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Kamla booted! – T&T Opposition wins close election

September 8, 2015 5:33 am Category: latest news A+ / A-


Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister-elect Dr Keith Rowley shows his inked finger after voting in yesterday’s general election. Rowley led his People’s National Movement to victory over the Kamla Persad-Bissessar led People’s Partnership coalition. [PHOTO: PETER RICHARDS)

Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister-elect Dr Keith Rowley shows his inked finger after voting in yesterday’s general election. Rowley led his People’s National Movement to victory over the Kamla Persad-Bissessar led People’s Partnership coalition. (PHOTO: PETER RICHARDS)



The main Opposition People’s National Movement (PNM) won the general election here yesterday, defeating the coalition People’s Partnership (PP) of Prime Minister Kamla Persad- Bissessar that came to power in 2010.

The preliminary figures showed that the PNM won 22 of the 41 seats with the remaining 19 going to the PP that had won 29 seats in the 2010 General Election.

“I want to thank all the people for the very hard work they did in bringing a successful end in what was a difficult election. I want to thank Trinidad and Tobago for demonstrating once again that we can conduct ourselves in a manner that is worthy of the name Trinidad and Tobago,” PNM leader Dr Keith Rowley told reporters.

The 66-year-old volcanologist, one of the longest-serving legislators, said the election proceedings “have gone down relatively smooth.

“Election day had some challenges, but at the end of the day, once again, I think we had a very successful operation. And I am pleased to be in a position to say that the PNM has won the majority of the seats.

“We are confident that the country has been placed in good hands. We have prepared ourselves well, we expect that we will take the responsibilities of managing the affairs of all the people of Trinidad and Tobago in a way that will allow us all as a people to look at tonight …as the beginning of a new era,” said the prime minister-elect.

Both Persad-Bissessar and Rowley easily retained the seats they had in Parliament over the past two decades.

Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar had not conceded defeat up to late last night, but a number of government ministers, including Roger Samuels, Lincoln Douglas, Attorney General Garvin Nicholas, as well as the former president of the Senate Raziah Ahmed, were among the casualties of the poll.

The PNM was also able to regain the two seats in Tobago it lost in 2010, with Shamfa Cudjoe winning the Tobago West and Ayanna Webster-Roy winning the Tobago East seats, respectively.

Leader of the Independent Liberal Party (ILP) Austin Jack Warner, who said his party would have been a major factor in determining the new Government, failed to win the Chaguanas East seat he switched to after successfully contesting the Chaguanas West seat in 2010 and 2013.

“I said win, lose or draw it would be my last hurrah, “Warner said, telling reporters “it is a PNM victory and one for ILP”.

Warner said his “greatest success” had been the failure of Persad Bissessar to win the election, adding “Kamla will never see Government again in our collective lives”.

PNM supporters last night took to the streets in celebration, and Rowley said, “we have taken the responsibility of offering ourselves, and now we will proceed with what we outlined in our manifesto, given the circumstances that have developed, bearing in mind all the time that we do not govern for ourselves but we are servants of the people of Trinidad and Tobago.”

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Kamla loses; Rowley is new Trinidad and Tobago PM

