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By NALINEE SEELAL, Saturday, April 28, 2012

Source - News Day


THE 25-YEAR-OLD suspect being sought in connection with the brutal murder of Nikita Ramischand, 18, the daughter of prominent attorney Odai Ramischand fled Trinidad five hours after he is alleged to have killed the teen.

The Guyanese national is reported to have boarded a Caribbean Airlines (CAL) flight at 12.25 am on Thursday and arrived in Guyana an hour later. His last known hideout was identified as East of the Demerara River in a place called Soesdyke. It is a fairly forested area inhabited by persons of the low income group.

Yesterday, Ramischand who said he is still in shock over his daughter’s violent demise said that his nephew Anil Mohabir Nandlall, who is the Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General of Guyana is very shaken up over the murder of Nikita and has put all resources in place to apprehend the suspect in the South American nation.

Ramischand said that based on immigration records he was able to find out when the suspect left Trinidad and when he arrived in Guyana and pointed out that all systems are in place to bring the suspect to justice.

“I will spend every penny and every breath that I have to make sure that justice is done to send a signal that you just cannot violate the sanctity of life and its regard to people’s feelings and respect for family life and decent people. I will make sure that justice is done through due process of law,” Ramischand said.

Ramischand said that he and his wife Shariza and five other children have not eaten or slept since Nikita was murdered and he is unsure if he will be able to even resume his legal career after his daughter’s funeral which has been tentatively set for next week Tuesday at the house of mourning. However he is clear in his mind that justice must be served.

“No one can interfere with my children and get away with it. Seeing my daughter take her last breath and blood seeping from her throat and stab wounds in her’s something I will not wish for any parent to witness. Rest assured, that man who took my Nikita away will be hunted down and brought to justice,” Ramischand vowed.

Ramischand said that on Wednesday he began feeling uneasy while at work and could not understand why he could not concentrate. He said that while at the office, Nikita telephoned him and said: “Dad, I feel like cooking for you today. I know your favourite meal is dhal, rice, caraili with shrimp and coconut chutney. I am looking forward to seeing you home soon.”

Ramischand said that he was kept back at his office on Wednesday because of legal work he is doing for a client in Guyana. On arrival home on Wednesday night he was met by his frantic wife who told him that Nikita could not be found.

He said that he told his wife and other children to look for her in the compound because his daughter never went anywhere without family members. “I told them to call her cellphone and when it began ringing at the back of a guest house on the compound my children rushed to where the phone was ringing only to discover Nikita gasping and vomitting chunks of blood.” Ramischand said when his children and wife began screaming he rushed to the area only to reach in time to see his daughter breathe her last.

“I almost collapsed. I could not believe what I was seeing. I thought my daughter was safe and protected at our home. The person who took away her life has no regard for human life or the repercussions of his actions.”

Ramischand said that he will forever be haunted by the image of blood spurting from Nikita’s neck and chest. He fears his family will never recover from this ordeal. He said the last meal Nikita cooked for him is still in the fridge. He said it will never be eaten and he will find some way to preserve it as it was the last act of love his daughter did for him before her death.

Ramischand said he regrets being kept back at his office as he felt his daughter would still be alive if he had come home his normal time. He said that the killer would have fled the scene shortly after he (Ramischand) arrived home.

He also revealed that his wife received three telephone calls from the suspect who claimed he was still in Trinidad staying in Chaguanas and Freeport. “That man had the audacity to call my wife to plead his innocence and even told her that he was not the person who killed Nikita. He said it was something which he could never do,” Ramischand said.

Ramischand said that he even asked the killer to meet with him but the man promised to call back. This conversation was recorded by police and later traced to Guyana. He said that hundreds of persons attended a wake at his home for Nikita on Thursday night and everyone expressed horror over the killing.

He said that two years ago, he took a decision to leave Trinidad and migrate with his family because of the crime situation but because it would have disrupted his children’s education, he decided against it. With Nikita’s death, migration is now uppermost in his mind.

