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‘Kick-ass’ comment…Mansion lovers strayed from Jagan’s philosophy- APNU+AFC

March 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

“The PPP-elite live Cadillac and mansion lifestyles, flying in private jets and spending millions on cosmetic dental work and boast about it on the political platform while their supporters are trucked in to these events on crudely assembled vehicles”- APNU’s Joe Harmon

One day after recommending that the Opposition’s “asses” be kicked, former President Bharrat Jagdeo

APNU+AFC’s Joe Harmon

APNU+AFC’s Joe Harmon

has come in for some stinging criticisms.
Yesterday, General Secretary of A Partnership For National Unity (APNU), Joseph Harmon, in a sharp retort, said that the ruling party should look deep within as all kinds of wrongs were and are being committed.
“Jagdeo is continuing to make the same mistakes like he did in 2011. His vile language then turned off many persons and you know what happened. It is continuing again. This time, the people have become even more tired and the message will be even clearer.”
On Sunday, during the 18th death anniversary observances by the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) at Babu Jaan, Corentyne, Jagdeo, a main speaker, pointed to several state projects which were shot down by the Opposition. He argued about the benefits of each project. He noted that Ramotar’s Presidency was “a nightmare” for the Head of State.
“Every plan that the Government has put forward, they have tried to stymie!”
Jagdeo urged Ramotar, whom he referred to as a ‘Democratic Man’, to administer some “kicks up some [the Opposition’s] asses, too”.
“We allowed them to frustrate everything!”
Yesterday, Harmon said it has become clearer now that Ramotar is not in control.
“Ramotar is in the front seat but it is Jagdeo that is driving. We have one answer

The PPP has strayed from the teachings of Dr. Cheddi Jagan, APNU+AFC said yesterday.

The PPP has strayed from the teachings of Dr. Cheddi Jagan, APNU+AFC said yesterday.

from the Guyanese people to him. We are not footballs. You can’t just kick us around.”
Harmon, an attorney-at-law, “advised” the PPP/C to start looking within itself.
“I can direct him to members of the Cabinet. Each sat down and collectively used his powers to violate the Constitution of Guyana. They agreed together to breach the laws of Guyana by illegally spending monies and all kinds of things on the people of this country. We know now that the court has ruled that they should never have spent monies that were not approved by the National Assembly.”
Harmon was referring to disapprovals of sections of the National Budget last year by the Opposition-controlled National Assembly.
Government went ahead and spent the monies, last year sparking a major crisis in Parliament with the Opposition announcing plans to debate a no-confidence motion.
President Ramotar, to stave off the debate, which if voted on successfully would have forced the Government to resign, prorogued (suspended) Parliament for six months, saying he wanted to engage in talks.
However, the Opposition held out and the President announced early general elections for May 11.
According to Harmon yesterday, Jagdeo, and by extension Ramotar should be looking to “kick asses” in the Cabinet.
“They should be looking to kick out some of the chatrees who continue to ride on the back of Guyanese. Ramotar and the PPP should take a page from the book of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar who sacked more than a dozen ministers for wrongdoings. In Guyana, not one has been punished. That is what the PPP is all about.”
The “kick ass” comment also has the APNU+AFC alliance saying that Guyana should reject the PPP’s “cuss down” type of politics.
“APNU+AFC is not surprised by the tone of the PPP campaign launch and remembrance of Cheddi and Janet Jagan at the Babu Jaan event on Sunday. As was the case with previous such events it was once again transformed into a platform for cuss down politics.”
The coalition said regrettably even after five Presidencies and administering the affairs of this nation for almost a quarter of a century, the “bankrupt PPP” continues to be a party empty of ideas, unable to articulate a clear vision for Guyana’s development.
“Instead of forward looking, the PPP is trapped in the politics of the past and filled with leaders who are more comfortable wallowing in the gutter of fear and ignorance rather than travelling the high road of national unity and hope. Yesterday (Sunday) at Babu Jaan, the now customary vilification and vulgar language of the leadership of the PPP was on full display.”
APNU+AFC said that it was clear that the PPP had nothing much to say on its progress and rather regressed to compete “in the annual ‘cuss the Opposition’ ritual”.
“From President Donald Ramotar, to PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee to former President Bharrat Jagdeo they each demonstrated obscene contempt for the Guyanese people. Comments such as “kick up the asses” are symptomatic of Donald Ramotar and Bharrat Jagdeo public posture of disrespect and contempt for the Guyanese people. It speaks too to a streak and pattern of violence which has been introduced into PPP public statements.”
APNU+AFC said that Sunday’s behaviour follows comments by President Ramotar about the slapping of Amerindians.
“It is beyond question now that the PPP has completely strayed from the philosophy of Dr. Jagan. The PPP-elite live Cadillac and mansion lifestyles, fly in private jets and spend millions of dollars on cosmetic dental work and boast about it on the political platform while their supporters are trucked in to these events on crudely assembled vehicles.”
The coalition said that what is even more disturbing is Jagdeo’s appeal for racist politics.
“His comments about a certain group of people “being in” power contradict all the pleadings of the PPP being a multi-ethnic party representative of all Guyana.
APNU+AFC condemns this subliminal call for racist politics which is just a despicable modern call for apaan jhaat. APNU+AFC also calls on the nation to stand united in rejecting the PPP’s cussdown politics. It is time that Guyana is relieved of this cabal of minority PPP rulership.”

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