Keith Rowley Keith Rowley
(TRINIDAD GUARDIAN).-The People’s National Movement’s fourth leader, Dr Keith Rowley, now Prime Minister-elect, will be T&T’s second Tobago-born Prime Minister following yesterday’s 2015 general election victory.
Rowley follows Tobago-born late Prime Minister Arthur NR Robinson into history in this regard.
Mammoth cheers from supporters went up at PNM’s Balisier House headquarters at 11.40 pm last night when PNM chairman Franklin Khan announced the party’s election result victory, adding: “I now invite to address you, the new Prime Minister of T&T.” 
Speaking to the media just before the announcement, Rowley had said: “We have been tracking these results and the PNM would have won the elections and from tomorrow (today) T&T will have a new government...the PNM has come out with the majority of seats...tonight is the beginning of another era.”
Rowley said the PNM had won 22 or 23 of the 41 constituencies. Results for the Moruga Tableland constituency were still incoming when he spoke.
Later on it was unofficially announced that the PNM had taken the election 23-18, pending the official release of that information by the Elections and Boundaries Commission.
The PNM takes the helm from the People's Partnership, which now forms the Opposition, with 18 seats and which won the popular vote despite the PNM’s win in the majority of constituencies.
The PP crossed 300,000-plus votes while the PNM received 200,000-plus, it was estimated.
Outgoing prime minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar conceded at midnight at her Siparia office, speaking after Rowley made his victory speech. She said the people’s wishes must be respected as the people had chosen.
Sounding upbeat throughout her speech, she added: “I’m happy to be Citizen Kamla, MP for Siparia, all over again. I believe we fought a good fight.”
Persad-Bissessar noted the PP had obtained the popular vote. She said she would not stop serving the people, that the PP was still strong and that there would be healthy Opposition in the Parliament,
Congress of the People leader Prakash Ramadhar also said he hoped Rowley was sincere. He said what politicians did hereon would determine how successful T&T would be.
Jack Warner’s Independent Liberal Party (ILP) lost its bid in all the seats it contested, even though Warner at the close of polls had projected his party might have won “one to three seats.”
But the United National Congress’ Ganga Singh re-took the Chaguanas West seat which Warner held from 2010 to yesterday — in and out of government — and Warner also lost his bid for Chaguanas East, which was won by UNC’s Fazal Karim.
Warner told reporters that was his last hurrah in politics during his concession speech at the party’s Chaguanas headquarters last night. (See Page A8)
The seats which gave the PNM its election victory were St Joseph, Toco-Manzanilla, Tunapuna, La Horquetta-Talparo and San Fernando West, apart from its traditional constituencies.
The PP maintained its traditional holdings, with the UNC taking 17 seats and COP leader Ramadhar winning the St Augustine seat, a total of 18.
Inclement weather throughout all of T&T marred yesterday’s exercise, though heavy voting patterns with a continuous flow of voters was seen all morning in polling stations.
Rains which began mid-morning and continued to late evening prompted the PNM to seek to have the EBC extend the close of poll time from 6 pm to 7 pm in Trinidad, though not Tobago.
This was the second time since 1961 that the close of poll deadline was extended from 6 pm to 7 pm. It was last done in December 1961 due to problems with voting machines.
Long campaign
After the long three-month campaign period of the 2015 general election ended yesterday, trends began emerging around 9 pm, with the PP leading in 19 seats and the PNM in 16. By 9.20 pm the PP was leading in 21 seats and the PNM in 18.
At that time it became clear that Toco-Manzanilla, Tunapuna and St Joseph were in the balance.
At 9.30 pm the first two seats to be declared went to the PNM: Tobago West (Shamfa Cudjoe) and Tobago East (Ayanna Webster-Roy).
By 10 pm, Siparia was declared for PP’s Persad-Bissessar, who received over 15,000 votes. She thanked supporters for her victory there.
However, by 10.30 pm, the numbers flipped and the PNM surged ahead in La Horquetta-Talparo, St Joseph and Tunapuna.
The final declarations came at just after 11 pm. By that time, PNM supporters at a crowded Balisier House, Port-of-Spain, had started celebrating while disappointed PP supporters at Rienzi Complex, Couva, had started to leave when Persad-Bissessar failed to show up.
Rowley, during his victory statement, again warned that difficult times were ahead. He said his first priorities were the swearing in of an attorney general, whom he declined to identify, and the delivery of the 2016 Budget. 
EBC spokesman Dominic Hinds said last night they couldn’t give a voter turn-out until around noon today. He also said figures were preliminary.
The 2015 electorate was 1,099,279. In 2010 voter turnout was approximately 69 per cent of the 936,236 electorate.
Both the PNM and PP claimed irregularities occurred at various places in yesterday’s exercise.

This goes to show, even when you are a good government, change is always a good thing.


I respect this woman for booting her delinquent Minister out of Government.


Much lessons for the APNUAFC to learn from this situation.


Good luck to the New PM, Dr. Rowley.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

This goes to show, even when you are a good government, change is always a good thing.


I respect this woman for booting her delinquent Minister out of Government.


Much lessons for the APNUAFC to learn from this situation.


Good luck to the New PM, Dr. Rowley.

Kamla was a bad PM who didn't know how to select her people, which is why she was pressured to get rid of so many of them.


It isn't Kamla's good governance, which led to ministers being fired.  Its the fact that Trinidadians, do not take nonsense, and will punish any government which takes them for granted.


