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Kissinger says US media lying about Syria



Former U.S. secretary of state Henry Kissinger says the American media are not telling the truth about the current situation in Syria.


“In the American press it’s described as a conflict between democracy and a dictator- and the dictator is killing his own people, and we’ve got to punish him. But that’s not what’s going on,” he said during a speech at the Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan.


“It is now a civil war between sectarian groups,” Kissinger added.


Kissinger’s remarks come as the United States has been criticized for fomenting sectarian discord in Syria and the broader Middle East by interfering in the nations’ internal affairs and backing up insurgencies.

Elsewhere in his remarks Kissinger said “the outcome I would prefer to see” in Syria was a broken-up and balkanized country with “more or less autonomous regions.”


U.S. President Barack Obama has authorized sending weapons to foreign-backed militants in Syria, further escalating the conflict in the Arab country.


The White House earlier accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons against the militants, an allegation denied by Damascus.


Obama’s policies regarding Syria have been attacked by some American politicians.


Former Congressman Ron Paul said the Obama administration was “escalating” the war in Syria by sending weapons to the militants.


“Today we heard from President Obama that the war in Syria will be escalated. He now has agreed to send weaponry in to assist the rebels. It’s escalation, that’s a proper word, because we’ve already been involved for quite a few months. We’ve been supporting the rebels for probably the past two years, supposedly for humanitarian reasons,” he said in a statement posted on YouTube.


“But now there is going to be a much more aggressive approach and we’re going to send weapons. There is a few problems with this, first off it’s war. Second thing is presidents are not supposed to start war without permission from the people through a congressional declaration of war,” Paul argued.


The unrest in Syria erupted over two years ago and many people, including large numbers of Syrian soldiers and security personnel, have been killed in the conflict.

Damascus says the conflict is being engineered from outside the country, and there are reports that a very large number of the militants fighting in Syria are foreign nationals.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

I took the time to listen to the speech. He only spoke for about 20 and while he did complain about foreign policy ( as if he was a measure of good practices) he did not say the media lies. What is stated above is the damn lie. It was taken out of context as usual.


Certain US media outlet are arms of the US foreign policy.  In all the recent wars the media was instrumental in beating the drums of war and getting the masses on-board.  Then in the war zone, they are pooled so the USG can control the message coming out.


Remember, ot was the media that help "lose" the Vietnam war.  The USG and military now uses and control the media to fight the war.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Certain US media outlet are arms of the US foreign policy.  In all the recent wars the media was instrumental in beating the drums of war and getting the masses on-board.  Then in the war zone, they are pooled so the USG can control the message coming out.


Remember, ot was the media that help "lose" the Vietnam war.  The USG and military now uses and control the media to fight the war.

Freedom House radio . . . circa 1968



Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Legally the media can lie in the USA

 What was said was at an open forum in a university setting. The media outlet equivocating here deliberately to convey the wrong impression of what was said is clearly Mullah TV. But that is what the do.


In any event, media operate on an integrity principle.  It can exist as the globe or the national inquirer of as the Washington Post. While reporters have their bias, the washington post was not set up by a government for a protracted campaign of propaganda. Press TV was set up to do that. It is the ME national inquierer if contrasted with a more serious news outlet as Aljazeera

Originally Posted by Pointblank:

In any event, media operate on an integrity principle.


Not the US Media

For lack of a more polite way of saying this you are talking straight up crap. One can get a variety of views here that is not possible elsewhere.


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