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Former Member



Since the last election, there are signs that a wind of change is blowing. For example, the government has begun in earnest the process to restore the good name of Guyana among its CARICOM neighbours and more particularly, in the international community.
However, as is expected, there are some in the opposition who believe that even given the best of choices, Guyanese will choose the worst of options. So they continue to spread doom and gloom in their quest to divide the people and score cheap political points. It is this ultra-pessimistic view that has not only divided the opposition and caused its defeat at the polls but it also signals to the people that the party is essentially in trouble. It is running out of meaningful ideas.
Guyanese endured enough pain and suffering and have experienced enough hardships under the previous administration. They sent a clear message in the last election that they want a more accountable, transparent and respectful Government and that Guyana will not go back to dictatorial rule but will move forward.
Many believe that the PPP in its present form will likely become irrelevant and eventually disintegrate as a political powerhouse under the selfish leadership of Jagdeo. They contend that the party has at this time become a political train wreck, and the serious members have totally rejected Jagdeo’s often repeated caustic admonition that the economy will crumble and Guyana is destined to fail under the new government.
The majority of Guyanese do not believe the PPP’s propaganda that the country is moving in a backward direction. They are saddened by Jagdeo’s cold, calculating and devious attacks on a government which has only been in office for seven months. It is not only irrational, but illogical. They believe that his refusal to answer legitimate questions about the mismanagement of billions of dollars during his presidency and his ultimatum to the party not to support any proposals by the Government if certain issues are not addressed to their satisfaction, despite the possible benefits to the citizens, is absurd.
They claim that it is unacceptable for the leader of the opposition to be dishonest with the citizenry. The PPP membership is not accepting of the contempt with which they are treated by Jagdeo who was largely responsible for the party’s defeat at the polls last May.
Avid supporters of the PPP have posited that the party must reinvent itself and implement a meaningful framework for change in 2016 as a viable option and not simply more of the same cuss-down style politics which have rendered the party a rudderless ship that is about to capsize. They are at a loss for words at their leader’s callous behaviour, the selfishness which exists in the party, and the way they are being treated with little or no compassion.
During the last fifteen years, the PPP administration was seen as a force that had no problem in leaving citizens in darkness and spewing evil bent on crushing its opponents, but it did not work because the people did not give in or give up. Instead, they have become the bearers of justice, peace, hope and reconciliation under a new government that most believe is committed to putting the interest of the people and the country first.
The day of parting for the PPP was the day of gathering for the new government and that its eve was in truth its dawn; for life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday, which according to the German Poet, Franz Kafka: From a certain point onward there is no longer any turning back. That is the point that must be reached.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

A very accurate assessment. The PPP strategy is make it sound like this government is falling apart with the hope win back lost votes.  It is a lose lose strategy because people have free access to information and can do their own assessment and reach their own conclusions without PPP propagnada.  The PPP is a dinosaur party like its supporters on this site incapable of reinventing themselves.  All they know is race based politics and race baiting.  Frankly that is not going to cut in this era.

If this government stay focused and do not get distracted, the PPP with will be history. 

Last edited by Former Member

How is the government restoring the good name of Guyana when unemployment is up, innocent people are getting killed and robbed everyday,  and the army is taking over the country?  How is the government more accountable when they did not disclose their fat salary increases during the budget debate?  This article is ill-informed, biased, and misguided.  But hey no surprise from a KN propaganda piece of rubbish.

Bibi Haniffa

Bibi, you have a shallow memory.  How many people were killed/robbed under the PPP?  What was the role of the government in these killings? What was the unemployment rate and more so youth unemployment. when this government took office?  What is this good legacy you speak of?  How long is this government in office?

Go for and ponder.

Last edited by Former Member

I do not have a shallow memory.  If you know of the killings under the PPP you should work with the current government to bring the perpetrators to justice.  Your government has been in office for 8 months and so far they have violated the Cummingsburg Accord, fall short of the 100 day plan, given themselves salary increases that at not relative to the gains in the economy, running around the world on useless trips at taxpayers expense, etc.  The people are still waiting for a development plan.  When are we going to see it?

