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No justification in call for the dismissal of the DPP
January 29, 2012 By admin 1 Comment
Dear Editor,
On a day that was supposed to be peaceful and relaxing, lo and behold I stumbled upon Ralph Seeram’s missive in the Sunday, January 29 edition of the Kaieteur News captioned “Fire This Director of Public Prosecutions Now.” Reading this would suggest that the office of the DPP has been compromised and a symbiotic relationship exists between that office and corrupt practices in this country. Mr Seeram stated that he questioned a few people whom he felt had no confidence in the Office of the DPP, hence necessitating his call for her dismissal. Seeram’s call certainly cannot be taken into consideration, the reality to which obviously he is oblivious.
From the inception of the appointment of the current DPP, not a single rumour or chit chat has ever been about her being unscrupulous or corruptible and Seeram places value in these chit chats or what have you. The same cannot be attributed to her predecessor.
Seeram apparently seems to have missed the function of the office of the DPP. The DPP does not investigate, but rather would advise based on the investigations presented by the police force. Therefore, in instances where an investigation is found to be wanting, the Office of the DPP will be in no position to advise for lack of proper police work. Therefore, the DPP’s office should not be made the scapegoat for improper police work or even for the entire judiciary. Therefore, Seeram, before having his missive published, should have convened a proper investigation instead of seeking to tarnish the reputation of Mrs Ali-Hack with his inferences and innuendos.
It would be noteworthy to inform Mr Seeram that the DPP does not belong to the socialite class in the legal fraternity where attendance at lodges, tea parties, hang out spots and night clubs happens to be the prevailing trend. Hence, she does not have many friends. Instead she spends her time enveloped in the outward and inward practice of her faith, Islam, which has served as a stimulus for her unblemished record as holder of the office of the DPP where she has executed her duties in an effective and impartial manner based on what has been submitted to her. But then again, should Mr Seeram have wanted to be present an objective analysis he would have known this.

Respectfully, Ibrahim bin Jabbar

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