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I think that the government should apply for world heritage status for the market. There aren't many wooden markets still about that can trace their roots to centuries past. The restoration work is also one of the finest that I have ever seen on a wooden structure of such large size. Even more remarkable is the speed of progress under which the work is being carried out. A tribute to the workers indeed.

alena06 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

kitty market

Having languished for decades, work is moving apace on restoring the elegant Kitty Market. This Keno George photo was taken yesterday. [STABROEK NEWS]

Lawd, this is what you are happily boasting about.  Which country in this world uses such out dated methods of construction...

Historical buildings need to be kept and restored,happens right here in America,in some township buildings in declared historical area,owners are not allowed any external modification.

Mr.T posted:

I think that the government should apply for world heritage status for the market. There aren't many wooden markets still about that can trace their roots to centuries past. The restoration work is also one of the finest that I have ever seen on a wooden structure of such large size. Even more remarkable is the speed of progress under which the work is being carried out. A tribute to the workers indeed.

The KUMBAYA mayor, the killer Hammy choose not to restore the market until his black buddy run things .

The Cuffy racists government in power now so restoration in full swing . A change in government, and them KUMBAYA gone burn it down .


Mr.T posted:

I think that the government should apply for world heritage status for the market. There aren't many wooden markets still about that can trace their roots to centuries past. The restoration work is also one of the finest that I have ever seen on a wooden structure of such large size. Even more remarkable is the speed of progress under which the work is being carried out. A tribute to the workers indeed.

Indeed you are correct, normally the pnc Afros who are restoring the structure are on go slow during the ppp era. Now Granger not putting up with this behavior. All in all it will be good for the image of the nation to have this structure restored.

Drugb posted:
Mr.T posted:

I think that the government should apply for world heritage status for the market. There aren't many wooden markets still about that can trace their roots to centuries past. The restoration work is also one of the finest that I have ever seen on a wooden structure of such large size. Even more remarkable is the speed of progress under which the work is being carried out. A tribute to the workers indeed.

Indeed you are correct, normally the pnc Afros who are restoring the structure are on go slow during the ppp era. Now Granger not putting up with this behavior. All in all it will be good for the image of the nation to have this structure restored.

I am glad to see that you are also in support of Granger as far as not taking any nonsense from a lazy workforce. We won't be able to progress and make the country prosperous if we let those who find more pleasure in liming get away with the foolishness.

Amral posted:

If you guys going to get all racist on this thread.  I will close it

If you take away race baiting for the PPPites there would be silence. Nothing to post. A sad lot!!!! 

That would be one way to clean up the board.  At one time there was a lot of decent PPP supporters here.  Intelligent people whom you could repect. They all gone embarrassed by the rabid racists that has taken over the board.

Last edited by Former Member
ball posted:

Restoration means using the same type of materials as was original, they are not rebuilding the great wall of China, they are restoring the Kitty Market.  

Ball, you're on the ball. The important thing is to maintain the original architectural character of Kitty Market which, in my opinion, should be declared a national heritage site like Stabroek Market. One of the saddest things in Georgetown was the destruction of beautiful colonial era buildings and their replacement with glass-and-concrete buildings lacking a Guyanese or Demerara character.

Gilbakka posted:
ball posted:

Restoration means using the same type of materials as was original, they are not rebuilding the great wall of China, they are restoring the Kitty Market.  

Ball, you're on the ball. The important thing is to maintain the original architectural character of Kitty Market which, in my opinion, should be declared a national heritage site like Stabroek Market. One of the saddest things in Georgetown was the destruction of beautiful colonial era buildings and their replacement with glass-and-concrete buildings lacking a Guyanese or Demerara character.

Agreed. These dimwits don't get it.

FC posted:
Amral posted:

If you guys going to get all racist on this thread.  I will close it

If you take away race baiting for the PPPites there would be silence. Nothing to post. A sad lot!!!! 

That would be one way to clean up the board.  At one time there was a lot of decent PPP supporters here.  Intelligent people whom you could repect. They all gone embarrassed by the rabid racists that has taken over the board.

Nothing but the truth,i am here since 2001, there were good discussion here,i guess the newbies senior members chased them away.

Django posted:
FC posted:
Amral posted:

If you guys going to get all racist on this thread.  I will close it

If you take away race baiting for the PPPites there would be silence. Nothing to post. A sad lot!!!! 

That would be one way to clean up the board.  At one time there was a lot of decent PPP supporters here.  Intelligent people whom you could repect. They all gone embarrassed by the rabid racists that has taken over the board.

Nothing but the truth,i am here since 2001, there were good discussion here,i guess the newbies senior members chased them away.

COCKROACHES... some senior members. 

alena06 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

kitty market

Having languished for decades, work is moving apace on restoring the elegant Kitty Market. This Keno George photo was taken yesterday. [STABROEK NEWS]

Lawd, this is what you are happily boasting about.  Which country in this world uses such out dated methods of construction...

I guess you wanted some ugly concrete monstrosity, that would require massive amounts of A/C because it is "modern".

Guyana has been talking tourism since under the PPP. All Guyana offers is its heritage and its eco adventure. So maintaining heritage sites is key.

But I know you will want Stabroek market and all of the buildings on Ave of the Republic to be replaced by 10 story monstrosities.

