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Kissoon’s firing from UG is contrary to academic principles

February 1, 2012 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,

Two months after the general elections which gave the PPP its first minority government in 19 years, some of its members have relegated the party to a new low by firing Freddie Kissoon from UG.

The dismissal of UG senior lecturer Freddie Kissoon is an abuse of power and a violation of his academic freedom, which Prem Misir is aware of. If nothing else, the firing of Kissoon is more than enough evidence that some members of the PPP minority government under Donald Ramotar are just as vindictive as the one led by Jagdeo.

The actions of the PPP members on the UG Council, which includes Prem Misir, Gail Teixeira, Gancham Singh (son of Dr. Nanda Gopaul) Bibi Shadick, Indira Chandarpal Pulandar Kandhai, and Nirmal Rekha are immature.

These council members have become the judge, jury and executor of UG policies, including hiring and firing. But the questions one must ask: Who gave the Council, especially these seven PPP members, the authority/right to determine qualifications and performance?

Are any of the PPP Council members qualified or impartial to determine whom to fire or hire? Do any of these people have the students interest at heart? I doubt it. What scholarly method or academic standard have they used to terminate Mr. Freddie Kissoon?

This very group has publicly sanctioned and supported the re-hiring of a professor who is known for using foul language in the classroom and who instead of teaching his course, indulged in sexual discourses with students. To all and sundry, the truth is that this particular professor does not belong in a classroom and these PPPites on the Council should not be allowed to determine the hiring and firing process of UG.

Clearly, they are biased, irrational, and unprofessional in the discharge of their duties. Their actions/behaviour should not be tolerated by the citizens, the opposition and aculty and students at UG.

Over the years, the University of Guyana has had more than its fair share of problems and the last thing it needs is political interference from the PPP Council members. It is the students who are suffering.

The University has a gutted infrastructure, poor housing facilities, poor light fixtures, shortage of qualified professors/lecturers and administrative staff, empty library shelves, dismal leadership, and all the departments are suffering from insufficient funds, yet Pro-Chancellor Misir sees it fit to quote foreign authors and educational institutions to justify the decrepit situation at UG. Misir has done absolutely nothing to raise the image of UG or improve its infrastructure.

It is time for President Ramotar to rise above petty politics, stop this foolishness and rein in his political hacks. The PPP minority government must have decorum to govern and gain the respect of the citizens.

It must stop its stranglehold on the University of Guyana and allow it to flourish as an academic institution. I do not think that the PPP members on the Council understand the important role of UG.

Are they qualified to make important academic decisions for the university? I doubt it. I have said it before and I will say it again that Prem Misir cannot honestly and effectively serve as the Pro-Chancellor of UG and as advisor to the president. One of the two will have to suffer and it is UG that is in anguish.

President Ramotar must be reminded that he has a minority government and must therefore act accordingly.

The dismissal of Freddie Kissoon is wrong and contrary to accepted academic principles and I strongly condemn it. It is political victimization. I call for his immediate reinstatement.

I call on President Ramotar to end this madness once and for all at UG and to inculcate a sense of civility and fairness if Guyana is to progress under his presidency. He must act swiftly to stave off any unrest that might be on the horizon.

Asquith Rose


Replies sorted oldest to newest

The actions of the PPP members on the UG Council, which includes Prem Misir, Gail Teixeira, Gancham Singh (son of Dr. Nanda Gopaul) Bibi Shadick, Indira Chandarpal Pulandar Kandhai, and Nirmal Rekha are immature.

These council members have become the judge, jury and executor of UG policies, including hiring and firing. But the questions one must ask: Who gave the Council, especially these seven PPP members, the authority/right to determine qualifications and performance?

