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Published May 11, 2017

Former Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown was found guilty on 18 fraud and tax evasion charges Thursday afternoon in a Jacksonville federal court.

 Image result for corrine brown

The charges stemmed from accusations she illegally siphoned thousands of dollars from her charity into her own bank account for lavish parties, trips and shopping excursions.

Brown was found not guilty on four of the 22 total charges.

Brown served as a Florida representative in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1993 until 2017. She was defeated in her 2016 primary race.

The indictment came after an investigation into the charity One Door for Education Foundation Inc., which federal prosecutors say was purported to give scholarships to poor students but instead filled the coffers of Brown and her associates.

Earlier this year, One Door President Carla Wiley pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud after it as determined that she had deposited $800,000 into the foundation's account over four years. Over that time, federal prosecutors say it gave one scholarship for $1,000 and that Wiley transferred herself tens of thousands of dollars.


"Congresswoman Brown and her chief of staff are alleged to have used the congresswoman's official position to solicit over $800,000 in donations to a supposed charitable organization, only to use that organization as a personal slush fund," Assistant U.S. Attorney General Leslie Caldwell, chief of the Justice Department's criminal division, said in a statement earlier this year.

Brown's former chief of staff, Elias "Ronnie" Simmons, and the charity's president pleaded guilty after their federal indictments for misusing the charity's funds, and testified against Brown.

Brown said she was left in the dark about the goings-on with One Door's money, and blamed the theft on Simmons.

Brown said she left those details to Simmons and other hired staffers, and said she should have paid more attention to her personal and professional finances.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

warrior posted:
Drugb posted:

Is she affiliated with the PNC? It sounds familiar to what is going on in Guyana, the pNC using tax payers dollars to sport and wine down. 

you mean like how barrat was backballing 

Not quite, Bharat backball to gain favor among the blacks, in fact so did Ramoutar but to no avail.  It is not in collie nature to backball unless he is of the slop can crew. 

Drugb posted:
warrior posted:
Drugb posted:

Is she affiliated with the PNC? It sounds familiar to what is going on in Guyana, the pNC using tax payers dollars to sport and wine down. 

you mean like how barrat was backballing 

Not quite, Bharat backball to gain favor among the blacks, in fact so did Ramoutar but to no avail.  It is not in collie nature to backball unless he is of the slop can crew. 

you mean he sell his ass to stay in power wow i always know we have some ppp whore 

Drugb posted:
warrior posted:
Drugb posted:

Is she affiliated with the PNC? It sounds familiar to what is going on in Guyana, the pNC using tax payers dollars to sport and wine down. 

you mean like how barrat was backballing 

Not quite, Bharat backball to gain favor among the blacks, in fact so did Ramoutar but to no avail.  It is not in collie nature to backball unless he is of the slop can crew. 

 You are actually admitting BJ is a slopcan porter (da cup) very nice. We finally agree on something.

Last edited by cain
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Drugb posted:

Is she affiliated with the PNC? It sounds familiar to what is going on in Guyana, the pNC using tax payers dollars to sport and wine down. 

She is not affiliated with the PNC, but I do know a PNC group in Brookyn with a similar track record.  I have photos and videos from their recent event!

Post them.

cain posted:
Drugb posted:
warrior posted:
Drugb posted:

Is she affiliated with the PNC? It sounds familiar to what is going on in Guyana, the pNC using tax payers dollars to sport and wine down. 

you mean like how barrat was backballing 

Not quite, Bharat backball to gain favor among the blacks, in fact so did Ramoutar but to no avail.  It is not in collie nature to backball unless he is of the slop can crew. 

 You are actually admitting BJ is a slopcan porter (da cup) very nice. We finally agree on something.

I do not speak for Bharat, you may seek an audience with him to clarify your concerns,  but make sure you wear a bukta without bottom.

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Drugb posted:

Is she affiliated with the PNC? It sounds familiar to what is going on in Guyana, the pNC using tax payers dollars to sport and wine down. 

She is not affiliated with the PNC, but I do know a PNC group in Brookyn with a similar track record.  I have photos and videos from their recent event!

Post them.

And guess what, one of our GNI posters - PPP by day, PNC by night - would be exposed.  Even though I am sure most of you are already onto his gig.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Drugb posted:

Is she affiliated with the PNC? It sounds familiar to what is going on in Guyana, the pNC using tax payers dollars to sport and wine down. 

She is not affiliated with the PNC, but I do know a PNC group in Brookyn with a similar track record.  I have photos and videos from their recent event!

Post them.

And guess what, one of our GNI posters - PPP by day, PNC by night - would be exposed.  Even though I am sure most of you are already onto his gig.

Post them. All talk and no walk.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Drugb posted:

Is she affiliated with the PNC? It sounds familiar to what is going on in Guyana, the pNC using tax payers dollars to sport and wine down. 

She is not affiliated with the PNC, but I do know a PNC group in Brookyn with a similar track record.  I have photos and videos from their recent event!

Post them.

And guess what, one of our GNI posters - PPP by day, PNC by night - would be exposed.  Even though I am sure most of you are already onto his gig.

Post them. All talk and no walk.

Lol.  These pathological liars need to be exposed.  You know some of the people who were there.  I heard after collecting the people money for their event, some of them went down to GT to hang out at the Princess and Pegasus hotels. 

Y'all better stop giving money to these so called charities.  If you have something to give to someone, please give it to them directly.  You don't need a charity to hand it over for you.

What's the name of this charity you're talking about?

Expose dem quick. Post the pics and stop pampazettin

Last edited by Mars
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Drugb posted:

Is it chiefy bai?

No he is PNC by day and night  And as much as me and him are on different sides of the political fence, I don't think he needs people charity money.  He is a hard worker.

Thank you, Bibi.

Yes, my preference is PNC over PPP but that does not mean that I do not call out the PNC when they do nonsense.

Currently they doing a lot of shit.


Chief posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Thanks for posting this, Bibi. I send small cheques to three charities here in Canada every year. I hope their officials aren't like that greedy selfish woman.

Ow Buddy please send a lil donation for one of our Masjids on Liberty Ave, construction need to be completed.

My old buddy, Azar Saab is going to that Masjid. He is from Pakistan and suffered a slight stroke. 

Prince posted:
Chief posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Thanks for posting this, Bibi. I send small cheques to three charities here in Canada every year. I hope their officials aren't like that greedy selfish woman.

Ow Buddy please send a lil donation for one of our Masjids on Liberty Ave, construction need to be completed.

My old buddy, Azar Saab is going to that Masjid. He is from Pakistan and suffered a slight stroke. 

Sorry to hear about your friend. 


Chief posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Thanks for posting this, Bibi. I send small cheques to three charities here in Canada every year. I hope their officials aren't like that greedy selfish woman.

Ow Buddy please send a lil donation for one of our Masjids on Liberty Ave, construction need to be completed.

My new girl lives not far from there, I see it Boarded up!  Is work still going on?  The rumor in the hood is ISIS setback affected funding.  I don’t believe that, but nuff coolies seh suh!

Baseman posted:
Chief posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Thanks for posting this, Bibi. I send small cheques to three charities here in Canada every year. I hope their officials aren't like that greedy selfish woman.

Ow Buddy please send a lil donation for one of our Masjids on Liberty Ave, construction need to be completed.

My new girl lives not far from there, I see it Boarded up!  Is work still going on?  The rumor in the hood is ISIS setback affected funding.  I don’t believe that, but nuff coolies seh suh!

Coolies always have some nonsense to say.

To the best of my understanding, the original building committee was replaced hence the slowdown.


Last edited by Chief

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