FC posted:
Gilbakka posted:
ball posted:

Restoration means using the same type of materials as was original, they are not rebuilding the great wall of China, they are restoring the Kitty Market.  

Ball, you're on the ball. The important thing is to maintain the original architectural character of Kitty Market which, in my opinion, should be declared a national heritage site like Stabroek Market. One of the saddest things in Georgetown was the destruction of beautiful colonial era buildings and their replacement with glass-and-concrete buildings lacking a Guyanese or Demerara character.

Agreed. These dimwits don't get it.

If you look at some of the monstrosities, which they claim are so great. GOD UGLY!!!!!!!

alena06 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Having languished for decades, work is moving apace on restoring the elegant Kitty Market. This Keno George photo was taken yesterday. [STABROEK NEWS]

Lawd, this is what you are happily boasting about.  Which country in this world uses such out dated methods of construction...

Alena06, there is something known as heritage sites and if they are fully functional more power to it. Should the Taj Mahal be eroded should India pull it down and replace it something "modern"? Look at the beautifully restored Corbin building (that Corbin name!) on Broadway by John St in lower Manhattan and see if you would want to have it replaced with non-outdated methods of construction. C'mon, leave politics out of stuff like tis - you are better than that.


Making such a big fuss over the restoration of a market where criminals prey on shoppers on sellers on a daily basis. It's like a giant technological leap has been made under Granger. The mayor allowed garbage pile up and neglected the city. There is so much more to be done in G/Town.  Don't think this restoration reflects a major in the lives of the people of GT. A lot more needs to be done

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Making such a big fuss over the restoration of a market where criminals prey on shoppers on sellers on a daily basis. It's like a giant technological leap has been made under Granger. The mayor allowed garbage pile up and neglected the city. There is so much more to be done in G/Town.  Don't think this restoration reflects a major in the lives of the people of GT. A lot more needs to be done

Well Hamilton started to attend to the city out as soon as Sooba was finally chased out of Town Hall. You are quick to point the fingers at the mayor, when in fact Georgetown was run by the Sooba inexperienced and lazy PPP representative under the command the of PPP elite. It is she who turned the city into a pile of rubbish after she halted almost every single project the major had already approved.

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
FC posted:
Amral posted:

If you guys going to get all racist on this thread.  I will close it

If you take away race baiting for the PPPites there would be silence. Nothing to post. A sad lot!!!! 

That would be one way to clean up the board.  At one time there was a lot of decent PPP supporters here.  Intelligent people whom you could repect. They all gone embarrassed by the rabid racists that has taken over the board.

Nothing but the truth,i am here since 2001, there were good discussion here,i guess the newbies senior members chased them away.

You were  blind, dumb and deaf from 1992 to 2015. No question mark!!!

The stelling is collapsing once again. Mariott is a ghost hotel. The so called road to Amalia is almost close to disappearance back into the jungle undergrowth. Fast areas of the jungle consist of big holes and tree stumps. Is that the legacy that the PPP is now so proud of during their reign between 1992 and 2015?

Mr.T posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Making such a big fuss over the restoration of a market where criminals prey on shoppers on sellers on a daily basis. It's like a giant technological leap has been made under Granger. The mayor allowed garbage pile up and neglected the city. There is so much more to be done in G/Town.  Don't think this restoration reflects a major in the lives of the people of GT. A lot more needs to be done

Well Hamilton started to attend to the city out as soon as Sooba was finally chased out of Town Hall. You are quick to point the fingers at the mayor, when in fact Georgetown was run by the Sooba inexperienced and lazy PPP representative under the command the of PPP elite. It is she who turned the city into a pile of rubbish after she halted almost every single project the major had already approved.

You have to be a lunatic. If you lost your senses, I will remind you the murder Hamilton Green is the Mayor, not Shooba.. KUMBAYA. 

Gilbakka posted:

kitty market

Having languished for decades, work is moving apace on restoring the elegant Kitty Market. This Keno George photo was taken yesterday. [STABROEK NEWS]

I thought by now they would find a better substitute for zinc sheet roof, the salt air will rust that roof. With the abundant of so many types of wood in Guyana, why not make shingle roof, it will last equally as long as the rest of the structure and will keep the building cooler.

kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:

kitty market

Having languished for decades, work is moving apace on restoring the elegant Kitty Market. This Keno George photo was taken yesterday. [STABROEK NEWS]

I thought by now they would find a better substitute for zinc sheet roof, the salt air will rust that roof. With the abundant of so many types of wood in Guyana, why not make shingle roof, it will last equally as long as the rest of the structure and will keep the building cooler.

There is corrugated aluminum and galvanized steel that is used in modern building. It doesn't rust like the cheap zinc sheets that we used long ago. 

kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:

kitty market

Having languished for decades, work is moving apace on restoring the elegant Kitty Market. This Keno George photo was taken yesterday. [STABROEK NEWS]

I thought by now they would find a better substitute for zinc sheet roof, the salt air will rust that roof. With the abundant of so many types of wood in Guyana, why not make shingle roof, it will last equally as long as the rest of the structure and will keep the building cooler.

Oh god bai zinc sheet replace wood shingle,now go and build that dog house with casting 


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