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Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by redux:

is Ramroop & Jagdeo engaging in diversionary tactics for which YOU are lending close (cyberspace?) support.


Further . . . the unconscionable raids on the public purse by Jagdeo/Ramroop through NGPC are a matter of public record beyond this particular article in KN. Imagine, the PPP actually had their [then] rubber stamp parliament retroactively 'legalize' lawless procurement behavior by these two bums. [see also GNI archives: key word(s) "Ramroop" or "MOH" or "procurement" . . . etc., etc.]


Look, sell your foolishness to Nehru, the other tiefmen and GNI dullards you seek to impress . . . stop wasting my time.

Stop wasting my time as I have to reply to your stupid answer moron. You take a silly article form Kaieteur News and expects everyone to take it as gospel, there are no FACTS in the article.


A few weeks ago we were all speaking out against the Education Minister because Kaieteur News published false information on her.


How many lawsuits does Kaieteur News have pending?  And how many times recently have we seen articles published right here on political where the newspaper has to apologise next day.  It's like reading the National Enquirer.


I don't need to impress anyone in cyberspace, I am quite impressive in my real life.. Cheers.


Originally Posted by Prashad:

Carter I think you made the right decision to stick to the issues.  Don't get personal because there will come a day when the PPP will no longer be in power either by coup or ballot box.


It is how you treat people when you are in power that matters.  So always treat people with kindness. 


Coup ?


Are you insane ? Many suffered at the hands of PNC dictatorship and some gave their lives to protect free and fair elections. This will never happen in Guyana.


Rest assured that Guyanese will never support a coup. Get real.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

You guys continue behaving the way you are doing.  It is only a matter of time. The President is a man who is always very respectful to others.  But for some of you power has gone to your heads.  Continue to behave like that and see what happens. 


Is this a threat aimed towards the PPP ?

Originally Posted by Prashad:

I am telling you this for your own benefit...The President is a man who is always very respectful to others  The President has started with an image as being a man who cares.  But you people have done every thing possible to continue this image of arrogance.

A  great  observation  Prash, but I  sincerely  doubt t his  'honesty &  caring persona'. My  personal opinion  or Mr.  Ramotar is one who  is  adept at  speaking  from  both  sides  of  his mouth. One  moment he  speak  of  finding  common  grounds  and  compromises with the  opposition  for   the  betterment  of  the  nation. Then when   he  is  around  traditional  PPP constituents and Freedom  House  hacks,  he  attempt to bluff  his  way as  a resolute  and  defiant leader,  only  to  come off as a wishy washy Jagdeo acolyte and  carpetbagger, that  promises everything  and  delivers nothing.

To  date  the  President  has  not  taken  one decisive step in  reformation  and  taking out  the  pile  of garbage  left  behind  by  the Jagdeo  Presidency. Donald  Ramotar piggy back his way into  the  Presidency on the  coat  tail of  Bharrat  Jagdeo and  would  do  absolutely  nothing to upset the  Czars Czarinas of  Freedom  House, whose  patronage  paved  the  way to  the  presidency.

 For  the  sake of  the  nation, I hope  he  can  prove  me  wrong!

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

I am telling you this for your own benefit...The President is a man who is always very respectful to others  The President has started with an image as being a man who cares.  But you people have done every thing possible to continue this image of arrogance.

My  personal opinion  or Mr.  Ramotar is one who  is  adept at  speaking  from  both  sides  of  his mouth. One  moment he  speak  of  finding  common  grounds  and  compromises with the  opposition  for   the  betterment  of  the  nation..

 For  the  sake of  the  nation, I hope  he  can  prove  me  wrong!

Which politician does not?


Mara and Base, these people are blowing a good opportunity to become once again a party with a caring image.  Regardless of what you may think of the President just look at how hard the first lady has worked to make the image of the PPP party a caring party only for some of these ediots to blow that image up by portraying their complete arrogance in public. 

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by redux:


WHAT the HELL has one thing got to do with the other?!!