Bibi Haniffa

The KN Editorial mirrors the feedback I am getting from my contacts in Guyana. At the grassroots level, PPP members and supporters want some reforms in the party. In GNI Political, even yuji22 feels the need for changes in the party leadership. Sadly, so far, the PPP leadership is not listening.


Listen, we all agree that the PPP needs some major reforms.  As far as I know there are changes which will be announced sometime in the future when they feel the time is right.  I don't think they are ready to show their cards as yet. It's what politicians do. Why do you think the leadership is not listening?

Bibi Haniffa
FC posted:

Bibi, you have a shallow memory.   What is this good legacy you speak of?  How long is this government in office?

Go for and ponder.

1) How many people were killed/robbed under the PPP?  

2) What was the role of the government in these killings?

3) What was the unemployment rate and more so youth unemployment. when this government took office?

Pardon me for interjecting:

I am doing some research, and I am curious as to your answers (or anyone else) to three of the questions you posted to Bibi above.

Thank you.



This piece of propaganda reminds me of Hoyte's victory at the polls in 1985 which saw the PPP capturing less than 20% of the popular votes. Seven years later the same PPP won a convincing majority of the popular votes at the polls and refuted all the lies peddled by the PNC that the party has lost its support. We are hearing it again.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I do not have a shallow memory.  If you know of the killings under the PPP you should work with the current government to bring the perpetrators to justice.  Your government has been in office for 8 months and so far they have violated the Cummingsburg Accord, fall short of the 100 day plan, given themselves salary increases that at not relative to the gains in the economy, running around the world on useless trips at taxpayers expense, etc.  The people are still waiting for a development plan.  When are we going to see it?

The AFC isn't publicly screaming about the Cummingsburg Accord, so why should that bother a PPP stooge like you.

As to the 100 day promises. Guysuco immediately announced that it had run out of cash, even BEFORE the new gov't had a chance to settle in. In addition the Consolidated Fund was empty and the PPP had run off with assets.

While the new gov't have their own failings (the infamous salary increase) the PPP was a DISASTER!

It will be better for you to cease pretending that the PPP was a good gov't because a fervent supporter like you ought to be EMBARRASSED.  Look at how the UN, World Bank, IMF, etc., are now supporting the new gov'ts stated efforts to root out corruption.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Excuses.  Excuses.  Excuses.  And what has the UN, World Bank, and IMF done to support the new govt?

Currently working on many programs.  Stay tuned.

You make better use of your time when you stalk Kari, as your posts here suggest that you are a silly person.


If I were to hilite areas in that article that I think should stand out, it would be the whole article.

It seems only these opposition apologist farts on GNI are falling for the BS being vomitted by their PPP idols. On occasion to spruce it up lil bit one of dem boys would post about..Ok folks,I been talkin to friends and family and the whhhhoooleee village talkin bad about dis government" hehehehe laird rasses.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

If I were to hilite areas in that article that I think should stand out, it would be the whole article.

It seems only these opposition apologist farts on GNI are falling for the BS being vomitted by their PPP idols. On occasion to spruce it up lil bit one of dem boys would post about..Ok folks,I been talkin to friends and family and the whhhhoooleee village talkin bad about dis government" hehehehe laird rasses.

There are definite areas where the coalition gov't can stand to be criticized.  The salary increase, their overall poor communication and lack of transparency with the public. 

In addition there are definite problems with who they are selecting to lead posts.  Too many washed out Burnham era ageing folks.  No wonder they are eager to collect their spoils before their time runs out.

Not only does this mean ethnic bias (yes I can say this, but Kari, VishM, Zed, Ksaz, etc ., cannot admit the same for the PPP), but it also means that6 younger people with fresh ideas and more contemporary skills are being ignored.

But the PPP cannot say anything, because the mere fact that they refuse to publicly apologize for the crimes that they are guilty of removes their credibility.  They look as silly as the PNC would have if Burnham (were he alive) had criticized Cheddi, post 1992, without admitting his own errors.


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