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Afghanistan Air Strike Kills Children


Afghanistan: Women and children and

babies killed by NATO Air Strike Kills

11 Children

KABUL, Afghanistan — A fierce battle between U.S.-backed Afghan forces and Taliban militants in a remote corner of eastern Afghanistan left nearly 20 people dead, including 11 Afghan children killed in an airstrike and an American civilian adviser, officials said Sunday.

The fighting along a main infiltration route from Pakistan on Saturday was indicative of a surge in hostilities as Afghanistan's spring fighting season gets underway. This year's will be closely watched because Afghan forces are having to contend with less support from the international military coalition, making it a test case of their ability to take on the country's resilient insurgency.

The U.S.-led coalition confirmed that it launched airstrikes in Kunar province where the deaths occurred, stressing that they were requested by international forces. The coalition said it was assessing the incident, but could not confirm that civilians were killed.

The battle unfolded on Saturday, the same day that a total of six Americans, including three U.S. soldiers, died in violent attacks. In addition to the U.S. adviser killed during the operation in the east, two others – a female foreign service officer with the U.S. State Department and an employee with the U.S. Defense Department – died in a suicide bombing in southern Zabul province during a trip to donate books to Afghan students.

The deaths capped one of the bloodiest weeks of the nearly 12-year-old war. On Wednesday, insurgents ambushed a courthouse in the relatively safe west, killing more than 46 people.

The death of Afghan civilians caught in the crossfire has been a major point of contention between international forces and the Afghan government. Earlier this year, Afghan President Hamid Karzai banned his troops from requesting coalition airstrikes.

In the latest incident, Associated Press photos showed villagers gathered for the funerals of the children whose bodies were swaddled in blankets. A garland of flowers adorned the head of a dead baby.

Afghan officials said the airstrike occurred after a joint U.S.-Afghan force faced hours of heavy gunfire from militants. The joint force was conducting an operation targeting a senior Taliban leader that began around midnight Friday in the Shultan area of Kunar's Shigal district, according to tribal elder Gul Pasha, who also is the chief of the local council.

The remote area is one of the main points of entry for Taliban and other insurgents trying to move across the mountainous border from neighboring Pakistan, where they enjoy refuge in the lawless northwestern area.


"In the morning after sunrise, planes appeared in the sky and airstrikes started," Pasha said in a telephone interview, adding that the fighting didn't end until the evening.

"I don't think that they knew that all these children and women were in the house because they were under attack from the house and they were shooting at the house," he said.

There were slightly differing accounts of the death toll.

Pasha said the main Taliban suspect was in the house that was hit and was killed along with a woman and the children, ages 1 to 12, who were members of the suspect's family.

Provincial government spokesman Wasifullah Wasify said 10 children and one woman were killed and five women, who also were in the house, were wounded.

Karzai's office later said 11 people were killed – all of them children – and six women were wounded.

"While the president strongly condemns the Taliban act of using people and their houses as shields, he also strongly condemns any operation on populated areas that results in civilian casualties," his office said in a statement.

An airstrike in the same district in Kunar that killed 10 civilians in mid-February prompted Karzai to ban his forces from requesting airstrikes.

Afghanistan's Interior Ministry said six Taliban militants were killed in the operation in Sano Dara Sheltan village, including two senior commanders identified as Ali Khan and Gul Raof, the main planner and organizer of attacks in the area.

The U.S.-led coalition said it provided fire support from the air, killing several insurgents.

"The air support was called in by coalition forces, not Afghan security forces, and was used to engage insurgent forces in areas away from structures, according to our reporting," coalition spokesman Maj. Adam Wojack said in a statement.

He said the coalition takes all reports of civilian casualties seriously, and was currently assessing the incident.

Afghan forces have been increasingly taking the lead in combat operations as international forces move to complete their withdrawal by the end of 2014. But U.S. and other foreign troops still face dangers as they try to clear areas of insurgents and prepare the Afghans to take control.

Gen. Martin Dempsey, the top U.S. military officer, told the AP in an interview on Sunday in Afghanistan that he was cautiously optimistic about the final stage of handing off security responsibility to Afghan forces.

Asked if he thought that some parts of Afghanistan will be contested by the Taliban in 2015, Dempsey replied, "Yes, of course there will be. And if we were having this conversation 10 years from now, I suspect there would (still) be contested areas because the history of Afghanistan suggests that there will always be contested areas."

There are about 100,000 international troops currently in Afghanistan, including 66,000 from the United States. The U.S. troop total is scheduled to drop to about 32,000 by early next year. The bulk of the decline is to occur after fighting winds down this winter.


AP writers Rahim Faiez in Kabul, Rahmat Gul in Jalalabad and Robert Burns at Bagram Air Field contributed.