Patrick Manning behaved like an emperor, and even though the economy was going great at the time (it isn't now) Trinis booted him out. 


Only Guyanese will tolerate monsters like Jagdeo and Burnham, which is why the islanders think that we are docile and stupid.  THIS is why we have a history of the WORST governance in the English speaking Caribbean.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

This goes to show, even when you are a good government, change is always a good thing.


I respect this woman for booting her delinquent Minister out of Government.


Much lessons for the APNUAFC to learn from this situation.


Good luck to the New PM, Dr. Rowley.

Kamla was a bad PM who didn't know how to select her people, which is why she was pressured to get rid of so many of them.


It isn't Kamla's good governance, which led to ministers being fired.  Its the fact that Trinidadians, do not take nonsense, and will punish any government which takes them for granted.


Patrick Manning behaved like an emperor, and even though the economy was going great at the time (it isn't now) Trinis booted him out. 


Only Guyanese will tolerate monsters like Jagdeo and Burnham, which is why the islanders think that we are docile and stupid.  THIS is why we have a history of the WORST governance in the English speaking Caribbean.

Utter rubbish, she was a very good PM.


She was decisive and bold.  She dealt with the bad eggs early unlike the PPP that rewarded the bad eggs.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Utter rubbish, she was a very good PM.


She was decisive and bold.  She dealt with the bad eggs early unlike the PPP that rewarded the bad eggs.

If Kamla was all that good she would have kept her job, as she was only in power for one term. Rowley comes with his own baggage, so clearly Kamla's baggage stinks.  This isn't a case of being in power for long, with the people wanting to try something new.


Decisive and bold people ensure that they select the right people. Kamla was caught in cronyism, weak and bullied by special interests.  And racist to boot as she Indianized every thing that she could put her hands on.  Even COP had reservations about her, and there was serious discussion about whether they would remain in the PP.


AN example pf Kamla's behavior was putting her sister's man to be the Chairman of Caribbean Airlines, when he knew NOTHING of the airline business.  This being a multi million dollar company, in a very specialized industry.  It is HE who put that airline in the mess that it is now in, when the PNM left it with cash in the till. She fired him when the airline was about to collapse.


That is how Kamla works, and that is why Trinis FIRED her. 


The fact that Guyanese are stupid slaves, who allow the political parties to walk all over them, and then harass other Caribbean countries to admit them, as Guyana is a mess, doesn't mean that others are that stupid!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

This goes to show, even when you are a good government, change is always a good thing.


I respect this woman for booting her delinquent Minister out of Government.


Much lessons for the APNUAFC to learn from this situation.


Good luck to the New PM, Dr. Rowley.

Kamla was a bad PM who didn't know how to select her people, which is why she was pressured to get rid of so many of them.


It isn't Kamla's good governance, which led to ministers being fired.  Its the fact that Trinidadians, do not take nonsense, and will punish any government which takes them for granted.


Patrick Manning behaved like an emperor, and even though the economy was going great at the time (it isn't now) Trinis booted him out. 


Only Guyanese will tolerate monsters like Jagdeo and Burnham, which is why the islanders think that we are docile and stupid.  THIS is why we have a history of the WORST governance in the English speaking Caribbean.

Shut your poke!

Kamla was a good PM.




God bless Trinidad and Tobago.


CaribJ I told you many times before,  Trinis ( NOTICED i SAID tRINIS because they do not want to b called by a race))  will put a good lash on your ass if they ever see you..

Originally Posted by Nehru:

One of the stupid slave is a GNI member who kissed Burnham ass for 28 years while eating cassava flour and Foo Foo.

Bhaaa..Rat is a.....

Soviet Trained

Expert Economist....


Rat promise Granger

to help Moses & Ramjattan

 Recover...and Lock up

all them PPP Thieves...


who ....Stole Billions


from Guyana Govt


in the last 23 Years...










As Granger House Slave...

Ratting out everyone.... in Freedom House

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:

Shut your poke!

Kamla was a good PM.

So why, after a mere 5 years, did Trinis tire of her? When a leader is good, they generally are elected, especially if she was only in power for one term.


Kamla was beaten back to her UNC Indian strongholds.  All the swing constituencies went PNM.  Why if Kamla is so good?  Especially when we remember the thrashing that the PNM got last time. and the fact that many have their reservations about Rowley?


