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Trump said from the beginning that he intends to bring back a plausible deal that is good for all sides. If not, don't waste his time. That is pretty straightforward. North Korea has much to gain by complying and economic sanctions will be uplifted. Kim's tough talk about show up at the meeting or showdown on the nuclear desk is all bull. Kim saw the showdown every day at his backyard with U.S & South Korea military forces. This is not about Trump. It's about North Korea to join the free world and follow through with the pledge he made. This is not a game. This is serious business. If Kim asks for another meeting, he may not get a second opportunity. It's the same game Iran was playing with the U.S. Until Trump pulls the plug on them. Trump may act stupid but he doesn't frig around.


Trump: In the meantime, "very strong sanctions" will continue

President Trump said he is "waiting" for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to "engage in constructive dialogue and actions" — but until then, US sanctions against North Korea will continue.

Here's what he said:

"All of the Korean people, North and South, deserve to be able to live together in harmony, prosperity and peace. That bright and beautiful future can only happen when the threat of nuclear weapons is removed. No way it can happen otherwise. If and when Kim Jong-un chooses to engage in constructive dialogue and actions, I am waiting. In the meantime, our very strong sanctions, by far the strongest sanctions ever imposed, and maximum pressure campaign will continue as it has been continuing."
Prince posted:

Trump said from the beginning that he intends to bring back a plausible deal that is good for all sides. If not, don't waste his time. That is pretty straightforward. North Korea has much to gain by complying and economic sanctions will be uplifted. Kim's tough talk about show up at the meeting or showdown on the nuclear desk is all bull. Kim saw the showdown every day at his backyard with U.S & South Korea military forces. This is not about Trump. It's about North Korea to join the free world and follow through with the pledge he made. This is not a game. This is serious business. If Kim asks for another meeting, he may not get a second opportunity. It's the same game Iran was playing with the U.S. Until Trump pulls the plug on them. Trump may act stupid but he doesn't frig around.

Plausible by whose standards?

Prince posted:

You know when Trump policy is working when people start hating him. The world hates America because of Trump, but the world cannot do without America because of Trump. He calls the shot. He makes the deal. Time has changed. Trump bows to no one even his own wife. 

Kim Jung Un seem to be having some internal problems.  The recent change in attitude by NK indicates this.  I don’t see NK giving up its weapons in any deal.  Also, trump senses Chinese meddling.

T’was clever of Trump to cancel the meeting after making great public overtures.  Let the NK now twist in the wind and argue amongst themselves.  The hostages are home, sanctions in place. Trump has nothing to lose.  

This has also exposed any Chinese attempt to pretend not to hold sway over NK.  

Expect a hardening of position on China. 


I have been saying the same all along, but I believe North Korea will meet with Trump on a new date. This is something too big not to take seriously. Russia, China, and South Korea weigh in on the cancellation and they all seem to point fingers at Trump. Kim's response after the cancellation says this is the beginning of a process and we have to take it gradually. Both sides made good points, so let's see how things prevail from here on.


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