Town Clerk of the Mayor and City Council, Ms. Carol Sooba, for the sum of $5,660,142.00 and $60,142 as unpaid rates and taxes for the years 2004 to 2013 in relation to their property at 24 Saffon Street. The case is currently being heard at the Georgetown Magistrates Court.

Kaieteur News’ claim of a sinister plot to destroy it, as well as its call for solidarity from the Guyanese public, is said to be linked, largely, to the GRA’s move to investigate the daily’s operations, via an impending audit. However, Guyana’s tax laws regulating the powers of the Authority are clear, and the GRA has repeatedly said its investigations are grounded on firm bases and not aimed at “destroying” the paper.



Source -


I am a bit surprised at Glen Lall's behaviour. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and now he courting thugs like Benshop to be by his side.


Face the charges like a man, chances are with the heavy name recognition attorneys that he retained, he will waqlk.

These attorneys need to advise Lall to stop acting like a clown .

Originally Posted by Chief:

I am a bit surprised at Glen Lall's behaviour. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and now he courting thugs like Benshop to be by his side.


Face the charges like a man, chances are with the heavy name recognition attorneys that he retained, he will waqlk.

These attorneys need to advise Lall to stop acting like a clown .

Glenn lall was not caught doing anything. When this case goes to trial it will be thrown out like every other bullshit case the PPP has brought against KN and other media houses to try and silence them.


The PPP is the most undemocratic government Guyana has ever seen. They are employing worse tactics and engaging in economic genocide against individuals who oppose their treachery.


The PPP is the new Burnham make no mistake about that.

Originally Posted by Chief:

I am a bit surprised at Glen Lall's behaviour. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and now he courting thugs like Benshop to be by his side.


Face the charges like a man, chances are with the heavy name recognition attorneys that he retained, he will waqlk.

These attorneys need to advise Lall to stop acting like a clown .


Politics aside,


Glen Lall is smearing his name by associating with Benshi*.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I am a bit surprised at Glen Lall's behaviour. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and now he courting thugs like Benshop to be by his side.


Face the charges like a man, chances are with the heavy name recognition attorneys that he retained, he will waqlk.

These attorneys need to advise Lall to stop acting like a clown .


Politics aside,


Glen Lall is smearing his name by associating with Benshi*.

Thank You!!

He is behaving like a Moron, pay the blasted duty for the vehicle and walk.

Originally Posted by cain:

So is it only Lall who's supposedly done what he's supposedly being charged for?

You guys are full of shit and just trying to spread it here.

Cain, Are you insane???  So others did it so why worry  What a bloody Joke and I am being nice today.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Why you idiots keep comparing the PPP to Burnham?

Burnham did not do .1%% of the thieving as the PPP.

I fully agree with you Forbes was an amateur compared to these PPP thieves.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by cain:

So is it only Lall who's supposedly done what he's supposedly being charged for?

You guys are full of shit and just trying to spread it here.

Cain, Are you insane???  So others did it so why worry  What a bloody Joke and I am being nice today.

Yes that's exactly what I am saying.

Look, when practically everyone does what the Lall's have "supposedly" done and the Govt picks on that one individual (we all know why) where is the fairness?

Cases are usually out off for years with no one seeing the inside of a courthouse..this just came about...baddam, court tarass.

Nehru, it is a Sleazy, Scummy, Corrupted Government that operates like this.


Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by cain:

So is it only Lall who's supposedly done what he's supposedly being charged for?

You guys are full of shit and just trying to spread it here.

Cain, Are you insane???  So others did it so why worry  What a bloody Joke and I am being nice today.

Yes that's exactly what I am saying.

Look, when practically everyone does what the Lall's have "supposedly" done and the Govt picks on that one individual (we all know why) where is the fairness?

Cases are usually out off for years with no one seeing the inside of a courthouse..this just came about...baddam, court tarass.

Nehru, it is a Sleazy, Scummy, Corrupted Government that operates like this.


Well you are far more WORST than them. You are a person to keep far away from.