This is merely an article published without no evidence to support the facts.  What is so difficult for you to understand.  Let's wait for the trial to get the evidence to support the facts.

How much more would your credulity need to be stretched before it reaches its elastic limit?  

Originally Posted by Prashad:

You guys continue behaving the way you are doing.  It is only a matter of time. The President is a man who is always very respectful to others.  But for some of you power has gone to your heads.  Continue to behave like that and see what happens. 

The president is intractably in league with the curroptocrats having been one himself. He squatted on two boards lining his pockets and nepotistically implanted his kids and saw the implantation of the kids of his associates into leech jobs in the state. His explicit acceptance of the status quo is seen in his retention of the same incompetents, blunderers and grasping crooks of the previous regime.


The PPP sat in office simply incubating, hatching and home schooling crooks and did not a damn thing to fortify our democracy. No local elections, no devolution no accountable representation no transparency and all kleptocracy. Even now in the face of defeat at the plebiscite the still cling as a minority government to the idea of autocracy.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

I am telling you this for your own benefit...The President is a man who is always very respectful to others  The President has started with an image as being a man who cares.  But you people have done every thing possible to continue this image of arrogance.

My  personal opinion  or Mr.  Ramotar is one who  is  adept at  speaking  from  both  sides  of  his mouth. One  moment he  speak  of  finding  common  grounds  and  compromises with the  opposition  for   the  betterment  of  the  nation..

 For  the  sake of  the  nation, I hope  he  can  prove  me  wrong!

Which politician does not?

While  it  is true  that  political arenas  are  festooned with ventriloquists and traipsing artists swinging  hither  and  thither, on  rare  occasions  a  real McCoy may  be  catapulted or  emerge ahead  of  the  pack and  leave lasting and  indelible marks  of  their sterling  leadership. I  believe  Mahatma  Gandhi,  Winston  Churchill, Nelson  Mandella, Mohammad  Mahatir, Paul  Kagami  Manmohan  Singh,  Lula DaSilva and  our  own  Cheddi  Jagan,  to  name  a few, all  fit  that mold. Unfortunately ,  I  don't  see anyone among the current  lot  that  comes close, except  perhaps  Moses  Nagamoottoo.        

Originally Posted by Prashad:

These arrogant and disrespectful ediots and fools should always remember this.  They are one successful night of violence away from not being in power anymore.  If you think people in the leadership of the military don't want to be President or Prime Minister then you have to be a worst fool than I think.

Your STUPID threat belong in the gutter where your mind is. Go ahead make our bloody Day!!!

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
I don't see anyone among the current lot that comes close, except perhaps Moses Nagamoottoo.       

In what specific areas/respect?

In  every  respect  that differentiate  true  leaders  from   great  pretender & traipsing  artist that  swings  hither & tither. However most importantly, I  believe Moses  is  honest and incorruptible. He is firmly rooted in  humility and has a  genuine affinity with   the  common folks. Given  our  unique but  historical  ethnic suspicions and  divisiveness,  I  submit that  Mr. Nagamottoo's trust, respect,  credibility and  personal appeal is  greater than  any of  the  current  lot  on  stage.

Perhaps, his  most  costly mistake  was  not  knowing  when  to  abandon  the  goady (the  PPP has  become) that  he  thought was  his to  carry.

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
I don't see anyone among the current lot that comes close, except perhaps Moses Nagamoottoo.       

In what specific areas/respect?

In every respect that differentiate true leaders from great pretender & traipsing artist that swings hither & tither. However most importantly, I believe Moses is honest and incorruptible. He is firmly rooted in humility and has a genuine affinity with the common folks. Given  our unique but historical  ethnic suspicions and  divisiveness,  I submit that Mr. Nagamottoo's trust, respect, credibility and  personal appeal is greater than any of the  current  lot on stage.

Perhaps, his  most  costly mistake was not knowing when to abandon the goady (the PPP has become) that he thought was his to carry.

His goady is now integrated with the PNC.


Yet, he cannot even get the PNC support to be the Speaker.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

It's sad to see the PPP struggling to hold on to political power because of internal conflict. I hope the worse does not happen and we find ourselves in the doldrum again debating whose fault it was.

