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Originally Posted by Errol Arthur:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Conscience, as the duly elected leader of the PNC, David Granger is entitled to pick a parliamentary team he has absolute confidence in. Further, he is entitled to place his individual team members in any seat order according to his considered judgement.

Having said that, Mr Granger should have shown Ms Kissoon some courtesy by informing her before the sitting of the seat change.


Neither Granger nor Ramotar have the right to pick their parliamentary teams.  That power resides with the people.  That right that you speak of was inserted into the constitution by leaders of the political parties the better to browbeat their members into sycophancy.  That is a nefarious piece in the Constitution - there are others- that needs to be removed.


One constitutional change would be the scrapping of Proportional Representation and the re-introduction of the first-past-the-post constituency system. The people must vote directly for their MPs at free and fair elections.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Vanessa Kissoon saga, is very interesting, coming from a political party who wants to support a vote of no confidence, a political party who can't even get their house in order...smh.

Why is it interesting? Do you think it would be any different for a PPP member? Ramjattan was ostracized on the suspicion he was talking to the US. These things could not happen if we were a true republican state. We need direct representation where ministers would not be creatures of t he party but answerable to their native constituency.


Whatever is going on in t he PNC camp is a consequence of our closed lists system. Do not pretend the PPP would not do the same in event one of their members choose to vote against the party. It has never happened simply because of our party system.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Errol Arthur:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Conscience, as the duly elected leader of the PNC, David Granger is entitled to pick a parliamentary team he has absolute confidence in. Further, he is entitled to place his individual team members in any seat order according to his considered judgement.

Having said that, Mr Granger should have shown Ms Kissoon some courtesy by informing her before the sitting of the seat change.


Neither Granger nor Ramotar have the right to pick their parliamentary teams.  That power resides with the people.  That right that you speak of was inserted into the constitution by leaders of the political parties the better to browbeat their members into sycophancy.  That is a nefarious piece in the Constitution - there are others- that needs to be removed.


One constitutional change would be the scrapping of Proportional Representation and the re-introduction of the first-past-the-post constituency system. The people must vote directly for their MPs at free and fair elections.

I would not go for FPTP. It is easy for party bosses to over load the system by presenting multiple candidates to dilute the effectiveness of the vote  ( especially in single legislature systems). We may have to look to bicameralism and even some form of a multi vote electoral system.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

First they came for James Mc Allister and she said nothing.....

Then they came for Aubrey Norton and she said nothing....

Now they smcame for her.....

Granger and his "small crew" according to Norton is at play in Congress Place..


The beginning of the end for the coalition..... 

You blasted korehee.


You now is a big defender of James Mc Allister?


Nah mek me laugh.


You certified racist Conscince who is all for the Krulli is now a big defender of James.


Shame on your soul for being such a hypocrite.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

A.P.N.U consist mainly of a bunch of super-centric would wants total control by any means possible, its very evident they can even put their own house in order....The Guyanese populace are no fools....

The biggest fool is the PPP fools like you Conscience.


Opps, got to go, her come a client.  $$$$.  Later

Originally Posted by Conscience:

First they came for James Mc Allister and she said nothing.....

Then they came for Aubrey Norton and she said nothing....

Now they smcame for her.....

Granger and his "small crew" according to Norton is at play in Congress Place..


The beginning of the end for the coalition..... 

What complete and utter drivel! The PPP has less than 15 deciding everything. One person give us jagdeo.  Not fifteen give us Ramotar! Excellence of propriety with respect to internal democracy did not matter here. You practice democratic centralism so why complain of the PNC when you have the same undemocratic policies?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

A.P.N.U consist mainly of a bunch of super-centric would wants total control by any means possible, its very evident they can even put their own house in order....The Guyanese populace are no fools....

Democratic Centralism harkens back to the 3rd Leninist congress in the early 20's! That is the model of the PPP party organization so what the hell are you talking about?


If any one presumes the Guyanese are fools it is the PPP. The Guyanese people can use their Google Fu and examine the PPP communist carcass for the origin of its stink. Yes, they are organized and  governed by a small cabal who by convention must  circle the wagon. That is why in 22 years not one PPP members has been sanctioned, demoted or even suspended! They are by their communist creed perfect!