Trinidadian tossed her out because they saw her as incompetent, and weak, with a bunch of corrupt frauds around her, though she apparently isn't corrupt!  So why does she have all of these corrupt people around her?


COP has been wiped out as a party, so the PPP is all but over.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:



God bless Trinidad and Tobago.


CaribJ I told you many times before,  Trinis ( NOTICED i SAID tRINIS because they do not want to b called by a race))  will put a good lash on your ass if they ever see you..

Why don't you examine how Trinis vote, and tell me if you don't detect racial voting patterns.


Trinis can say what they wish but race is definitely a factor on that island.  The PNM will never win Caroni, nor will the UNC win Port of Spain.  And the UNC, under Kamla, definitely doesn't appeal to the African, or even the mixed populations.


Don't worry, when Rowley replaces all of those Kamla sycophants with his folks, you will hear the same shrill screams of ethnic cleansing.

Last edited by Former Member

I hope the new Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley does not embark on any "ethnic cleansing" in Trinidad. That will give some posters here more jhanjhat.

Seriously, Kamla's PP won the popular vote, meaning that her party got more votes than the PNM. However, the constituencies are so demarcated as to give the PNM more seats, and victory. Unlike Guyana's proportional representation system, T&T uses the first-past-the-post constituency system.


Quote by Gil:


"I hope the new Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley does not embark on any "ethnic cleansing" in Trinidad."


Ethnic Cleansing will start very soon. Sit back and watch.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Quote by Gil:


"I hope the new Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley does not embark on any "ethnic cleansing" in Trinidad."


Ethnic Cleansing will start very soon. Sit back and watch.

Here comes the first sucker. True to form.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Quote by Gil:


"I hope the new Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley does not embark on any "ethnic cleansing" in Trinidad."


Ethnic Cleansing will start very soon. Sit back and watch.

Here comes the first sucker. True to form.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Looks like the Guyana and Trinidad blacks prefer more Afro Centric Governments. However, the will of the people must respected.

And of course Indians in Guyana and Trinidad don't prefer Indo centric governments?  Why don't you haul your racist ass.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

This goes to show, even when you are a good government, change is always a good thing.


I respect this woman for booting her delinquent Minister out of Government.


Much lessons for the APNUAFC to learn from this situation.


Good luck to the New PM, Dr. Rowley.

Kamla was a bad PM who didn't know how to select her people, which is why she was pressured to get rid of so many of them.


It isn't Kamla's good governance, which led to ministers being fired.  Its the fact that Trinidadians, do not take nonsense, and will punish any government which takes them for granted.


Patrick Manning behaved like an emperor, and even though the economy was going great at the time (it isn't now) Trinis booted him out. 


Only Guyanese will tolerate monsters like Jagdeo and Burnham, which is why the islanders think that we are docile and stupid.  THIS is why we have a history of the WORST governance in the English speaking Caribbean.

Because she is a coolie!!!! Every coolie bad.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:


Her coalition weakened because they got tired of her weak leadership.


COP, the largest party within the coalition, aside from the UNC, stuck with them, and are now wiped out.  They lost FIVE seats to the PNM, and I believe only one COP MP remains.  The UNC also lost 3 seats in swing districts.


Why is this when the PNM was whipped last time?  Even losing Tobago!


You look at Trinidad through Guyanese eyes. Guyanese are docile slaves who think that their role must be to drink gov't soup, so cannot imagine a neighboring Caribbean island, where they view the gov't as their servant.


[As an aside some of the loudest "jail dem" fanatics are people who use to sniff up Jagdeo's ass.  Now they do so to Granger. I am amazed at these types who use to find all sorts of reasons to claim that the PPP wasnt so bad.  This is what ails Guyana.] 


When a T&T gov't doesn't perform, they get voted out, so parties in Tdad are very scared of alienating the public.  Hence when her ministers behyaved like thugs, Kamla fired them, but why did she hire them in the first place?


Trinidadians have enough of her, so the swing vote, which punished Patrick Manning, when he behaved like an emperior, punished Kamla for being weak and surrounding herself with corrupt and incompetent people. 


The numbers of firings of ministers under Kamla has to be a record.  As some one in the HR business, you ought to know that when a compamy hires and fires too many people, clearly their hiring policies are weak.  Ditto for Kamla.

Last edited by Former Member

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