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Kind hearted citizens build home for Soesdyke/Linden family

May 04, 2020 News 0 , Source - Kaieteur News Online -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-business-practices/

A Soesdyke/Linden family of nine now has a comfortable home, after living for years in a shack made of a torn tarpaulin and sticks.

Mr. & Mrs. La Rose and some of their children.

Dalton and Sonia La Rose along with their seven children, aged 16,15, 12,11, seven, five and one received assistance from a group of individuals who learned about their plight.

The family had reportedly fallen on hard times after Mr. La Rode sustained injuries a few years ago while working.

William Ramlall, who spearheaded this project explained that they learned about the La Rose family’s dire circumstances a few weeks ago.

“I picked this young lady up on my way to work and she asked me if I could do something to help this family. She then explained the situation and I gave her my word that I would look into it.

“That weekend, I had to keep the kids while my wife worked so I asked my friend to visit the family and send me photos of their situation.”

He added that, “when I saw their situation, I knew I had to do something, so I asked for their permission and they agreed so I posted the photos and a live video on social media literally in tears asking for help for this family.”

Ramlall further stated that the very day he and a few others were able to put together a hamper for the family. A few other individuals then said they were willing to assist to build a home for the La Roses.

“In less than a week, the construction of the home began,” Ramlall said. The new home will soon be painted and furnished.

Others are assisting in setting up a farm.

“I take no credit, but give gratitude to all those who contributed to this cause. Today, because of the kindness of these folks, a family now can sleep comfortably.”

When asked why he undertook this initiative, Ramlall said, “This is the Guyana, I want my children to grow up in, where there is love for mankind; where kindness is a habit.

I believe kindness has a ripple effect. I teach my children to be kind to everyone; in fact, my daughter went from wanting to be a doctor to being a humanitarian.”

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Amral, Mrs. Lall home was rebuilt. Info was posted on GNI a while ago.

One of the articles that led up to the reconstruction of a new home ...

Widow who lost home to fire appeals for help to rebuild

Jan 06, 2020 News 0  , Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...for-help-to-rebuild/


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