Ramotar needs to exorcise the ruling circle of the acidic Jagdeo and his clan and he will fare much better on all fronts.  Jagdeo served his time and that time has come and gone.  Like every petty dictator, he did some good, but now greed, corruption and cronyism threaten to undo him and could take the ship down with him.  Ramotar is aware there is a force out there which threatens to flush them down the toilet and his true power is with the people.  He needs to now put the people front and center of his policies and dump the greedy and incompetent.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mara on a planet by himself. Go find an Article from Sept 2011 to prove your point.

Thank  you! but  it takes  courage and  timely introspection to  step out  of  line  and a  lot more to  be on  another  planet,  rather   than blindly following  the  Pied  Piper, or sheepishly standing in  line for  Jim  Jones'  cool-aid.  And sometime, a heavy  dose  of  reality & facts  from  the  past  can jolt  sleep  walkers & blind bats to approaching danger, but  hogs  at  the  trough being fattening for  the  slaughter, would  never  heed such warning.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
I don't see anyone among the current lot that comes close, except perhaps Moses Nagamoottoo.       

In what specific areas/respect?

In every respect that differentiate true leaders from great pretender & traipsing artist that swings hither & tither. However most importantly, I believe Moses is honest and incorruptible. He is firmly rooted in humility and has a genuine affinity with the common folks. Given  our unique but historical  ethnic suspicions and  divisiveness,  I submit that Mr. Nagamottoo's trust, respect, credibility and  personal appeal is greater than any of the  current  lot on stage.

Perhaps, his  most  costly mistake was not knowing when to abandon the goady (the PPP has become) that he thought was his to carry.

His goady is now integrated with the PNC.


Yet, he cannot even get the PNC support to be the Speaker.

 Not at  all! Last time I check,  the goadies are  all still  around Uncle Donald who  is  afraid of a  bigger  goady if  he  dare  try to  get rid  of any these  goadies ( Rohee, Roberto, Irfat, Berry  Bery, Killaman, Brazy,  Odinga,  Kwame... and of  course the  female equivalent  of  a  goady in  Gail Texiera and ...)

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Mara and Base, these people are blowing a good opportunity to become once again a party with a caring image.  Regardless of what you may think of the President just look at how hard the first lady has worked to make the image of the PPP party a caring party only for some of these ediots to blow that image up by portraying their complete arrogance in public. 


While  the caring & positive  image  of  The  First  Lady is commendable, at  the  end  of  the  day, what  weighs  more on   public psyche  and  matter more,  is  what goes  on   in  the Office  of  The  President &  Cabinet. To  date, Uncle  Donald has  not  taken one   bold  &  decisive step to differentiate his Presidency from  that of  BJ,  when  corruption, cronyism, nepotism and  opportunistic leaching reached  new  hight and took  on new  meaning.      

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
I don't see anyone among the current lot that comes close, except perhaps Moses Nagamoottoo.       

In what specific areas/respect?

In every respect that differentiate true leaders from great pretender & traipsing artist that swings hither & tither. However most importantly, I believe Moses is honest and incorruptible. He is firmly rooted in humility and has a genuine affinity with the common folks. Given  our unique but historical  ethnic suspicions and  divisiveness,  I submit that Mr. Nagamottoo's trust, respect, credibility and  personal appeal is greater than any of the  current  lot on stage.

Perhaps, his  most  costly mistake was not knowing when to abandon the goady (the PPP has become) that he thought was his to carry.

His goady is now integrated with the PNC.


Yet, he cannot even get the PNC support to be the Speaker.

Not at all!

Last time I check, the goadies are all still around Uncle Donald who is afraid of a bigger goady if he dare try to get rid of any these goadies ( Rohee, Roberto, Irfat, Berry  Bery, Killaman, Brazy, Odinga, Kwame... and of  course the female equivalent of a goady in Gail Texiera and ...) 

Look again to see whose goady is firmly tied to the PNC. 


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