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In this Wednesday, March 20, 2013 photo, Afghan villager Ghulam Rasool sits in the yard of his house where he and his family found refuge in the village of Khalis Family Village, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan. Rasool padlocked his front door, handed over the keys and his three cows to a neighbor and in the middle of the night left his mountain home to escape relentless air strikes. (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus)



Afghanistan president condemns killing of Afghan kids

Afghan President Hamid Karzai

Afghan President Hamid Karzai

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has strongly condemned a deadly airstrike carried out by the US-led forces in eastern Afghanistan.

Officials said on Sunday that the attack, which led to the death of Afghan civilians, including 11 children, took place in Shigal district of eastern Kunar province late on Saturday.

In a statement issued by his office, Karzai “strongly condemned the ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) airstrike in Kunar that killed 11 children.”

Local officials noted the air raid was conducted to support a ground military operation against Taliban militants.

“Eleven children have been killed aging from one year old to eight years old…There is no proof that al-Qaeda or any other militants were killed,” said an Afghan resident.

On Thursday, four Afghan policemen and two civilians lost their lives in another airstrike launched by US-led forces in eastern Ghazni province.

Many civilians have lost their lives in US-led operations in various parts of Afghanistan over the past decade, with Afghans becoming increasingly outraged at the seemingly endless number of the deadly assaults.

Washington claims that its airstrikes target militants, but local sources say civilians have been the main victims of the attacks.

The United States and its allies entered the war in Afghanistan in October 2001 as part of Washington’s so-called war on terror. The offensive removed the Taliban from power, but after more than 11 years, the foreign troops have not been able to establish security in the country.
Originally Posted by asj:


Only God knows it they will survive the barbaric USA and NATO

 stop wishing for more kids to be killed so you can gleefully come on and post pictures of their bodies...yuh are sick

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:


Only God knows it they will survive the barbaric USA and NATO

 stop wishing for more kids to be killed so you can gleefully come on and post pictures of their bodies...yuh are sick

Even if your own kids are killed this way (God Forbid) you will still be a  brainwashed hypocrite, and worship that barbaric action


Drones attacks should be stopped. Musharraf gave the Green Light with strings attached. They cannot hit Terrorists Targets that are training to attack India. Now it is biting their asses, both Pak and Afgan.


Didn't they accomplish what they originally set out to do? Get rid of the Taliban and kill Osama bin Laden? Now they should leave and stop killing innocent women and children.


I am very disturbed by the acts of the cowards who I blame for this, I am speaking about the Taliban. These ignorant diaper wearing sorry ass for men tend to hide among the women and children and do not fight like real men...wimps.


Did anyone here read this piece in the same article?

Your own countrymen and women are also being killed, do you people also cry for them?



"The battle unfolded on Saturday, the same day that a total of six Americans, including three U.S. soldiers, died in violent attacks. In addition to the U.S. adviser killed during the operation in the east, two others – a female foreign service officer with the U.S. State Department and an employee with the U.S. Defense Department – died in a suicide bombing in southern Zabul province during a trip to donate books to Afghan students."


Originally Posted by cain:

Your own countrymen and women are also being killed, do you people also cry for them?

They are not countrymen. They were probably born in the US, whilst these GNI posters are infiltrators with US passports. Guyana and the PPP have been sending terrorists to the US to stir up trouble.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Drones attacks should be stopped. Musharraf gave the Green Light with strings attached. They cannot hit Terrorists Targets that are training to attack India. Now it is biting their asses, both Pak and Afgan.



The United States of America is now just like Nazi Germany, Nazi Germany uses to kill people with V2 Rockets, now the United States of America is using drones to kill Women, Children and Babies in their sleep, and they are doing this in countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan and who knows which other countries, well methinks that it was done in Iraq also with bunker busting bombs and crazed American Troops.


And what is more disturbing, it takes a man who has garnered a Noble Peace Prize to kill women and children and babies in their sleep. For every one Taliban killed, there are 40 women and children and babies that are being killed by the United States of America.


Is this President so blind that he needs laser surgery to clean his eyes, so that he can see what a world criminal he is?


The President of the (United States of America) with a quarter of a million troops in Afghanistan, had eleven years to kill out all the Taliban, yet today the Taliban is stronger than before, why?

I would tend to guess that it would seems that he is so sadistic, (forgive that word, as I cannot think of a better one right now) that he gets a personal satisfaction in Killing Muslim Women and Children and Babies in Afghanistan and Pakistan, instead of the Taliban.


No other person in this world has ever killed so many women children and babies, why does fingers has to be pointed at this President?


I pray that God should give him the guidance and understanding to cease the killings of all Muslim Women and Children and Babies, especially in their sleep.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Drones attacks should be stopped. Musharraf gave the Green Light with strings attached. They cannot hit Terrorists Targets that are training to attack India. Now it is biting their asses, both Pak and Afgan.


