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Trinidad refuses entry to 32 Guyanese

May 1, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

–    Passports lodged with local police


No one that boarded a Caribbean Airlines flight on Monday morning expected that hours later they would be back in Guyana. However, that is now the reality for 32 Guyanese who were reportedly sent back without explanation after being held for hours at the Piarco International Airport. One of the passengers told Kaieteur News that she went to Trinidad for vacation and medical purposes. She explained that she was a frequent traveler to the country and even had relatives there. She emphasised that at no time did she spend more than a few months in the country at a time. According to the woman, everything had been going well until the flight arrived at Piarco. There, some persons were allowed to leave while others were forced to remain at the airport by staff. From 10:20am right up until about 3pm, the passengers were not told why they were being held at the airport. “They just offered us a little juice but didn’t tell us a thing,” the woman said. She added that a pregnant woman and elderly persons were amongst those being kept at the airport. The passengers were subsequently sent back to Guyana on the flights they had initially been scheduled to. On their return to Guyana, the passengers immediately complained to staff of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. However, instead of helping, the woman said the representatives simply laughed. “I’m not going back to Trinidad; that was just an embarrassing, crude experience,” she said. Meanwhile, the passengers’ passports have been lodged with the Brickdam police station.



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Originally Posted by asj:

Trinidad refuses entry to 32 Guyanese

May 1, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

–    Passports lodged with local police



the passengers’ passports

have been lodged

with the Brickdam police station.



32 Guyanese

try to Runaway

from PPP Paradise


The get sent Back.


PPP seize their Passport


will use it to Vote on May 11th


Don't you think that it is reasonable to await a response by the Trinidad authorities before making assumptions, as you usually do? Are you guys on drugs or what? What does the PPP have to do with it. 

Originally Posted by Wally:

I am sick of these ediots pushing Guyanese around. We should put a ban on them for a month from visiting Guyana.

I agree Wally. We need to ban traveling on Caribbean Air too. Fly Suriname airways instead. I have had frustrating experiences on BWIA during stop overs from Guyana.

Originally Posted by Wally:

I am sick of these ediots pushing Guyanese around. We should put a ban on them for a month from visiting Guyana.

I can imagine the wailing in Trinidad from being prevented from visiting Guyana.  The poor Trinis will have to content themselves with trips to Miami and Orlando.


I would say to send 64 Trinis back, even the Trinis farmers as well, so that their scont will get a feelings of the Guyanese that were send back.


What can we do? The corrupt PPP/C would not have the balls to do that, they are all Puss ies.

Originally Posted by asj:

I would say to send 64 Trinis back, even the Trinis farmers as well, so that their scont will get a feelings of the Guyanese that were send back.


What can we do? The corrupt PPP/C would not have the balls to do that, they are all Puss ies.

There aren't 64 Trinis living in Guyana who don't work for CARICOM or not married to Guyanese.


In addition Trinis aren't farming land in Guyana.  They might own the land and hire Guyanese to do the work.  If Trinis hire Guyanese to do farm labor in Trinidad, why you think they will go in the bush in Guyana and do it.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Wally:

I am sick of these ediots pushing Guyanese around. We should put a ban on them for a month from visiting Guyana.

I agree Wally. We need to ban traveling on Caribbean Air too. Fly Suriname airways instead. I have had frustrating experiences on BWIA during stop overs from Guyana.

this ass like he want to walk from america to guyana

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Wally:

I am sick of these ediots pushing Guyanese around. We should put a ban on them for a month from visiting Guyana.

I agree Wally. We need to ban traveling on Caribbean Air too. Fly Suriname airways instead. I have had frustrating experiences on BWIA during stop overs from Guyana.

this ass like he want to walk from america to guyana

Guyana is in America, South America.

Originally Posted by Wally:

I am sick of these ediots pushing Guyanese around. We should put a ban on them for a month from visiting Guyana.

guyanese disgrace them self why must the Trinidadian aloud a bunch of racist to enter their country let them go to INDIA 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Wally:

I am sick of these ediots pushing Guyanese around. We should put a ban on them for a month from visiting Guyana.

I agree Wally. We need to ban traveling on Caribbean Air too. Fly Suriname airways instead. I have had frustrating experiences on BWIA during stop overs from Guyana.

Why is it the fault of CAL if T&T customs and immigration officials act like morons?  Or if T&T tires of Guyanese trying to live in that nation illegally, as an alleged 19k already are?

Last edited by Former Member

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