Last edited by Former Member

PNC/APNU, parliamentarian Vanessa Kissoon was beaten during an altercation with General Secretary Oscar Clarke at the party's Congress Place, Sophia headquarters. A source revealed that Kissoon and Clarke had a heated exchange over the use of the PNC/APNU's Linden office. Clarke then dealt her several slaps and pushed her to the ground after he felt she got the upper-hand during their verbal exchange.  The source said there's a falling out between the Granger led faction of which Clarke is a member and a Linden group led by Aubrey Norton which consists of Kissoon, Sharma Solomon and several others. As a result the source said PNC/APNU leader though not present when the latest incident occurred, quickly took Clarke's side and Kissoon was suspended without being afforded due-process.

This is not the first incident in which a member of the PNC/APNU has been assaulted by party members. Former GECOM commissioner Haslyn Parris was also given a sound thrashing at Congress Place several years ago.



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

So the PNC beating up them grass root leader now.  Not surprised.  That is the PNC, dictators.

u doan give a shyte about, and know NOTHING of Vanessa Kissoon and her politics . . . so stop posing as if u care

You know, right TYRONE?  Blacted political CROOK.  All you want is the access to the Treasury so you Tyrone can rip off the poor people to enrich you, you mamoo and mammie and yu who generation.  


Why don't you work for what yu want, why suck the people?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

So the PNC beating up them grass root leader now.  Not surprised.  That is the PNC, dictators.

u doan give a shyte about, and know NOTHING of Vanessa Kissoon and her politics . . . so stop posing as if u care

Like you so dume Jumbie No. 1, you have to post two time the same message.


I am happy you fianlly got it, no one is listening to your rubbish.


Observers of the controversy which erupted between A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) parliamentarian Vanessa Kissoon and General Secretary, Oscar Clarke has questioned David Granger’s ability to provide proper leadership. An individual who spent years in the PNC hierarchy said Granger seems to be lacking in terms of his leadership ability and this was reflected in the way he responded following Oscar Clarke’s assault on Kissoon.

In explaining what transpired Kissoon said though she was not the aggressor in the incident she was notified of her suspension via email by Granger. Granger had apparently determined that Clarke’s complaints against her were β€˜credible’ enough to have her suspended before a meeting of the Central Executive Committee was summoned as is required under the party’s constitution. He has therefore already prejudiced the outcome of any investigation into the incident by ascribing guilt and clearly taking Clarke’s side as he was not present when the incident occurred and was merely relying on Clarke’s version of the incident. This, the source said, is a reflection of poor leadership and the kind of divisiveness which has been brewing ever since Granger was installed by Robert Corbin. The source said that Granger has alienated a significant portion of the hardcore PNC membership through his divide and rule tactics as well as vindictiveness towards those who supported Winston Murray, Vincent Alexander and later Carl Greenidge.


MP Kissoon says assaulted at Congress Place

Breaking her silence on her suspension from the PNCR, parliamentarian Vanessa Kissoon says she was assaulted at the party’s headquarters in an incident in which she was not the aggressor and was later suspended before a meeting of the party’s Central Executive Committee was even convened.

In an e-mail response to a request for a comment by Stabroek News, Kissoon said that she had been reading articles in the media and hearing rumours that do not accurately represent what occurred on Friday, 20th June, 2014.

β€œAt this time I prefer not to go into the details of the incident, save to say, that I was assaulted at Congress Place and I was not the aggressor…,” she said.


Vanessa Kissoon

Stabroek News had been told that there was an altercation between PNCR General Secretary Oscar Clarke and Kissoon, apparently stemming from differences over the use of the party’s facilities in Linden.

According to Kissoon, she was subsequently sent an email by party leader David Granger on June 24th, notifying her of her suspension. Kissoon had previously stated to Stabroek News that she was not made formally aware of her suspension.


extracted from the Stabroek News

Originally Posted by Conscience:

More than a week has passed since PNC/APNU parliamentarian Vanessa Kissoon was assaulted at Congress Place and we still haven't heard a word of condemnation from Red Thread, GHRA, Guyana Bar Association, Guyana Women Lawyers Association, the AFC, WPA et al.

Did you go to the police and show them the bruising on your batty?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Vanessa Kissoon seems to be a victim of being outspoken within her camp, it wouldn't come as no surprise if Granger use the recall legislation against Ms. Kissoon. 