Ramischand said that the Government of Guyana and the Trinidad Police are working hand in hand to bring the suspect to justice. Newsday understands that AG Nandlall was expected to arrive at 5.30 pm yesterday to attend next week’s funeral.

The teenager who was a student of the School of Business and Computer Studies (SBCS) was killed on Wednesday night while walking to her mother’s salon located inside her father’s mansion at Maracas/St Joseph.

The killer scaled a 10 foot fence at the northern side of the house and reportedly ambushed Nikita as she made her way to the salon. An autopsy carried out on Thursday revealed that the young woman’s throat was slit and she was stabbed six times.

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Local police confident of capturing killer Murder of T&T attorney’s daughter …

April 30, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

Source - Kaieteur News


Acting Police Commissioner Leroy Brummel is confident that the suspect in the brutal murder of Nikita Ramischand, the daughter of Trinidad-based attorney, will be captured soon.

Brummel confirmed that Immigration records show that that suspect, Ramesh Sookram, called ‘Alan’, entered Guyana.

“Immigration records show that he came here…it looks as if he planned the kill. We are working…we will get him.”

The acting Top Cop said that he has also spoken to Crime Chief Seelall Persaud about issuing a wanted bulletin for the suspect. He said that his counterparts in Trinidad will be informed as soon as the arrest is made.

A source said that information indicated that Sookram entered Guyana around 01:00 hrs on Thursday.

Detectives here have already checked at the Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara residence where the suspect’s mother resides.

The 25-year-old Guyana-born construction worker has been on the run since Wednesday, when he allegedly killed 18-year-old Ramischand near her mother’s salon in Maracas, Trinidad.

The victim’s throat was slit and she was stabbed several times in the abdomen.

Nikita Ramischand


Meanwhile, a relative of the slain teen stated that detectives in Trinidad recovered the murder weapon yesterday from a river near the slain girl’s home. However, the relative said that the detectives have not described the weapon. The detectives also revisited the murder scene yesterday.

Kaieteur News was also told that surveillance cameras at the Piarco International Airport showed the alleged killer and a male cousin, known as ‘Ravi’, boarding a flight the day after the murder.

According to this report, one of Sookram’s hands was bandaged. There are indications that he was injured while scaling a razor-wire fence during his escape.

It is believed that the killer washed off his bloodstained hands at the river where the murder weapon was found.

Ramischand is the daughter of prominent Trinidadian attorney Odai Ramischand. She is also the niece of Attorney General Anil Nandlall, who is presently in Trinidad.

The teen is expected to be cremated tomorrow.

According to the Attorney General, the suspect contacted the slain teen’s mother by telephone on Thursday and has called several times since.

“He’s calling the mother from an unlisted number telling her that he did not do it, that he would never do something like that, and that he only learnt of the incident in the newspapers. He contacted her up to last night (Saturday).”

According to a report in the Trinidad Newsday, investigators believe the suspect was obsessed with Nikita, who rejected his marriage proposal a few weeks ago. Kaieteur News understands that the suspect had threatened Nikita a few days before she was murdered, “but nobody took it seriously.”

According to the Trinidad media, Nikita, a second-year ACCA student of the School of Business and Computer Sciences (SBCS), worked at Casa de Belize, a salon her mother Shariza operated next to the family home at LP 46 Maracas Royal Road, Maracas, St. Joseph.

Suspect Ramesh Sookram


She was supposed to attend to a client at the salon at about 7 pm on Wednesday. Police believe that while walking to the salon, Nikita was ambushed by the suspect who dragged her behind the premises where he slit her throat and stabbed her in her abdomen. They believe that the killer used a kitchen knife.

The Newsday said that the victim’s mother told police that she did not hear any screams or any strange noises, but when Nikita failed to arrive at the salon she became suspicious and began calling her cell phone.

When the calls went unanswered, Shariza, her husband, Odai, their eldest son, Sid, and another brother and sisters began searching for Nikita.
They found her bloodied body behind the salon at about 8 pm.

