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Are these the leaders AFC have?


KINDLY publish this letter in your patriotic newspaper. Recently you published a letter from me which spoke about the lies and deception being aired on the ‘Alliance on the Move’ programme on DTV 8 in Berbice. On that same day an AFC councillor took offence with regards to the ‘lies and deception’ I wrote about. He wanted more evidence so I called him while he was in the DTV studio and outlined the lies Charrandass Persaud was peddling to his very few viewers. The following will explain his evil lies. The Alliance ‘Cart’ Moves Again On Saturday March 8, the gossip lawyer was driving again but although somewhat subdued and apologetic at the inception, he soon became his normal asinine self and began dishing out his lies and deceptive statements. In trying to tarnish my character he told a few of his gossip hungry viewers that he had to bring ranks from the CID to my school in order for me to refund monies to a parent. During this time he said that he was outside the school in his vehicle. He was trying to say that I was involved in some impropriety. I tried to call into the programme but as usual it was in vain. I then called the cell phone of another AFC Councillor, Michael Hintzen, who was in the studio at the time and asked him to tell Charrandass Persaud to invite the CID ranks that he took to my school on his next programme and let them tell the public what they have done. When Hintzen told him that he brushed the matter aside by saying that ‘ah gon deal with that later.’ I challenge him and his cohorts to go with me to the Commander at Central Police Station and verify his defamatory statements he made on TV. Secondly, he said that I have been expelled from the AFC- another lie. Until this time I have not received any notification, formal or informal, that I have been expelled from the party, although at this juncture I care not. He further stated that I did not get the grapes so I am upset. He is so far from the truth. He should start educating himself by reading my first letter in the press about the Ramayya issue and then continue his reading. I am quite satisfied with my station in life and I have all the ‘grapes’ I need. I am not a paedophile, I am not involved in stealing donations, I am not a whoremonger, I am not corrupted, I am a devout Muslim, I do not cheat on my wife, I have great respect for my students, I have a family who loves me dearly, I love my country and the list goes on. By the way Persaud, I am not only good at bodybuilding as you mentioned, I am a member of the Association of Chartered and Certified Accounts(ACCA) and Certified Internal Auditors and I have lots of other academic and professional qualifications. Thirdly, he lied that another AFC Councillor said at the same RDC statutory meeting, that I have been expelled from the Party. The minutes of that meeting can provide evidence of the lie this unscrupulous individual is peddling to the public. But what was more appalling was that the AFC Councillor whom he alleged made that statement was sitting right beside him! Imagine she did not have the courage to correct him. I reminded her to revisit the oath she took upon assuming office as a councillor. Are these the leaders AFC have? ‘PNC Did Not Borrow from International Funding Institutions’ The next lie he told his viewers was that the PNC government never had access to funding from international institutions but the PPP/C government is borrowing monies from international funding institutions and mismanaging, stealing and squandering those monies. This man is deliberately lying, is insane or is really a dunce! When the PPP/C Government took office in 1992 this country was literally bankrupt. The PNC Government had owed international financial institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank more than US 2.1 Billion dollars- US dollars not Guyana dollars and our debt financing was 96 cents to the dollar. The PPP/C government has drastically reduced this to 9 cents to the dollar! Why don’t you quit making yourself a laughing stock on DTV 8? In academic circles people feel contaminated and insulted by the lack of facts and logical reasoning presented in you and your co-host’s presentation. Do not attempt to rewrite the history of this country with your lies! Tutored Callers The ‘Alliance on the Move’ programme has only a few regular callers who are tutored what to say and the caller’s ID is used to filter the incoming calls so that the hosts will answer their calls. I heard Ramayya instructing some of his cohorts to make calls during the 2011 Election. People who listen to this program know that there are a few regular callers who want to give the impression that they represent the views of the majority in Berbice. Many times me and my family members and friends tried to get on to the programme but to no avail. By HASEEF YUSUF

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Before any of you PPP DAAGS ever call anyone a LIAR, first check out the LIE about the opposition conducted a POLL and arrived at the conclusion that Jagdeow-we is the most popular.


Yes, he is the most popular anti-man since he got nuff taxpayer money to pay fuh some good ROYAL CASTLE BUGER - ING!


Blasted Fagggt.



Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Opposition are nothing but LIARS, CHEATS AND SCAMPS, EVERYONE of them.  Lawyers = LIARS!!!


