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Katherina Roshana takes the law of attraction to Miss India Worldwide


Written by Alex Wayne, Saturday, 06 April 2013 11:34, Source


AS Guyana’s candidate to this year’s Miss India Worldwide pageant prepares for the international leg of the event -- beginning in Malaysia on April 21st -- all Guyana is certainly entertaining high hopes that she does the country proud as she musters her strengths and many talents for the rigid competition ahead. altThis publication has been made to understand that this very prestigious pageant has lined up an exciting roster of activities running up to the actual event on April 27.

In an interview with our captivating representative, Ms. Katherina Roshana, it hit home to us that this warm, beautiful and sophisticated queen has a distinct difference, and is indeed a very strong entrant for the pageant this year. She possesses a reservoir of experience, and has a natural ability to enthrall and captivate her audience. Unlike her predecessors who represented Guyana at one time or another, Katherina is depending on the woman-made law of runway victory to demolish the opposition she will encounter.

In the world of a woman in the limelight, the law of attraction entails an electrifying package that reeks of beauty, sophistication, natural sultriness, irresistibly provocative allure, enticing charisma, and bubbly girlish finesse. The package is not complete without intelligence, warmth, and a spirited personality informed by unwavering self-confidence.

This is the new ‘competition weapon’ which our queen is taking to Malaysia, and we know she will create wonders the moment she arrives there.

altMs. Katherina Roshana emerged as Miss India Guyana 2013 after competing with ten other beautiful young ladies at the Princess Hotel recently. Ms. Shaniza Haniff placed first runner-up; with Ms. Arti Deodat, Ms. Cheryl Cheong and Ms. Sue   Lim placing 2nd, 3rd and 4th runners-up respectively.

At just 22 years old, Katherina will be representing Guyana at the international Miss India Worldwide pageant, becoming the fifth representative that Guyana has sent to this international pageant. From 25 applications received for the Guyana leg, 15 persons were shortlisted based on talent credentials and other prerequisites, and 11 of those actually competed for the crown.

The judging was done by a distinguished panel comprising Chief Judge Sonia Noel and Fashion Designers Derek Moore and Roshini Boodhoo, Miss India Guyana 2011; Devi Ramcharitar, Miss Sari Queen 2008; two-time Chutney Queen, Fiona Singh, and others.
The delegates were judged on the basis of their performances at three segments. The first was the English Wear segment, which was followed by the Indian Wear category.  An interactive Question & Answer session with the top five was then conducted to determine the actual winner.  

The scores obtained were then tallied and reviewed by an independent auditor.

altRoshana was crowned on Saturday, February 9th, 2013 by the outgoing Miss India Guyana and Miss India Worldwide 2012, Alana Seebarran, at the Roraima Ballroom of the Princess Hotel.


This tall and very arresting beauty queen certainly possesses the makings of royalty, and envelopes her audience with the mystical aura of a true goddess the moment she steps into a room. Her warmth and simplicity really enthralls her audience.

Though she has evolved into a strikingly provocative and confident queen, her youthful days can be best described as totally opposite.

Growing up as a child, Katherina was very shy, and preferred to “sit back and observe things”, as she would put it. But in her mind, brilliant ideas were tumbling around without anyone actually suspecting. She was very timid and most reluctant to unleash her true potential as many young girls would, but her true talents actually ‘shone bright like a diamond’ after she graduated from high school.

Thereafter, her skills at drama and runway versatility were put to the test, and shone remarkably.

“Growing up as a child, I was really the quiet and very shy one, and would be comfortable to sit back and watch as things unfolded before me. Of course, there were tons of ideas tumbling around vividly in my mind, but it was not until I actually graduated that my talents and skills shone for all to see,” she told this reporter.

altThe beautiful Katherina is fully prepared for the pageant in Malaysia, and has been taking her rehearsals very seriously. She is aware that she would be coming up against some of the most beautiful, talented and intelligent girls around the globe; but guess what, our lady is certainly not a ‘weak-hearted damsel’. She is ready to roll and rumble with all the competition that is coming her way.

