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Originally Posted by Conscience:

The wind has been blown out of the AFC sail...


The AFC voted in your favour and this is how you ungrateful corruptocrats reward them. Shameful Conscience! 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Nation's interest is what matters, its time the APNU/AFC stop playing tit-for-tat or partisan politics...

The nations interest is a communal interest. It is not for the opposition to sign off on every PPP offering as received wisdom. They are the minority and should be humbled by their status as the one that fewer Guyanese believe have their interest at heart.


This idea of tit for tat is new. Previously to this it was simply we do and you shut up from the PPP. Given in 20 years the opposition won no concessions from the PPP one should thing they would kick every legislation the PPP proposes to the curb.


We see that is not the case. Even in the pork filled presentations there is still a reaching out for an understanding. The PPP lost Amalia, is losing the Marriott and the specialty hospital all on the same strategy; secrecy and heavy handed decision making as if the country is their grand fathers legacy.


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