How can the Council be free from political interference when you have these 7 choir members from the PPP/C?
This is a good article also how can prem misir be pro chancellor and also advisor is he advisng Ramotar for free this is a conflict of interest.Let's here from the PPP stoogies who post here daily
He can because it is NOT Unconstitutional.
Originally posted by gbana:
This is a good article also how can prem misir be pro chancellor and also advisor is he advisng Ramotar for free this is a conflict of interest.Let's here from the PPP stoogies who post here daily
The University has a gutted infrastructure, poor housing facilities, poor light fixtures, shortage of qualified professors/lecturers and administrative staff, empty library shelves, dismal leadership, and all the departments are suffering from insufficient funds, yet Pro-Chancellor Misir sees it fit to quote foreign authors and educational institutions to justify the decrepit situation at UG. Misir has done absolutely nothing to raise the image of UG or improve its infrastructure.

Ow bai Rosie...dem can write wid black woman name. dah a bring ada kind image. Hehe
Nehru you an sincere jackass and it show the mentality of indo guyanese like you who post bull daily to support the wrong doings under the PPP instead of looking at it as an outsider and give a unbiased opinion. Half of you living in RH are not politically educated but see things from a racial perspective.The day someone wakes up and put all those incompetent asses on a GPL pole People like you will cry foul. the free liquor and cutters is what emblazon morons like you and you are no worse than those miscreants and low down vultures.
A RACIST DOG like you preaching to me about RACISM??? HUH!!!
Originally posted by gbana:
Nehru you an sincere jackass and it show the mentality of indo guyanese like you who post bull daily to support the wrong doings under the PPP instead of looking at it as an outsider and give a unbiased opinion. Half of you living in RH are not politically educated but see things from a racial perspective.The day someone wakes up and put all those incompetent asses on a GPL pole People like you will cry foul. the free liquor and cutters is what emblazon morons like you and you are no worse than those miscreants and low down vultures.
Are any of the PPP Council members qualified or impartial to determine whom to fire or hire? Do any of these people have the students interest at heart? I doubt it. What scholarly method or academic standard have they used to terminate Mr. Freddie Kissoon?

This very group has publicly sanctioned and supported the re-hiring of a professor who is known for using foul language in the classroom and who instead of teaching his course, indulged in sexual discourses with students. To all and sundry, the truth is that this particular professor does not belong in a classroom and these PPPites on the Council should not be allowed to determine the hiring and firing process of UG.

Clearly, they are biased, irrational, and unprofessional in the discharge of their duties. Their actions/behaviour should not be tolerated by the citizens, the opposition and Faculty and students at UG.

How can there ever be impartiality by the seven choir members of the PPP/C party? THis is Burnhamism all over again.
The dunce that wrote the letter have not mentioned any merits about FReddie that would have allowed him to garner a renewed contract. According to the council, no one objected to his dismissal. It was agreed that his better days was behind him as a lecturer. Big coat concentrate on street protest and letter writing in the Kaiteur instead of teaching his students and publishing academic works as required by the university. His firing was justified, there are better more deserving professors ready to take his spot.
The dismissal of UG senior lecturer Freddie Kissoon is an abuse of power and a violation of his academic freedom, which Prem Misir is aware of. If nothing else, the firing of Kissoon is more than enough evidence that some members of the PPP minority government under Donald Ramotar are just as vindictive as the one led by Jagdeo.

Originally posted by BGurd_See:
The dunce that wrote the letter have not mentioned any merits about FReddie that would have allowed him to garner a renewed contract. According to the council, no one objected to his dismissal. It was agreed that his better days was behind him as a lecturer. Big coat concentrate on street protest and letter writing in the Kaiteur instead of teaching his students and publishing academic works as required by the university. His firing was justified, there are better more deserving professors ready to take his spot.

Yuh tink dem gat more deserving and ready professa than Prem Misir and Sex Man?
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
The dunce that wrote the letter have not mentioned any merits about FReddie that would have allowed him to garner a renewed contract. According to the council, no one objected to his dismissal. It was agreed that his better days was behind him as a lecturer. Big coat concentrate on street protest and letter writing in the Kaiteur instead of teaching his students and publishing academic works as required by the university. His firing was justified, there are better more deserving professors ready to take his spot.