Police believe the killer scaled a ten foot razor-edged wire fence, located on the northern side of the Ramischand family home, where he hid and waited for Nikita. Bloodstains were reportedly found on the fence.

An autopsy, performed by pathologist Dr. Eastlyn McDonald-Burris, revealed that Nikita bled to death after her throat was slit. She also received six stab wounds to the abdomen.

According to the Trinidad Newsday, Sid, Nikita’s eldest brother, said Nikita was considered “the baby” of the family and lived a sheltered life.

He said that three months ago, his father hired construction workers to work on the property where they lived and it was there that Nikita met the suspect. He said the two spoke frequently on the phone and when the suspect asked Nikita to get married a few weeks ago, she refused.

Kaieteur News understands that unknown to the victim’s father, the suspect continued to visit the teen even after he had stopped working at their home.

The Trinidad Newsday quoted the brother as saying that the suspect began making threatening phone calls to Nikita. Three weeks ago, the suspect scaled the razor-wire fence, entered the property and began threatening his sister.

It was only when Nikita said that she would call the police that he left. Sid added that his sister started a new relationship a few weeks ago and believes that this may have angered the suspect. He believes Nikita was being stalked.


It is the emerging culture of entitlement where criminals men  empowered by a complacent and often equally society to take what they want with no consequences.   A man ran off with a 13 year old Amerindian child, Barama supervisors gang rape their 17 employee, neighbor take off with neighbor child to prostitute them in the interior... these things never happened before where the people think the can remain hidden in the community in the sanctuary of family. It represents a growing cultural defect.


Trini teen’s murder…Suspect threatens suicide rather than surrender

May 2, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

Source - Kaieteur News


Dead: Nikita Ramischand


Ramesh Sookram, the 25-year–old Guyanese construction worker who is wanted for the murder of 18-year-old Trinidadian Nikita Ramischand, has reportedly threatened to kill himself rather than surrender to police.

This is according to Newsday, a Trinidad newspaper, which quoted the slain teen’s father as saying that the suspect telephoned the girl’s mother, Shariza, at around 19:00 hrs on Sunday and spoke with her for about 20 minutes.

According to the report, Sookram strongly denied involvement in Nikita Ramischand’s killing but added that he prefers to kill himself rather than surrender.

Kaieteur News was told that the suspect has made other calls to the victim’s mother.

Newsday also reported that the victim’s father, Trinidad-based attorney, Odai Ramischand, said that the fugitive was very emotional during the telephone conversation which was recorded by police.

“Where he is I know that he is suffering and not able to even get some water or food to eat. It won’t be long before he is apprehended and brought to justice,” Ramischand said.

Sookram, also called ‘Alan’, fled to Guyana shortly after he allegedly slit Nikita Ramischand’s throat and stabbed her several times at her Maracas, St Joseph home last Wednesday.

According to reports, CCTV (closed-circuit television) footage at Piarco International Airport showed the suspect in company with a cousin before he boarded a Caribbean Airlines Limited (CAL) flight to Guyana.

One of his hands was bandaged and police believe this was from an injury he sustained while scaling a ten-foot high fence topped with razor wire after committing the murder.

Newsday said that Sookram listed his mother’s Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara address as his destination when he left Trinidad. The newspaper added that his mother has told detectives here that her son never arrived at her home and she has not heard from or seen him.

“However, police in Guyana obtained telephone records which indicated the suspect spoke with his mother from an unlisted number telling her he only learnt of the incident in the newspapers. The last time he spoke to her was on Saturday night.”

The report out of Trinidad said that investigators there also confirmed yesterday that they have seized a knife they believe to be the murder weapon found in a discarded tyre in a river behind Nikita Ramischand’s home.


Police believe the killer washed away the victim’s blood from his hands in the river.

The newspaper also said that two Homicide Investigations Bureau officers from Trinidad are in Guyana assisting with the investigation. It said that Trinidad’s Deputy Police commissioner Mervyn Richardson confirmed that the Homicide Investigations Bureau is working closely with police in Guyana to apprehend the suspect and have him returned to Trinidad for questioning.

But Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell (ag.) told Kaieteur News yesterday that he is unaware of the presence of any Trinidadian investigators here. He again expressed confidence that the fugitive will be captured.

“We have some leads we are working on; we will get him.”

On Sunday, Brumell confirmed that Immigration records show that Sookram entered Guyana. The acting Top Cop said that he has also spoken to Crime Chief Seelall Persaud about issuing a wanted bulletin for the suspect. He added that his counterparts in Trinidad will be informed as soon as the arrest is made.

Meanwhile, Nikita Ramischand was cremated yesterday at Belgroves Funeral Home following a funeral service.

Attorney General Anil Nandlall, who is the victim’s uncle, attended the funeral service. According to Newsday, Nandlall confirmed being kept abreast of developments about the manhunt in Guyana for the suspect.

The newspaper said that he praised the Trinidad police whom he said have not only been professional in their investigations, but also very supportive and sympathetic to his family.

Nikita Ramischand, a second-year ACCA student of the School of Business and Computer Sciences (SBCS), worked at Casa de Belize, a salon her mother Shariza operated next to the family home at LP 46 Maracas Royal Road, Maracas, St. Joseph.

She was walking to her mother’s salon located inside the compound of her father’s sprawling mansion when she was allegedly accosted by her killer who dragged her behind a guest house on the compound, slashed her throat and then stabbed her six times in the abdomen.


Ramischand at daughter’s funeral: I feared it was only a matter of time

Published: Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Attorney Odai Ramischand, left, makes a parting gesture to his daughter Nikita, at the funeral service at the Ramischand’s Maracas Valley, St Joseph home yesterday. PHOTO: ABRAHAM DIAZ


Attorney Odai Ramischand said he knew it was only a matter of time before crime would visit his family. Ramischand was addressing mourners yesterday at the funeral service for his daughter, Nikita. Nikita, 18, was stabbed to death at the family’s home at Maracas Royal Road in St Joseph last week Wednesday.


She was an accounts student at the School of Business and Computer Science (SBCS), Champs Fleurs. Homicide detectives believe she was killed by a jilted lover who is now hiding out in his homeland, Guyana. Ramischand gave the opening tribute at the family’s home.


“I went to Wales, Ireland, England and Scotland to look for a place to hide my children. I knew it was a matter of time. When you see families crying for their loved ones, let my daughter’s death serve a purpose. If you forget what I am begging you, it will reflect. Help your brothers and sisters,” he said.


Ramischand said he did everything within his control to protect his children. “Her life was snuffed out for no reason, and not a justified reason. I have advocated the justified cases, but the pastor who is trained will do that now.” Ramischand said her daughter dialled his number when she was being attacked.


“The day after, I saw a strange number on my phone. Apparently she pressed her daddy’s number instinctively (when she was dying),” he said. “If my daughter’s life is the price I have to pay, then she wouldn’t die in vain. We say we are our brother’s keeper. The same danger your children also face. We must be determined to help each other so the criminals must not bring pain,” he said.


Ramischand praised the investigation done by Homicide officers and urged mourners to help the police. Worldwide Full Gospel Ministries Pastor Andrew Ramjattan said the country should learn from Nikita’s death. “We are ravaged in his country by what we are experiencing. This is not an uncommon situation even with the 21st-century policing and everything in place.


“There are corrupted ones, but they do their best. Despite their efforts we hear about, we become indifferent to strategies until it hits home,” Ramjattan said. The eulogy was delivered by Nikita’s siblings.


You can never commit a crime and flee to Guyana for safe haven. He will be caught before he's able to take his own life. If he wanted to die why he didn't kill himself the same time he killed the girl?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I hope this piece of GARBAGE do just that and save the GOVt money!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peeple like alyuh mek diss kuntry look baad.  Di man gafa goa tru abie court and justice system.  he goa geh wah di law seh, nah wuh di street seh.


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