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Kerry’s case for Syria attack fictitious


US Secretary of State John Kerry


Today we heard American Secretary of State John Kerry give his compelling case for war on Syria. His story was compelling, perhaps even theatrical. It also rang of fiction.

It was a convenient narrative about the Assad government, which is popular among the Syrian people, a government clearly winning against a brutal and unpopular foreign-dominated insurgency.

Real intelligence is a mosaic, each source graded as to historical reliability and import. When enough pieces don’t come together or an unwanted outcome results, intelligence “fusion centers” cut out “bad facts” and amplify or invent “good ones.”

Kerry’s intelligence on Syria’s alleged use of chemical weapons goes further, down the slippery slope of a detailed narrative, a “cooked” story, perfectly timed, containing the right anecdotal details, a classic “deception and cover” tale right out of the Mossad book of deception.

I can’t imagine how Kerry could keep a straight face; perhaps it is embalmed with Botox.

Behind the story
In May, this year, Turkish police arrested “Syrian rebels” caught in the act of carrying weaponized Sarin gas to Syria.

They were arrested as reported on all world news sources. However, the source of the Sarin was never revealed, those arrested disappeared and nothing was mentioned again.

However, during this time frame, UN inspectors investigated five episodes of chemical weapon use and were able to conclude that “rebel forces” were responsible.

Secretary Kerry has erased this event from his memory, erased it from his “mosaic.”

“If it doesn’t fit, use a bigger hammer.”

Narrative problems
In order to sound credible, Kerry quoted exact numbers of adults and children killed. Exact numbers always sound best, or so 99.372514% of experts I have questioned tell me.

Kerry described “textbook” symptoms of Sarin gas exposure, but all of the photos supplied failed to demonstrate any of the symptoms.

Sarin victims are invariably found in pools of vomit, their bladders and bowels emptied, befouling their clothing.

By the time bodies are moved for careful photographic exploitation, lividity sets in, leaving the skin pearly white or deeply bruised, even blackened, on areas where blood settles.

As Kerry noted, death by Sarin gas is a horror, but the only photos clearly reflecting “death by Sarin” are from May 2013 and tied to Sarin gas used by rebel forces.

Money and politics
It may be crass of me to mention this, but without the current threat of war on Syria, the current wave of good feeling about Iran’s new moderate government would have crashed fuel prices at the worst time, right before the Labor Day holidays.

This is when oil companies rake in billions through rigging prices at consumer level and, in concert with their friends in “high places,” keep the Middle East in conflict to push up crude oil futures as well.

Running out of enemies
Kerry’s big problem, Obama’s as well, is that they are running out of enemies at a time when America’s influence around the world is crashing.

With Iran gone as a phony threat, the baseless allegations over Iran’s peaceful nuclear program increasingly harder to sell, inventing a rationale for dropping a few cruise missiles into Syria is obvious.

If there is no foreign threat, one has to be created or the American people might just wake up.

The deepest concern for the Obama administration has nothing to do with Syria. Obama has been briefed by his security team on a much larger threat, one that will push America into isolation and third world status before the end of the decade.
Russia and China, now working closely in concert, are in ascendance around the world.

China virtually controls all of Asia and Africa. American attempts to push Japan to rearmament are too little and way too late. China is also making inroads into Central and Latin America, America’s “back yard.”

As for Russia, the collapse of the European Union signals the renewal of Russian influence across Europe.

Russia is strengthening relations with Iran, has made inroads with Iraq, has, thus far at least, been a stalwart ally of Syria and has issued strong rebukes toIsrael.
Increasingly, Europe looks to Putin as a responsible voice as the EU crumbles in financial ruin.

Obama and Kerry see an attack on Syria, one staged before Russia is strong enough to offset declining US influence in the Middle East, as a way of discrediting Putin and making him appear to be a “paper tiger.”

Perhaps a dangerous risk here is empowering the “Axis of Irrelevance,” Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, “neither dog nor tail,” three nations of ambition and greed with no vision or purpose.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I am totally sure the gas pipes were planted on the ground by the Saudi supported rebels. They provoked an air strike and blew the pipes at the same time to make it look like just one single event.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

I am totally sure the gas pipes were planted on the ground by the Saudi supported rebels. They provoked an air strike and blew the pipes at the same time to make it look like just one single event.

Very plausible, and that clown Obama going to hit and run leaving the situation on the ground to play out.  What the US will do is deepen the animosity and divide and increase the intensity, emboldening Al Qaeda.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

I am totally sure the gas pipes were planted on the ground by the Saudi supported rebels. They provoked an air strike and blew the pipes at the same time to make it look like just one single event.