Yuh tink dem gat more deserving and ready professa than Prem Misir and Sex Man?

Sex man should also be fired, I don't know why they kept him around. The university needs to raise the wages of the professors to attract the best and brightest instead of relying on dead wood and dunces. I can guarantee that many overseas educated expats would apply for positions at UG should the wages be attractive.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
The dunce that wrote the letter have not mentioned any merits about FReddie that would have allowed him to garner a renewed contract. According to the council, no one objected to his dismissal. It was agreed that his better days was behind him as a lecturer. Big coat concentrate on street protest and letter writing in the Kaiteur instead of teaching his students and publishing academic works as required by the university. His firing was justified, there are better more deserving professors ready to take his spot.

Yuh tink dem gat more deserving and ready professa than Prem Misir and Sex Man?

Sex man should also be fired, I don't know why they kept him around. The university needs to raise the wages of the professors to attract the best and brightest instead of relying on dead wood and dunces. I can guarantee that many overseas educated expats would apply for positions at UG should the wages be attractive.

Heheh. But yuh like how Prem Misir a wan health scientist and write lettah wid black woman name. Heheh!
Originally posted by Mitwah:

How can the Council be free from political interference when you have these 7 choir members from the PPP/C?

Wasn't it this same council which Kisson spoke so glowingly of when he wrote in his January 21, 2007 column

Mr. Miles Fitzpatrick refused to be Freddie Kissoon's lawyer

Freddie Kissoon column
Kaieteur News
January 21, 2007

Can I have any sympathy for the Stabroek News in the sweltering controversy that it is currently embroiled in with the Government of Guyana? The answer is yes. One cannot personalize issues where principles are involved. I cannot accept that the Stabroek News has a circulation that is lower than the Chronicle.

If this is not the case then how can the Chronicle get more state patronage than SN? To my mind the curtailment of state advertisements and the Stabroek News's cries that it is being targeted by a government that doesn't like it, brings into focus, the need for a discussion on freedom of the press.

More times than I can count, I have advocated a Press Complaint Commission in Guyana. If we had one, the exalted pedestal that SN puts itself on would have been brought down to the ground in a sudden collapse. In all the exchanges that are going on, the Stabroek News sympathisers need to learn a little bit more of the nature of SN. This paper literally hounded me down in this country. I survived because the paper couldn't find any dent in my integrity.

Before we break the hearts of those that think that SN is the great journal on which stands the sacred principles of a free press some revelations about the mistreatment of the Kaieteur News are in order. Let us see if those that have rushed to the defence of SN will do the same.

I am not going to discuss the era when KN never got state placements. That is a well-established fact. Do you know that the Ministry of Education subscribes to SN and not KN? That was told to me in 2005. The Jesuit presbytery does not subscribe to KN, only to SN. Father Harold Wong told me this last year.

Pegasus, as a matter of policy, does not offer KN to its guests. I wrote about that in one of my columns and complained to Pegasus management about that omission. Tim Neale, who came here to monitor the press during the August general elections (2006), lamented this attitude of the Pegasus in his official report.

For some esoteric reason, Eusi Kwayana refuses to send a mail for publication to KN. Kwayana even responds to issues arising out of KN's letter pages but he sends his responses to SN. My point is that when KN is at a disadvantage, you don't hear the voices of indignation.

Suddenly, SN is feeling victimized, and the comments are pouring in. I repeat, I believe Stabroek News should be the recipient of State advertisements but the Guyanese people need to know that SN is not a willing practitioner of press freedom. After the publication of this article, I hope I receive the long-awaited apology from SN's editor-in-chief, David De Caires.

An analysis of the Stabroek News must be contextualized within an understanding of class and colour in Guyana. I came to understand the age of the domination of the light-complexioned class in Guyana in the forties, fifties and sixties when I became a columnist for SN in the late eighties.