From the Chronicle -


"Meanwhile, this newspaper’s research into the source price for a Lexus L570 is about US$80,000. Import duty for such a vehicle would be a total of US$94,500, bringing the total value of the vehicle to US$174,500, or more than G$36M for each of the vehicles imported by the Brijnanans."


Without addressing the phony charges against Lall, they really need to revise the duty on vehicles being imported into Guyana. How can a vehicle costing US$80,000 be charged duty to the tune of an additional US$94,500?


Importing a car into the US will cost you 2.5% in duty.


In Guyana, 118% 


That is highway robbery. 


Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by cain:

So is it only Lall who's supposedly done what he's supposedly being charged for?

You guys are full of shit and just trying to spread it here.

Cain, Are you insane???  So others did it so why worry  What a bloody Joke and I am being nice today.

Yes that's exactly what I am saying.

Look, when practically everyone does what the Lall's have "supposedly" done and the Govt picks on that one individual (we all know why) where is the fairness?

Cases are usually out off for years with no one seeing the inside of a courthouse..this just came about...baddam, court tarass.

Nehru, it is a Sleazy, Scummy, Corrupted Government that operates like this.


Well you are far more WORST than them. You are a person to keep far away from.

Do, Please, the smell of crap an stale booze sickens me.

Originally Posted by Mars:

From the Chronicle -


"Meanwhile, this newspaper’s research into the source price for a Lexus L570 is about US$80,000. Import duty for such a vehicle would be a total of US$94,500, bringing the total value of the vehicle to US$174,500, or more than G$36M for each of the vehicles imported by the Brijnanans."


Without addressing the phony charges against Lall, they really need to revise the duty on vehicles being imported into Guyana. How can a vehicle costing US$80,000 be charged duty to the tune of an additional US$94,500?


Importing a car into the US will cost you 2.5% in duty.


In Guyana, 118% 


That is highway robbery. 


Come on Mars, I read that too, isn't that a typo? Can't be real, no way.

Let's find out.  Let's call on our pal...Sir Councie.



Originally Posted by cain:

Originally Posted by Mars:

From the Chronicle -


"Meanwhile, this newspaper’s research into the source price for a Lexus L570 is about US$80,000. Import duty for such a vehicle would be a total of US$94,500, bringing the total value of the vehicle to US$174,500, or more than G$36M for each of the vehicles imported by the Brijnanans."


Without addressing the phony charges against Lall, they really need to revise the duty on vehicles being imported into Guyana. How can a vehicle costing US$80,000 be charged duty to the tune of an additional US$94,500?


Importing a car into the US will cost you 2.5% in duty.


In Guyana, 118% 


That is highway robbery. 


Come on Mars, I read that too, isn't that a typo? Can't be real, no way.

Let's find out.  Let's call on our pal...Sir Councie.



It's not a typo Cain. Between duty, excise taxes and VAT, you pay an exorbitant amount of money to import a new car into Guyana.
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I am a bit surprised at Glen Lall's behaviour. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and now he courting thugs like Benshop to be by his side.


Face the charges like a man, chances are with the heavy name recognition attorneys that he retained, he will waqlk.

These attorneys need to advise Lall to stop acting like a clown .


Politics aside,


Glen Lall is smearing his name by associating with Benshi*.

Thank You!!

He is behaving like a Moron, pay the blasted duty for the vehicle and walk.

Like you said the man got caught and now he is pretending he is innocent. He knows damn fully well that he is trying to beat the system. Pay the duties owed and save the attorneys' fees.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Funny thing is that the DUMB, POOR people following him are not able to realize that he is stealing from them.

Are you not describing the PPP and their supporters?

Originally Posted by cain:

So is it only Lall who's supposedly done what he's supposedly being charged for?

You guys are full of shit and just trying to spread it here.

Cain .....Suddenly everyone forget it was Anil Nandalall who had thugs using his Vehicle and Videoing these Vehicles in front of Kaiteur News on Eid Day.


No one want to mention the e-mail exchange between Jagdeo/Nandalall/Kurshid......Who Broke de Law?


And we conveintly Forget Kurshid broke the laws of Guyana by giving Jagdeo & Nandalall personal information on Glen Lall & Kaiteur News.


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