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The Opposition BEGGED the Government for a working class Budget. Fat chance!


MORE Billions for them PPP people.


Black people dead in Guyana.  Poor people dead in Guyana.  Single Mother Dead in Guyana and the Young people dead in Guyana.


THANKS to the PPP.


Is it a physiological compulsion of the PPP to cheat the poor people of Guyana.


Is tiefing all they know?

Why is the PPP so bitter against the working class since Jagan dead?

DR DR DR DR DR BT PLUG in particular, is so bitter against the people since today DANALD blaming him for the political state of the PPP.


As one of them PPP people seh




Watch out first casualty from the now angry DANALD is Robert Persawad.


The plan is as soon as LUNCHman come out of HOSPITAL - they will KAMLAIOZED (KAMLA TNT) Robert.

Sadly, the PPP need not be here, Jagan left them a good estate but is them tief who buggering up everything.





Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

You write as if you did not complete third standard in school. You are making a fool of yourself and the AFC.


Keep it up.


Will you start flooding the board with your nonsense again ?

EH EH, the fool open his mouth.


Let me make it clear, I am not a member of any Party in Guyana.  The AFC like the other fools (PPP=PNC) are also making MAJOR mistakes.


Why so many young people leaving Guyana.


I going to get my long boots since the flood about to start.



Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You write as if you did not complete third standard in school. You are making a fool of yourself and the AFC.


Keep it up.


Will you start flooding the board with your nonsense again ?

EH EH, the fool open his mouth.


Let me make it clear, I am not a member of any Party in Guyana.  The AFC like the other fools (PPP=PNC) are also making MAJOR mistakes.


Why so many young people leaving Guyana.


I going to get my long boots since the flood about to start.




I see every post of yours in support of the AFC/PNC.


Snake Oil Days are gone. The people will pelt rotten eggs at the stinking AFC.


I do not see you posting about massive and corruption in the AFC. The AFC is the most rotten and stinking party in the history of Guyana.


AFC members like TK fled for their lives at the stench of corruption. If you had any decency you would have commented on AFC's corruption.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

KAJOL, you alway lurking in the back ground gyal.  I would love to hear some point of views from you.

I never "lurk", I make choices. I read political and enjoy the sometimes robust debate engaged in by some intelligent posters. But where you are concerned I make a very deliberate choice to avoid MOST of your posts as I understand that you very much need to post as you do here. Carry on merrily and do not trouble yourself about where I am and what I am doing.

Originally Posted by kajol:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

KAJOL, you alway lurking in the back ground gyal.  I would love to hear some point of views from you.

I never "lurk", I make choices. I read political and enjoy the sometimes robust debate engaged in by some intelligent posters. But where you are concerned I make a very deliberate choice to avoid MOST of your posts as I understand that you very much need to post as you do here. Carry on merrily and do not trouble yourself about where I am and what I am doing.

The Politics of class warfare.


Thanks Kajol for the comments of the stiff upper lips upper class who look down on us from the sugar estates.




Go drink your tea now and then some PPP soup later in the new MANSION with the NEW PENSION on the back of the CORRUPTION.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by kajol:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

KAJOL, you alway lurking in the back ground gyal.  I would love to hear some point of views from you.

I never "lurk", I make choices. I read political and enjoy the sometimes robust debate engaged in by some intelligent posters. But where you are concerned I make a very deliberate choice to avoid MOST of your posts as I understand that you very much need to post as you do here. Carry on merrily and do not trouble yourself about where I am and what I am doing.

The Politics of class warfare.


Thanks Kajol for the comments of the stiff upper lips upper class who look down on us from the sugar estates.




Go drink your tea now and then some PPP soup later in the new MANSION with the NEW PENSION on the back of the CORRUPTION.

Amral, send this bai on detention again, what match playing. And he can drink, a high wine and water 

Originally Posted by david:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by kajol:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

KAJOL, you alway lurking in the back ground gyal.  I would love to hear some point of views from you.

I never "lurk", I make choices. I read political and enjoy the sometimes robust debate engaged in by some intelligent posters. But where you are concerned I make a very deliberate choice to avoid MOST of your posts as I understand that you very much need to post as you do here. Carry on merrily and do not trouble yourself about where I am and what I am doing.

The Politics of class warfare.


Thanks Kajol for the comments of the stiff upper lips upper class who look down on us from the sugar estates.




Go drink your tea now and then some PPP soup later in the new MANSION with the NEW PENSION on the back of the CORRUPTION.

Amral, send this bai on detention again, what match playing. And he can drink, a high wine and water 

Ow the PPP soupnist cannot tek it no mo, so they use strong arm tactics to make way for YUJI to flood the Board.



Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by david:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by kajol:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

KAJOL, you alway lurking in the back ground gyal.  I would love to hear some point of views from you.

I never "lurk", I make choices. I read political and enjoy the sometimes robust debate engaged in by some intelligent posters. But where you are concerned I make a very deliberate choice to avoid MOST of your posts as I understand that you very much need to post as you do here. Carry on merrily and do not trouble yourself about where I am and what I am doing.

The Politics of class warfare.


Thanks Kajol for the comments of the stiff upper lips upper class who look down on us from the sugar estates.




Go drink your tea now and then some PPP soup later in the new MANSION with the NEW PENSION on the back of the CORRUPTION.

Amral, send this bai on detention again, what match playing. And he can drink, a high wine and water 

Ow the PPP soupnist cannot tek it no mo, so they use strong arm tactics to make way for YUJI to flood the Board.




Seriously, have you ever considered running for political office or being a stand up comedian? Maybe you and Brian Teekah can form a political party called BT-KB party.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by david:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by kajol:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

KAJOL, you alway lurking in the back ground gyal.  I would love to hear some point of views from you.

I never "lurk", I make choices. I read political and enjoy the sometimes robust debate engaged in by some intelligent posters. But where you are concerned I make a very deliberate choice to avoid MOST of your posts as I understand that you very much need to post as you do here. Carry on merrily and do not trouble yourself about where I am and what I am doing.

The Politics of class warfare.


Thanks Kajol for the comments of the stiff upper lips upper class who look down on us from the sugar estates.




Go drink your tea now and then some PPP soup later in the new MANSION with the NEW PENSION on the back of the CORRUPTION.

Amral, send this bai on detention again, what match playing. And he can drink, a high wine and water 

Ow the PPP soupnist cannot tek it no mo, so they use strong arm tactics to make way for YUJI to flood the Board.




Seriously, have you ever considered running for political office or being a stand up comedian? Maybe you and Brian Teekah can form a political party called BT-KB party.

The JOKE is on the PPP.


Remember the man from China when the driver inherited the billions.


Who will inherit the billions stolen by MR. BUTT PLUG?


The crabs on the mudflat at Mahaica???


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