I agree, Old man Oscar slap the gyal and he so old he fall down from the impact.  He blame the gyal for having a too hard face and suspended her.


THe PNC is a corrupt part that cannot stand stroong, opinionated women.


They also kicked out Faith Harding.


People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) member, Vanessa Kissoon and party leader, David Granger are at loggerheads over his decision to suspend her before she appears before a Disciplinary Committee to probe her alleged misconduct.

Asked why Kissoon was suspended before the alleged incident between her and PNCR General Secretary, Oscar Clarke was investigated, Granger said he acted based on available evidence. β€œThe evidence presented did not indicate that both parties needed to be suspended in this matter. The General Secretary was behaving entirely in accordance with the constitution and in accordance with his legitimate duties,” that party’s leader told Demerara Waves Online News.

She has claimed that Clarke assaulted her on June 20, 2014 at the PNCR’s Congress Place Headquarters, Sophia when he asked her for the key to the party’s Region 10 Office.  Kissoon maintains that she does not have the key to the premises.

Kissoon, in one of several correspondences between herself and the party leader that she released to the media Thursday afternoon, expressed disappointment that credible complaints to suspend her without a hearing were sufficient. β€œTo determine the complaint made against me as credible without hearing my side shows a disregard for arrival at the truth behind the allegations made,” she said in an email to Granger dated June 28, 2014.


source: Excerpts from Demerara Waves

Last edited by Former Member



MUCH interest is being shown, and quite understandably, in what has mushroomed into an open political confrontation between leader of the People’s National Congress/Reform, Mr. David Granger, and Ms. Vanessa Kissoon, a representative of the party in the National Assembly.Recognised in the media for her militancy when she came to be tagged during the β€œLinden disturbances” linked to new electricity rates, Kissoon’s subsequent internal political problems are linked with a decision by the PNCR General Secretary, Oscar Clarke, to suspend her as the party’s Region 10 representative and to subsequently appoint as co-ordinator former MP, Sandra Adams, an ex-chairperson of that Upper Demerara-Berbice Region.
The related factor of more than discourtesy demonstrated against the PNCR’s General Secretary when he visited Linden and was denied access to the party’s regional office by a refusal to hand over the relevant keys, heightened the disaffections that had apparently been preceded by internal correspondence.
When matters worsened by a decision of the party’s leader, Mr. Granger, to suspend Ms. Kissoon, she retorted with a sharp rebuke, made public by her. The essence of her contention is that he had no powers under the PNCR’s constitution to suspend her having not been responsible for her appointment.
Ms. Kissoon claimed in a letter to Mr. Granger that a statement made public by the party about her suspension was contrary to a June 24 letter she had received from him as party leader. However, the party’s constitution states under Article 27 (β€˜interpretation clause&rsquo that β€œa power to appoint implies a power to suspend, dismiss or revoke.”
But according to Ms. Kissoon’s interpretation that clause would apply to employees of the PNCR and she was decidedly β€œnot an employee” but an elected regional representative of the party.
This reasoning also explains why she was chosen as a parliamentarian for the party, based on the official results of the November 2011 general elections-regional and national.
A most relevant question arising from this confrontation between Ms. Kissoon and party leader Granger is: For how long they would persist with this undesirable status quo without making a caricature of rules-based β€˜party democracy’ and the established norms and legitimacy of parliamentary representation.
This development has revived reflections on the circumstances that had given birth to the Alliance For Change (AFC) when two former MPs of People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Mr. Moses Nagamootoo and Mr. Ramjattan, then separately Mr. Raphael Trotman of the PNCR chose to team up and formed what became the Alliance For Change (AFC).
Since together the PNCR and AFC control a ONE-seat majority in the 65-member Parliament and now grossly abusing it to destroy Guyana’s impressive economic and social infrastructure, the question that arises is whether Ms. Kissoon is contemplating to adopt a new political posture as an β€œindependent” in the National Assembly ?
Or, is someone set to swallow the proverbial β€œhumble pie”-Granger or Kissoon?


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Vanessa Kissoon seems to be a victim of being outspoken within her camp, it wouldn't come as no surprise if Granger use the recall legislation against Ms. Kissoon. 

I agree, Old man Oscar slap the gyal and he so old he fall down from the impact.  He blame the gyal for having a too hard face and suspended her.


