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Riff Raff who has a record of being very tolerant had to resort to calling the GNI muslim haters Katahar.  


His reaction is similar to what Muslims around the world has to face daily.Muslims do not pick fights but because of being attacked constantly we have no choice but to hit back. 


Imagine people like Nehru fabricated a story that the Guyanese Masjids are spreading terrorism. Both myself and Riff reminded him that if has such information then in the best interest of all, he should immediately go to the nearest FBI office.  Baseman is on a daily lie screaming that the Imams and Guyanese Masjid are preaching hate. When confronted neither of the two can provide any proof.

This goes to show the hate that these guys are harboring for Muslims.

Katahar  may not be the right words to describe these low lives. 




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Salaam, Chief. Be it known that katahar is a much abused word in this forum. For Hindus like me, katahar is a delicacy and an essential component of our beloved 7-curry cuisine. So I am absolutely flummoxed when my fellow Hindus here use the word katahar in a derogatory way. Na badda wid dem though. Na tek worries.

Gilbakka posted:

Salaam, Chief. Be it known that katahar is a much abused word in this forum. For Hindus like me, katahar is a delicacy and an essential component of our beloved 7-curry cuisine. So I am absolutely flummoxed when my fellow Hindus here use the word katahar in a derogatory way. Na badda wid dem though. Na tek worries.

I always wondered why the word katahar has such a negative connotation. I knew that it is a word used for breadnut but can't understand why a guy would be so pissed if someone called him a breadnut. I guess I'm out of touch with some of the lingo used outside of Georgetown.

Chief posted:


Riff Raff who has a record of being very tolerant had to resort to calling the GNI muslim haters Katahar.  


His reaction is similar to what Muslims around the world has to face daily.Muslims do not pick fights but because of being attacked constantly we have no choice but to hit back. 


Imagine people like Nehru fabricated a story that the Guyanese Masjids are spreading terrorism. Both myself and Riff reminded him that if has such information then in the best interest of all, he should immediately go to the nearest FBI office.  Baseman is on a daily lie screaming that the Imams and Guyanese Masjid are preaching hate. When confronted neither of the two can provide any proof.

This goes to show the hate that these guys are harboring for Muslims.

Katahar  may not be the right words to describe these low lives. 




Chief Why you insulting such a great delicacy

Mars posted:

I always wondered why the word katahar has such a negative connotation. I knew that it is a word used for breadnut but can't understand why a guy would be so pissed if someone called him a breadnut. 

Easy: Just remove the bread and you're left with a nut, ie, a pagla. So, if katahar = breadnut, har = nut. And that was perhaps why my exiled friend Redux never got tired of adressing them: "har, har, har...." 


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