Bai hallah how much yu want AFC gettin 9 seats dis time. Nuff Nuff Indos stayin home bai. Dem na want vote APNU. But dem stayin home. All thievin rope gat wan end. Pavi yu leley leekin foh freeness.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Opposition are nothing but LIARS, CHEATS AND SCAMPS, EVERYONE of them.  Lawyers = LIARS!!!


Bai hallah how much yu want AFC gettin 9 seats dis time. Nuff Nuff Indos stayin home bai. Dem na want vote APNU. But dem stayin home. All thievin rope gat wan end. Pavi yu leley leekin foh freeness.

As a matter of question, can 9 seats make anyone president? In this case the AFC will still remain an opposition. You as a supporter of the AFC, would you encourage your party to be the best or second best? Here you're talking against APNU and your colleagues are in support of APNU. I am confused. Please enlightened me!

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Opposition are nothing but LIARS, CHEATS AND SCAMPS, EVERYONE of them.  Lawyers = LIARS!!!


Bai hallah how much yu want AFC gettin 9 seats dis time. Nuff Nuff Indos stayin home bai. Dem na want vote APNU. But dem stayin home. All thievin rope gat wan end. Pavi yu leley leekin foh freeness.

9 latrine seats.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Opposition are nothing but LIARS, CHEATS AND SCAMPS, EVERYONE of them.  Lawyers = LIARS!!!


Bai hallah how much yu want AFC gettin 9 seats dis time. Nuff Nuff Indos stayin home bai. Dem na want vote APNU. But dem stayin home. All thievin rope gat wan end. Pavi yu leley leekin foh freeness.

As a matter of question, can 9 seats make anyone president? In this case the AFC will still remain an opposition. You as a supporter of the AFC, would you encourage your party to be the best or second best? Here you're talking against APNU and your colleagues are in support of APNU. I am confused. Please enlightened me!


Bai wormie nah worry. 9 seats and enough Indos stayin home and aluh is histry. Ow meh beg aluh...gee abie Jagdoe na. Put he up na.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Opposition are nothing but LIARS, CHEATS AND SCAMPS, EVERYONE of them.  Lawyers = LIARS!!!


Bai hallah how much yu want AFC gettin 9 seats dis time. Nuff Nuff Indos stayin home bai. Dem na want vote APNU. But dem stayin home. All thievin rope gat wan end. Pavi yu leley leekin foh freeness.

As a matter of question, can 9 seats make anyone president? In this case the AFC will still remain an opposition. You as a supporter of the AFC, would you encourage your party to be the best or second best? Here you're talking against APNU and your colleagues are in support of APNU. I am confused. Please enlightened me!


Bai wormie nah worry. 9 seats and enough Indos stayin home and aluh is histry. Ow meh beg aluh...gee abie Jagdoe na. Put he up na.

I can't deal with you because you can't handle specifics. This is the second time for today that you running in circles. Have a good day!

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Opposition are nothing but LIARS, CHEATS AND SCAMPS, EVERYONE of them.  Lawyers = LIARS!!!


Bai hallah how much yu want AFC gettin 9 seats dis time. Nuff Nuff Indos stayin home bai. Dem na want vote APNU. But dem stayin home. All thievin rope gat wan end. Pavi yu leley leekin foh freeness.

As a matter of question, can 9 seats make anyone president? In this case the AFC will still remain an opposition. You as a supporter of the AFC, would you encourage your party to be the best or second best? Here you're talking against APNU and your colleagues are in support of APNU. I am confused. Please enlightened me!


Bai wormie nah worry. 9 seats and enough Indos stayin home and aluh is histry. Ow meh beg aluh...gee abie Jagdoe na. Put he up na.

I can't deal with you because you can't handle specifics. This is the second time for today that you running in circles. Have a good day!

Headless chickens do that all the time.


KFC is the most rotten and corrupt party. Rotten and corrupt at their very core. Watch your wallet and donation disappear in thin air.


Ever wondered why a few of their top brass members fled ?


You guessed it right... the stench of corruption in the KFC.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

KFC is the most rotten and corrupt party. Rotten and corrupt at their very core. Watch your wallet and donation disappear in thin air.


Ever wondered why a few of their top brass members fled ?


You guessed it right... the stench of corruption in the KFC.

Bai none a dem AFC bais nah mek wan house lika Jagdeo 5 mill USD wan.


How much did your supreme leader sell that property for again ? The one that made headlines ?


That aint no small change.


The KFC is corrupt and can never recover unless they address internal corruption.


I will never trust my wallet with the KFC around.


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