THe PNC is a corrupt part that cannot stand stroong, opinionated women.


They also kicked out Faith Harding.


It may appear that PNC is still practising its racism. No chance of leadership is you have any trace of Indo Blood. PNC is an exclusive Black Leadership party. Indos and those who have traces of Indo Blood are welcome in the PNC as second class members.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Vanessa Kissoon seems to be a victim of being outspoken within her camp, it wouldn't come as no surprise if Granger use the recall legislation against Ms. Kissoon. 

I agree, Old man Oscar slap the gyal and he so old he fall down from the impact.  He blame the gyal for having a too hard face and suspended her.


THe PNC is a corrupt part that cannot stand stroong, opinionated women.


They also kicked out Faith Harding.


It may appear that PNC is still practising its racism. No chance of leadership is you have any trace of Indo Blood. PNC is an exclusive Black Leadership party. Indos and those who have traces of Indo Blood are welcome in the PNC as second class members.

I hold strongly to this view - the PNC/APNU is an afro-centri political party.


Indo-Guyanese are just window dress for them.  

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Vanessa Kissoon seems to be a victim of being outspoken within her camp, it wouldn't come as no surprise if Granger use the recall legislation against Ms. Kissoon. 

I agree, Old man Oscar slap the gyal and he so old he fall down from the impact.  He blame the gyal for having a too hard face and suspended her.


THe PNC is a corrupt part that cannot stand stroong, opinionated women.


They also kicked out Faith Harding.


It may appear that PNC is still practising its racism. No chance of leadership is you have any trace of Indo Blood. PNC is an exclusive Black Leadership party. Indos and those who have traces of Indo Blood are welcome in the PNC as second class members.

I hold strongly to this view - the PNC/APNU is an afro-centri political party.


Indo-Guyanese are just window dress for them.  

suh kishan, this is what u reduced to . . . co-singing yugee no-nothing, ignar shyte that the Vanessa Kissoon imbroglio is about ethnicity




what morons u two

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Vanessa Kissoon seems to be a victim of being outspoken within her camp, it wouldn't come as no surprise if Granger use the recall legislation against Ms. Kissoon. 

I agree, Old man Oscar slap the gyal and he so old he fall down from the impact.  He blame the gyal for having a too hard face and suspended her.


THe PNC is a corrupt part that cannot stand stroong, opinionated women.


They also kicked out Faith Harding.


It may appear that PNC is still practising its racism. No chance of leadership is you have any trace of Indo Blood. PNC is an exclusive Black Leadership party. Indos and those who have traces of Indo Blood are welcome in the PNC as second class members.

I hold strongly to this view - the PNC/APNU is an afro-centri political party.


Indo-Guyanese are just window dress for them.  

are we saying the same for the ppp

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Vanessa Kissoon seems to be a victim of being outspoken within her camp, it wouldn't come as no surprise if Granger use the recall legislation against Ms. Kissoon. 

I agree, Old man Oscar slap the gyal and he so old he fall down from the impact.  He blame the gyal for having a too hard face and suspended her.


THe PNC is a corrupt part that cannot stand stroong, opinionated women.


They also kicked out Faith Harding.


It may appear that PNC is still practising its racism. No chance of leadership is you have any trace of Indo Blood. PNC is an exclusive Black Leadership party. Indos and those who have traces of Indo Blood are welcome in the PNC as second class members.

I hold strongly to this view - the PNC/APNU is an afro-centri political party.


Indo-Guyanese are just window dress for them.  

are we saying the same for the ppp

Heheheh! PPP=PNC.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Vanessa Kissoon seems to be a victim of being outspoken within her camp, it wouldn't come as no surprise if Granger use the recall legislation against Ms. Kissoon. 

I agree, Old man Oscar slap the gyal and he so old he fall down from the impact.  He blame the gyal for having a too hard face and suspended her.


THe PNC is a corrupt part that cannot stand stroong, opinionated women.


They also kicked out Faith Harding.


It may appear that PNC is still practising its racism. No chance of leadership is you have any trace of Indo Blood. PNC is an exclusive Black Leadership party. Indos and those who have traces of Indo Blood are welcome in the PNC as second class members.

I hold strongly to this view - the PNC/APNU is an afro-centri political party.