I didn't live in those periods but I understood the sociological nuances of these eras after seeing that culture for myself at the Stabroek News long after the epoch of the hegemony of that culture had died in Guyana.

Stabroek News is an atavistic reversion to the zeitgeist of the pre-Independence age where colour, class and status found expression in the Portuguese mercantile society.

At Stabroek News, all dark-skinned people had to know their place. Any attempt to emulate Lutheran defiance invoked the wrath of the SN elite. Miles Fitzpatrick, co-founder of SN, is one of the most intolerant, arrogant and chauvinistic custodians of elite culture I have ever met in the Caribbean.

I once asked Ras Michael his opinion of Fitzpatrick when Fitzpatrick had to interview him for his application to become a columnist. Ras Michael told me what I had already known - you had to offer respect to Fitzpatrick as the most learned brain Guyana produced. Don't ever talk back to him. You will lose your position at the paper.

One Easter holiday, David De Caires was on vacation and Fitzpatrick held the fort as editor. I disagreed on his interpretation of one of my columns and Mr. Fitzpatrick was livid that I could have talked back to him. That was the end of me at Stabroek News. When De Caires came back, I continued to write but Fitzpatrick could not believe that an unknown, little dark-skinned guy could defy him.

Fitzpatrick resented even the calling of my name. In the midst of Fitzpatrick's witch-hunt of me, I became unlucky and got sued by Dr. Hughley Hanoman. David De Caires summoned me and told me that Fitzpatrick will only appear for the paper and will not defend me. It was Khemraj Ramjattan who came to my rescue and there began the beginning of a fraternal bond.

When that matter is heard, I hope Mr. Fitzpatrick appears in court and not transfer the case to another lawyer just so he would avoid seeing my face in court. This same Fitzpatrick that refused to be my attorney is representing Hamilton Green in his lawsuit against the PNC for wrongful expulsion.

What could I have done to Mr. Fitzpatrick to cause him to resent me?

In 1995, SN published an editorial note in which Mr. Fitzpatrick urged the paper to have me arrested for abusing its senior reporter, Gitanjali Singh. I once wrote and I am writing it again that if ever Mr. Fitzpatrick should achieve power in Guyana, I will never stay in this country. I will leave immediately. I don't think anyone in life so disapproves of me as Miles Fitzpatrick

The passion against me by Stabroek News was unbelievable. When a group of senior PNC lecturers in 1995 at UG refused to renew my contract without recourse to industrial and legal rules, the Council at the UG declined to endorse that illegal decision and I was given a contract renewal. The first person to question why the Council re-appointed me was David De Caires, who vented his anger against me in an editorial note. I will never forgive David De Caires for this because at that time my daughter was just five years old and I was facing the bread line .

I see De Caires jogging in the National Park and when our paths cross I put down my head because I just don't want to look at him.

This is the paper that people in this country believe practises honest and professional journalism. Would anyone who supports the Stabroek News in its fight with the government like to comment on how I was treated?

Of course, the hypocrites knew that SN had witch-hunted me but democracy and freedom mean different things to different people. I admit if I was President of Guyana, I would not have given them a cent of advertisement after what they did to me. But then again, I will never be president.
Originally posted by Prashad:
These people who fired Kisson are not strategic thinkers they react based on emotion.
It was Kisson who told everyone what was going on at Buxton.

Dah a true true story bai. If nah bin a fuh Kissoon abe bin never know what went one there. De glory PPP coolie party just nah seh nothin bai.
Originally posted by albert:
Kisson is not irreplaceable...he'd reached the age of retirement....

You are just tin soldier, programable to make a lot of noise. Could you confirm that Prem Misir is not older than Freddie?
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by Prashad:
. . . It was Kisson who told everyone what was going on at Buxton.

Dah a true true story bai. If nah bin a fuh Kissoon abe bin never know what went one there. De glory PPP coolie party just nah seh nothin bai.


An inconvenient TRUTH that PPP sh!t eaters take care to forget!

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