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Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Do not blame Karma being a B is usual for some. A sporting Game becomes an opportunity to spew HATE and Bigotry. Shameless PIG!!!!

Every time you are caught with your pants down, you resort to name calling.


Address what I ask, why they deliberately lose to England, why they drop the Muslim fast bowler?

Cricket is a team sport. The Muslim bowler might not have saved the Indian team.

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Do not blame Karma being a B is usual for some. A sporting Game becomes an opportunity to spew HATE and Bigotry. Shameless PIG!!!!

Every time you are caught with your pants down, you resort to name calling.


Address what I ask, why they deliberately lose to England, why they drop the Muslim fast bowler?

Cricket is a team sport. The Muslim bowler might not have saved the Indian team.

He is an ass who sees throught the eyes of the Taliban. Shammi is a good bowler but cannot finish, the Indians played 5 bowlers, if they played Shammi it would have been a BIG risk

Nehru posted:

Eell, I guess you all watch the same videos, is it from Al Jazeera, News Pakistan ot TV Taliban!!!!!!!!!!!

India chose a 12th man on the team and did not even play him-instead they choose two others not even on the team. The fella they dropped was a Southern Indian. Dem Punjabi selectors are like the Black selectors of the West Indies. The world is tribal.

Chief posted:
Baseman posted:

Hey chiefsta, you still backing irfan?

Nehru, leave the Banna alone!

Irfaan all the way!!

Degree or no degree!😆😆

Hey chief, I agree.  Dem injuns dozz get petty sometimes!

You realize he is PPP!

Me thinks he guh be ok.  Look me, High School drop out and still got me CPA and CMA.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

You pull that out yuh ass. Where did they deliberately lost??? Ask Pakistan to learn to play in big league and do not go to Masjid or call on Allah for a win, it needs skills to win!! Sore bolldy losers!!!

Stick to Masjid activities and leave sports to real men!!!

Yes bai. Sport activities fuh real men like u who neva play wan game a cricket even tho abee best buddy Jai shree Ram owned one of the best cricket team in the Nassau League. Yuh shoulda come out an face couple bouncers then talk.

Chief posted:

India deliberately lose to England . The one Muslim that have the best bowling stats,  they drop him.

From Modi to the selectors they all hate Muslims .

Haters are losers!


Chief, nice topic and good observation. This is my take on it. Cricket has changed from a gentleman's game to a "for-profit" business. Selling out games and cheating plays a major role today. Government has a hand in cricket that produced or sponsor a team on the world stage. That's where greed and wickedness begins. We see that very same money tactic that Nehru supported when his buddy, Prince was playing and promoting gentleman's cricket during your friendTally's time. Anyway, you're absolutely right to condemn India for what you see that is wrong. Let it bite them in the ass many times over. 


It's easy to hate when you don't understand as an escape for the misunderstanding to feel better. God is not helping us so you really cannot blame yourself for how you feel. Those who are controlling us are using numerical computation to control us that they do not explain. There is a mathematical warning that is implied with the silence that impresses a caution that we should not hate because the irony is we are not sure if we are right to feel a certain way because we are not seeing the mathematical process in the real world. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune
Prince posted:
Chief posted:

India deliberately lose to England . The one Muslim that have the best bowling stats,  they drop him.

From Modi to the selectors they all hate Muslims .

Haters are losers!


Chief, nice topic and good observation. This is my take on it. Cricket has changed from a gentleman's game to a "for-profit" business. Selling out games and cheating plays a major role today. Government has a hand in cricket that produced or sponsor a team on the world stage. That's where greed and wickedness begins. We see that very same money tactic that Nehru supported when his buddy, Prince was playing and promoting gentleman's cricket during your friendTally's time. Anyway, you're absolutely right to condemn India for what you see that is wrong. Let it bite them in the ass many times over. 

Was this the same time you had your green buctah and had a run in with Sheik?


They probably left the man in the dressing room so that he can pray  special prayers from the Holy book for them to win.  Mohammed Azharuddin use to pray 5 times a day in the dressing room during test matches so that India can win. He even got pelted down with rocks by Pakistani cricket fans in Pakistan when India started to win there.


Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

They probably left the man in the dressing room so that he can pray  special prayers from the Holy book for them to win.  Mohammed Azharuddin use to pray 5 times a day in the dressing room during test matches so that India can win. He even got pelted down with rocks by Pakistani cricket fans in Pakistan when India started to win there.


He failed to be like Chief, once a muslim is involved in the relationship with other muslims, then country and nationalism fails to the brotherhood of the faith. Nothing wrong with the call for such actions. However, those who possess rational thinking powers knows better.

seignet posted:
Prashad posted:

They probably left the man in the dressing room so that he can pray  special prayers from the Holy book for them to win.  Mohammed Azharuddin use to pray 5 times a day in the dressing room during test matches so that India can win. He even got pelted down with rocks by Pakistani cricket fans in Pakistan when India started to win there.


He failed to be like Chief, once a muslim is involved in the relationship with other muslims, then country and nationalism fails to the brotherhood of the faith. Nothing wrong with the call for such actions. However, those who possess rational thinking powers knows better.

The Holy book says those who side with non believers over believers will face the wrath of God.


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