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Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Please don't leave.  We need more like you out of Guyana to post more frequently here.

The lady writes like an Activist-she might be a politician.

That's even better... GNI might be a good place  for them to get their views critique and who knows they might even advance their debating skills.


This is the second time she offered to leave. Obviously, she feels she does not belong. It is a difficult thing to post here especially if someone decides to be nasty.


I have been called every name in the book here on this site. Actually, every thing Baseman was accused of being on the closed thread I have been told I am from no other than baseman! Skeldon ape recently give me an ex wife who according to him eloped with some fellow!  Yugi thinks a fellow I knew who went to jail means I should be there as well!


The stories do get bizarre. One fellow who followed me for years here insisted I took liberties with his friends daughter and robbed him of his gold! All of this was done if one takes the chronological time frame he refers to when I was 10!


The liberty taken with the stories gets one giggly at times but the reality is the people taking the liberty to do these things have serious problems. The fact remains that if you post on a site where fights can easily escalate to the personal you will get accusations from left and right from people who do not know you but take the opportunity to imagine who you are based on their worse conception of themselves.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is the second time she offered to leave. Obviously, she feels she does not belong. It is a difficult thing to post here especially if someone decides to be nasty.


I have been called every name in the book here on this site. Actually, every thing Baseman was accused of being on the closed thread I have been told I am from no other than baseman! Skeldon ape recently give me an ex wife who according to him eloped with some fellow!  Yugi thinks a fellow I knew who went to jail means I should be there as well!


The stories do get bizarre. One fellow who followed me for years here insisted I took liberties with his friends daughter and robbed him of his gold! All of this was done if one takes the chronological time frame he refers to when I was 10!


The liberty taken with the stories gets one giggly at times but the reality is the people taking the liberty to do these things have serious problems. The fact remains that if you post on a site where fights can easily escalate to the personal you will get accusations from left and right from people who do not know you but take the opportunity to imagine who you are based on their worse conception of themselves.

Many of us share the same boat with you.


Internet Chat Boards, Blog sites and Exchange Forums (Fora for the British English folks) are places for free exchanges. These can be adversarial, mild or aggressive and for some hurtful. They are authors publishing books nd those who do critiques.


In the context of Internet freedoms anyone is free to join, stay or leave any forum. Why is the Kajol-leaving case a special one?


Kojal, you should not leave because of vile personalities like KishanB.  I just came from work and happened to see the tirade wrote to my handle.  The persons he mentioned is not baseman though baseman knows some of them.  I doubt they even read this forum however, if they do read and request any assistance is seeking legal action, I will support them.


This KishanB character claim to be AFC, one can only understand the sudden implosion of the AFC.  Dr Shameer Ally resigned in the face of internal "verbal abuse".  Well it leaves no doubt how, why and maybe who was part of that clique.


From his postings, one can only surmise, this guy (KishanB) is deeply troubled and mentally unstable.  He belongs, not in a political party, but a mental asylum.  Which party leader, in their right, would want such a character to be part of his/her bully-pulpit.  He claims he wants to be, but will never be, part of any political discourse in Guyana, never.  Guyana needs cool, calculating steady and reassuring hands, not loose cannon, shot-gun mental cases like this KishanB character.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

Kojal, you should not leave because of vile personalities like KishanB.  I just came from work and happened to see the tirade wrote to my handle.  The persons he mentioned is not baseman though baseman knows some of them.  I doubt they even read this forum however, if they do read and request any assistance is seeking legal action, I will support them.


This KishanB character claim to be AFC, one can only understand the sudden implosion of the AFC.  Dr Shameer Ally resigned in the face of internal "verbal abuse".  Well it leaves no doubt how, why and maybe who was part of that clique.


From his postings, one can only surmise, this guy (KishanB) is deeply troubled and mentally unstable.  He belongs, not in a political party, but a mental asylum.  Which party leader, in their right, would want such a character to be part of his/her bully-pulpit.  He claims he wants to be, but will never be, part of any political discourse in Guyana, never.  Guyana needs cool, calculating steady and reassuring hands, not loose cannon, shot-gun mental cases like this KishanB character.

Looks like you got "Bushed" - must be the avatar....the constipated smirk....

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Kojal, you should not leave because of vile personalities like KishanB.  I just came from work and happened to see the tirade wrote to my handle.  The persons he mentioned is not baseman though baseman knows some of them.  I doubt they even read this forum however, if they do read and request any assistance is seeking legal action, I will support them.


This KishanB character claim to be AFC, one can only understand the sudden implosion of the AFC.  Dr Shameer Ally resigned in the face of internal "verbal abuse".  Well it leaves no doubt how, why and maybe who was part of that clique.


From his postings, one can only surmise, this guy (KishanB) is deeply troubled and mentally unstable.  He belongs, not in a political party, but a mental asylum.  Which party leader, in their right, would want such a character to be part of his/her bully-pulpit.  He claims he wants to be, but will never be, part of any political discourse in Guyana, never.  Guyana needs cool, calculating steady and reassuring hands, not loose cannon, shot-gun mental cases like this KishanB character.

Looks like you got "Bushed" - must be the avatar....the constipated smirk....

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Kojal, you should not leave because of vile personalities like KishanB.  I just came from work and happened to see the tirade wrote to my handle.  The persons he mentioned is not baseman though baseman knows some of them.  I doubt they even read this forum however, if they do read and request any assistance is seeking legal action, I will support them.


This KishanB character claim to be AFC, one can only understand the sudden implosion of the AFC.  Dr Shameer Ally resigned in the face of internal "verbal abuse".  Well it leaves no doubt how, why and maybe who was part of that clique.


From his postings, one can only surmise, this guy (KishanB) is deeply troubled and mentally unstable.  He belongs, not in a political party, but a mental asylum.  Which party leader, in their right, would want such a character to be part of his/her bully-pulpit.  He claims he wants to be, but will never be, part of any political discourse in Guyana, never.  Guyana needs cool, calculating steady and reassuring hands, not loose cannon, shot-gun mental cases like this KishanB character.

Looks like you got "Bushed" - must be the avatar....the constipated smirk....

That banna, who/what ever he/she is, ain't going anywhere in Guyana politics, if that's his desire.  He is a nut case.


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