Katherina, by the way, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roshan Khan, and attended the New York College of Medicine, where she studied Oriental Medicines.

Commenting on the support of Corporate Guyana to an event of this magnitude, Katherina declared that the support of Guyanese business over the years has improved. However, she feels that, for international pageants, we should choose our girls way ahead of time, so as to actually give them enough time to be properly trained and tutored.

She rained praises on the Miss Guyana India Worldwide franchise holder, Chandini Rambalak, who she said was a tower of inspiration throughout the local leg of the pageant. She also admires Ms. Rambalak’s strength to stand strong in the face of adversity and opposition, and to move forward with the gusto associated with a woman of substance.

Our queen advises potential pageant contestants to stand strong when faced with challenges, throw the negative opinion of others to the wind, and maintain strong faith throughout the entire competition.

Miss India Worldwide Pageant
The Miss India Worldwide is the only known international ethnic pageant. There are affiliates in over forty countries, and since 1990, the organisers have staged this glamorous event annually in various parts of the world.

The Mission
The organisers are pioneers in organising Indian pageants and fashion shows in the USA and other parts of the world, of which the Miss India Worldwide has been acclaimed as the “most glamorous Indian function in the world.”

When Miss India New York was started in 1980, the organisers had perhaps not even in their wildest dreams imagined that, in less than twenty years, the pageant would fledge out to become a mass movement with affiliates in over 30 countries, let alone that they would one day have a live Internet webcast to broadcast this prestigious function, the Miss India Worldwide, to an audience of over 300 million people.

altThe organisers are very proud of the fact that they have been able to provide a common platform for the international Indian community through pageantry. They are also equally proud of the fact that they have been able to imbue Indian values, traditions and culture among the youths of Indian origin around the world, and have succeeded in promoting Indian performing arts in the world.

Quite apart from being functions of great social and cultural value, their pageants fulfill the underlying purpose of raising funds for charitable causes. The poet Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “To know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded.” In this spirit, the organisers have encouraged, motivated, and guided their winners to take up charitable causes.

Company Overview
The Miss India Worldwide Pageant is produced by the IFC, based in New York City.

The IFC is a pioneer organisation in conducting Indian pageants and fashion shows in the USA and worldwide. The committee has also been conducting the Miss India New York and the Miss India USA pageants annually since 1980.

In 1990, Mr. Dharmatma Saran, Chairman and Founder of the IFC, decided to take the pageant one step further to an international level, and started The First Miss India Worldwide pageant.

For the first time ever, Asian-Indian communities from all over the world came together in New York for this event. The pageant was an instant success, and was acclaimed as “the most glamorous Indian function in the world.” To the best of my knowledge, no other ethnic organization has ever conducted a pageant of this magnitude on an international level.

In line with other prestigious international pageants, the organisers have also started staging Miss India Worldwide in various parts of the world. In 1997, the pageant was organized in Bombay to salute India on its 50th anniversary of independence. In the year 1998, the pageant was organized in association with UTV International, in the exotic and beautiful Singapore.

altThe IFC selects distinguished local organizations in various parts of the world and authorize them to conduct national pageants in their respective countries. At this time, they have affiliates in over twenty five countries.

The contestants in all the pageants are of Indian origin; are between the ages of 17 and 27; have never been married; and are citizens, residents, or have been born in the country which they represent. The pageant consists of four segments - Evening Gown, Indian Dress, Talent, and Question-and-Answer.

The winners of all the various national pageants from all over the world vie for the glamorous and prestigious title of Miss India Worldwide.

The IFC motivates and guides its winners and contestants to take up charitable causes, and many of their past winners have raised substantial amounts of money for various charities, especially for handicapped children.

The name Miss India Worldwide was registered under the Trademark Act of USA, and has been granted Trademark by the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks of the United States Government.

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