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Following clash with BK International…Willis axed as Haags Bosch Project Manager

November 10, 2012 | By | Filed Under News

Government’s Chief Engineer Walter Willis has been sacked as Project Manager of the Solid Waste Management Programme. The sacking becomes effective this afternoon. The letter under the hand of Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Local Government, Collin Croal, stated that “this decision would provide an opportunity to return to the Ministry of Works.”Croal said that the government has not severed ties with Willis. The decision to sack Willis sprang from the clash between Willis and BK International. A few weeks ago, following claims by BK International that it had imported US$3 million worth of machinery, Willis released photographs of disused and unsalvageable machinery believed to be the US$3 million consignment. A Government source said that Willis and Kaieteur News exhibited gross indiscretion by publishing the photographs. The source said that it was not Willis’s duty to make such a statement—it was a foolish thing. The source said that given the disclosure of the photographs it would not have been in Willis’s best interest to remain as Project Manager of the solid waste programme. His removal was seen as the worst thing that could have happened since he was playing a crucial role to ensure the successful execution of the solid waste project. It was in the government’s interest for Willis to remain there, the source said. BK International had earlier moved to the courts to challenge a report submitted by Willis on the performance of BK International on the Haags Bosch Landfill site. Willis has since procured his own legal team for his defence. In the report, Willis claimed that BK International was non-compliant in relation to the project specifications. Minister Robeson Benn asked to comment on the issue would only say that Walter Willis has always been and remains Technical Adviser to the Works Minister. Willis would say nothing on the issue. He did say that he will have his day in the courts in the BK International suit. Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon, when asked about Willis having to seek his own legal representation, said that Willis never informed the administration. But Willis said that he did inform his immediate superior but no response was forthcoming. In order to avoid any penalties he had to seek his own lawyers. The Haags Bosch landfill is not the only facility that will bring him into contact with BK International. There are still some road projects, sea defence projects and the roll on-roll off ferries all being executed by BK International.

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The PPP regime does not want its corruption to be exposed. whilst they scream about the PNC and AFC, PPP thieves are running away with tax payers money/ Money that would have improved the lives of the poor.


check out the US$3million construction equipment 'imported' by BK . . . Fip Motilall redux!!!


and LOOK who the axeman is . . . [so far] unindicted 'dirty hands' Colin Croal.


The way things just "happen" Willis should consider leaving his area or leave the country until his trial date.

This is a serious dent and the "populace" (Unconscious word) will again see the incompetence of their Govt.


Did someone say if a snap election is called is no problem for PPP...ahem ahem...hehehe


The Govt better start doing the right thing as their opposition has recently done with one of their members.

Last edited by cain

We are not sure why he was sacked. Kaieteur has a habit of lying, they injected their own opinion as to why the sacking took place.   His actions of providing dubious pictures and hearsay to Kaieteur shows that he was circumventing the chain of command and decided to play politics. Why he didn't go to his superiors with this "information" is suspect, he instead chose to run to Kaieteur. This being the case clearly showed the necessity for him to be removed due to conflict of interest, his interest being compromised due to political pandering. 


do you report to the devil when a crime is being committ, you ppp fools is not seeing the guyanese people have enough.ramottar sitting on his big fat ass and doing nothing,well the people is seeing thanks to kaieteur news,and they will act its just a matter of time,you ppp fools see what happen in the mideast,if ramattor have a little brain and he care about the ppp he will start by sending rohee to the old agehome


About four years ago I was at the Grand Canyon.  At the top of the Grand Canyon on the south side there is an old abandoned uranium mine with some old abandon equipment.  That first picture reminded me of the old abandoned uranium mine. 


Tiefing and mo tiefing dis country. Garbage all over and they sacked de engineer. Bad construction all over. New water wells not drill in right place. Money wasting all de time. 


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