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While America has been an excellent model for democracy and good governance, it has unfortunately failed miserably in its efforts around the world supporting groups of those countries. That is because they usually neglect to connect the needs of those people by erroneously thinking that their challenges are the same as ours. While it is not perfect by any stretch of one's imagination, India has done pretty well in how it elects its leaders. They don't need Kerry screwing that up for them. Kerry does not have to look too far to see all the places where have propped up people who have no business governing others.


Today, Iraq is in shambles with ISIS terrorizing Iraqi Christians. When Saddam was there, Iraq was self sufficient and Christians lived free of fear. While Saddam wasn't perfect, Iraq was far better off when he was there. Same with Egypt. Imagine Egypt working on a truce between Israel and Hamas but can't work on one for itself. While change is good, change is better when done responsibly. The Arab Spring was a very irresponsible experiment. It did not provide the proper structure for life and government after the spring was over. Now that region is in shambles. As a Muslim, I am not interesting in an Arab Spring in Saudi Arabia because as terrible as the House of Saud may be, it would hurt tremendously if that country was to be destroyed by any springtime activities. I am fully aware that Israel and many Christian groups especially the ardent Bible Thumpers would be licking their chops to see the bedrock of Islam destroyed.



Last edited by Former Member

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