Very plausible, and that clown Obama going to hit and run leaving the situation on the ground to play out.  What the US will do is deepen the animosity and divide and increase the intensity, emboldening Al Qaeda.

I see thew diarrhea case is still with you. Try a cork up yuh batty

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

I am totally sure the gas pipes were planted on the ground by the Saudi supported rebels. They provoked an air strike and blew the pipes at the same time to make it look like just one single event.

Very plausible, and that clown Obama going to hit and run leaving the situation on the ground to play out.  What the US will do is deepen the animosity and divide and increase the intensity, emboldening Al Qaeda.

I see thew diarrhea case is still with you. Try a cork up yuh batty

Have you ever try corking up your shit-spewing mouth?


Syrian rebels admit to being behind chemical weapons attack

August 30, 2013

Members of the Syrian rebel movement admitted to Associated Press reporters that they were behind the Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack near Damascus, the Mint Press News reported on Thursday.

According to the report, the chemicals were provided by Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who “has been at the very heart of the push for war by the U.S. against Assad.”

The group Doctors Without Borders went to the town of Ghouta, where more than 350 people were killed as a result of the chemical attack. After interviewing “numerous...doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families,” the group obtained testimony that the attack was a result of mismanagement and ignorance on the part of the rebels, who didn't realize that they had chemical weapons.

“My son came to me two weeks ago asking what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry,” the Mint Press quotes Abu Abdel-Moneim, the father of a rebel who was killed in a tunnel during the chemical attack.

Some of the weapons had a "tube-like structure," and others resembled a "huge glass bottle," Abdel-Moneim said.

“They didn’t tell us what these arms were or how to use them,” said a female rebel, referred to as "K" to protect her identity. “We didn’t know they were chemical weapons. We never imagined they were chemical weapons.

“When Saudi Prince Bandar gives such weapons to people, he must give them to those who know how to handle and use them,” K continued.

“Jabhat al-Nusra militants do not cooperate with other rebels, except with fighting on the ground," another rebel called J added. "They do not share secret information. They merely used some ordinary rebels to carry and operate this material.

“We were very curious about these arms. And unfortunately, some of the fighters handled the weapons improperly and set off the explosions.”

Jabhat al-Nusra is a branch of al Qaeda from Iraq comprised of members who fought and killed American troops during the U.S. occupation of that country.

Despite the admission from these rebels, the Obama administration continues to claim that the Bashar al-Assad regime was behind the attack.

In an address from the State Department on Friday, Secretary of State John Kerry accused Assad of committing a “crime against humanity” and claimed that the U.S. government knows that Assad was behind the attack.

“We know that for three days before the attack, the Syrian regime’s chemical weapons personnel were on the ground in the area, making preparations,” Kerry said.

“And we know that the Syrian regime elements were told to prepare for the attack by putting on gas masks and taking precautions associated with chemical weapons. We know that these were specific instructions.

“We know where the rockets were launched from, and at what time. We know where they landed, and when. We know rockets came only from regime-controlled areas and went only to opposition-controlled or contested neighborhoods.”

Members of the U.S. intelligence community, however, have stated that they don't know for sure who was behind the attack.

Intelligence sources told the Associated Press that the evidence against Assad is “not a slam dunk,” and the New York Times reported on Thursday that U.S. officials have no “smoking gun” to indicate it was Assad behind the attack.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

I am totally sure the gas pipes were planted on the ground by the Saudi supported rebels. They provoked an air strike and blew the pipes at the same time to make it look like just one single event.

you are dumber even than that shit head above...Sarin is needs a specific delivery system and not some pipes buried in the ground waiting a serendipitous hit from above. The rebels do not have the tech. Further, the gas will have a chemical signature. The Syrians never said they lost any to the rebels because in the hands of any non state combatants would be time for concern and even a trigger for boots on the ground to re-secure the lost inventory.


Look, if there is technology to deliver them from the air there is also technology to deliver it from the ground. War wouldn't be war if the warring parts weren't so  creative and didn't use any mean possible to defeat the other. surprising your enemy with new killing technologies is what war is about. There are no standards in a war. Who is the dumb now, who believes there are rules in a war. War is the industrialization of crime and murder.

Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Nobel peace prize winner starts WWIII

The beauty of the Nobel and Literature Peace prizes is that they have nothing to do with science. They are just Propaganda Weapons.


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