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Originally posted by albert:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
The estimated attendance in LINDEN will over 25,000.

I was thinking somewhere in the vicinity of 28,000

Before its over, the PPP will call it 56,000
You people got any shame left ?
Fortunately for the opposition, the voters are seeing all the PPP lies.
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
The real question is will the AFC get the 51% or more than the 40%.


Ok so lets work with the PPP attracting 2,500. How many did the AFC attract?

Much less than this? So why then do you believe that the AFc will beat the PPP when the PPP turns out more attendees (using your 2,500 number) than the AFC did.

You see ROAR.....ooops I meant the AFC, was so focused on Region 6 they forgot Region 4 existed and now region 4 forgot about them.

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