Look buddy...I really do understand the suffering and innocent dying...I just baffled when asj and YOU dont run come and post when yall fellow so called Muslims slaughtering their own in marketplaces, mosques, villages etc....all in the name of Allah.

Guess if it's done in the name of Allah, it's ok in yall world


NTW, dat dunce Nehru cyant heducate me


The drone killings are justified as it actually saves muslim lives. Without the drones the US would have been forced to land troops in these foreign nations and the collateral damage would have been greater. You guys don't expect the US to take no actions do you? But why even bother worrying about the Pakis and Afghan s, they consider themselves superior to you people, they spit on you in private. They only need you to support their cause when it is convenient. 

Originally Posted by asj:

Why the hell do you think the soldier were in the area?  This was not a drone strike but an air strike and the US does not target Children deliberately. The enemy does


And why did you not post the pictures of them killing 55 people many children as well? Every other day the kill dozens of children. These bastards also participate in the trafficking of over half a million children yearly. Children are currency in this region. You cannot pay you give up one to slavery. Check Christian AManpour ( sp) site for details


Children killed by US Drones in Pakistan and Afghanistan" class="caption" />Dozens of protesters from “Grandmothers Against the War” gathered in New York City to denounce the US government’s use of drones. They chanted slogans and called placards like “Drones fly, children die.” The grandmothers protest kicked off what participants say will be a month of rallies called ‘April Days of Action’, organised by the New York-based group ‘Know Drones’.


‘April Days of Action’, organised by the New York-based group ‘Know Drones’.


The protest in New York will be followed by three days of protests outside the facilities of companies that make drones, including at San Diego-based General Atomics.

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights Ben Emmerson said last month in a special statement that United States drone attacks are “a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty,” and are being conducted without the consent of Islamabad, after a three-day fact finding mission to Pakistan

Washington, D.C. 09 April (

It has been reported that an American military airstrike in eastern Afghanistan on Saturday, April 6 that targeted a senior Taliban commander finally ended up in killing 18 people including women and children.

Following an intense fighting on the ground American air support was called to flatten the home of the commander whose name has been released as Ali Khan. Children killed by US Drones in Pakistan and Afghanistan

In addition to killing Ali Khan and several other Taliban fighters, at least 10 children died, and at least 5 women were wounded, said Abdul Zahir Safi, the governor of the Shigal district, where the attack occurred.


Afghan officials

 said they believed the women and children were relatives of the Taliban commander.

The civilian casualties on Saturday added to the death toll from two episodes in Ghazni Province in the past eight days, in which four police officers were killed during a NATO airstrike and two children died in a helicopter attack. A spokesman for the coalition forces said all accusations of civilian casualties are still under investigation. And military officials reiterated that all three recent strikes were called in by international forces rather than by Afghan troops, The New York Times reported.

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Drones attacks should be stopped. Musharraf gave the Green Light with strings attached. They cannot hit Terrorists Targets that are training to attack India. Now it is biting their asses, both Pak and Afgan.


Look buddy...I really do understand the suffering and innocent dying...I just baffled when asj and YOU dont run come and post when yall fellow so called Muslims slaughtering their own in marketplaces, mosques, villages etc....all in the name of Allah.

Guess if it's done in the name of Allah, it's ok in yall world


NTW, dat dunce Nehru cyant heducate me

I never saiod I could. Al YUh BRITE more than Tide, so how can I.

Originally Posted by asj:
Washington, D.C. 09 April (

It has been reported that an American military airstrike in eastern Afghanistan on Saturday, April 6 that targeted a senior Taliban commander finally ended up in killing 18 people including women and children.

Following an intense fighting on the ground American air support was called to flatten the home of the commander whose name has been released as Ali Khan. Children killed by US Drones in Pakistan and Afghanistan

In addition to killing Ali Khan and several other Taliban fighters, at least 10 children died, and at least 5 women were wounded, said Abdul Zahir Safi, the governor of the Shigal district, where the attack occurred.


Afghan officials

 said they believed the women and children were relatives of the Taliban commander.

The civilian casualties on Saturday added to the death toll from two episodes in Ghazni Province in the past eight days, in which four police officers were killed during a NATO airstrike and two children died in a helicopter attack. A spokesman for the coalition forces said all accusations of civilian casualties are still under investigation. And military officials reiterated that all three recent strikes were called in by international forces rather than by Afghan troops, The New York Times reported.

GOD was too busy today protecting soldiers, who are protecting your right to speak such stupidity, so He asked some here to straighten you out, let you know that you are wrong.


This is surely very sad but, when will you start posting the victims of the Wahab-terrorists in Syria and across the ME.  The US make mistakes, the Saudi terrorist target the innocent as an art of war.


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