Indo-Guyanese are just window dress for them.  




Indos in the racist PNC are window dressers.


An Indo will NEVER head the PNC nor will they even come close to the top leadership of the Afro Centric PNC. Those who have mixed blood will be treated with contempt. Take a close look at Vanessa Kissoon and other with mixed blood and how the PNC treats them.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Vanessa Kissoon seems to be a victim of being outspoken within her camp, it wouldn't come as no surprise if Granger use the recall legislation against Ms. Kissoon. 

I agree, Old man Oscar slap the gyal and he so old he fall down from the impact.  He blame the gyal for having a too hard face and suspended her.


THe PNC is a corrupt part that cannot stand stroong, opinionated women.


They also kicked out Faith Harding.


It may appear that PNC is still practising its racism. No chance of leadership is you have any trace of Indo Blood. PNC is an exclusive Black Leadership party. Indos and those who have traces of Indo Blood are welcome in the PNC as second class members.

I hold strongly to this view - the PNC/APNU is an afro-centri political party.


Indo-Guyanese are just window dress for them.  




Indos in the racist PNC are window dressers.


An Indo will NEVER head the PNC nor will they even come close to the top leadership of the Afro Centric PNC. Those who have mixed blood will be treated with contempt. Take a close look at Vanessa Kissoon and other with mixed blood and how the PNC treats them.

The General Secretary of a party is like the Chief Whip of the party.  That person's job is to protect the leader from members with strong personalities so the leader can do his or her job.  If you are a PPP member and you curse out Jagdeo or Donald at a party function see if you will not get a visit from Gail or Rohee 


Rift in PNCR over Vanessa Kissoon deepens

- Linden committee says prepared to raise matter at Congress


Linden PNCR members are threatening to take their concerns over the suspension of Vanessa Kissoon to the floor of the party’s delegates’ conference this weekend, signalling a further deepening of divisions.

Yesterday, the Linden PNCR committee held a press conference at the Critchlow Labour College and reiterated its position that Kissoon had been improperly suspended by PNCR Leader David Granger and as such she was advised not to appear today before a disciplinary committee which was set up to investigate an altercation she had with party General Secretary Oscar Clarke.

The continuing contretemps over Kissoon’s suspension from the party threatens to mar what should be an occasion for a full show of unity at this weekend’s Biennial Delegates Congress.

The disciplinary committee is supposed to commence its investigation today but without a representative from Region 10. The Linden PNCR members called for a disbanding of the committee. Representative of the PNCR’s Region 10 committee Leslie Gonsalves stated that it is usually the function of the Central Executive Committee of the party to appoint a disciplinary committee at Congress and that there has been no committee in place since Granger took over the leadership of the party two years ago.

Gonsalves said that β€œwhat is clear here is Mr Granger has …appointed an ad hoc committee, not one consistent with the Party rules.”

Among the five persons selected by Granger to be on the committee is Allan Monroe who is to act as the Chairman and who according to Gonsalves is also Granger’s neighbour. Gonsalves continued that Lance Carberry is the political advisor to the PNCR leader while Malika Ramsey, MP Chris Jones and Cheryl Sampson are employees of Congress Place. β€œAll these persons are members of the Central Executive Committee and have voted supporting the leader’s decision to suspend Ms Kissoon,” Gonsalves noted.

He ventured that the act of supporting Granger’s decision β€œdisqualifies all of the named persons to be impartial arbiters in this affair.”

The Region 10 members stated that Granger and his allies were mixing up their roles and were disregarding the party rules. As a result, they said, Kissoon would not be given a fair hearing and as things stood Kissoon has already been found guilty.

Gonsalves added that the region had been lobbying for two representatives on the disciplinary committee.

However when questioned by the media if that did not signal bias on the other side of the coin, Gonsalves replied that the region was concerned with the party adhering to the rules of conduct.

The names supplied by Region 10 for the committee were those of Gonsalves, the region’s vice chairman, Maurice Butters and head of the women’s arm, Lotoya Williams.

Williams expressed her support for Kissoon stating that the women’s arm was standing in solidarity with her. Williams argued that the party wanted support in denouncing the appointment of the government’s town clerk, Carol Sooba, however the PNCR was doing the same by β€œimposing” Coordinator Sandra Adams on the region.


excerpts from the Stabroeknews


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