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The Bai Shan Lin affair…
Commissioner of the Guyana Forestry Commission, Mr. James Singh

The Bai Shan Lin affair…


Forestry Commissioner dismisses as ‘false’ overharvesting claims
–blames misconception on ‘lack of understanding’ of forest procedures

THE Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC), responding to “mass allegations and misinformation” regarding the operations of Chinese logging company Bai Shan Lin (BSL), has “set the record straight” in order to dispel the many rumours circulating about this company.
At a news conference held yesterday at the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) in Kingston, Georgetown, Commissioner James Singh put paid to the many claims that BSL has been involved in exploitation of Guyana’s forestry resources. He noted that much of the information being circulated in the press “is as a result of a lack of understanding” of the procedures in forestry.
He even disclosed that Bai Shan Lin (BSL) has an “unutilised quota” for its concessionary holdings coming out of joint ventures with other companies.
“The notion that Bai Shan Lin is overharvesting and clear-felling is absolutely untrue and false,” Singh contended.
He contended that monitoring and evaluation officers on the ground — some 220 forest rangers — have aided the GFC in monitoring “very effectively and efficiently” the operations of all concessionaires; and this, of course, includes the Chinese logging giant BSL.

While denouncing popular images published by sections of the media, which attempt to show sprawling lands with logs awaiting transport, Commissioner Singh made clear that logs which are harvested in certain regions are “stockpiled at approved sites in or near the forest location.”
He contended that many of the images are those of log markets which house logs of close to 14 concessionaires. Going the proverbial extra mile to be rid of aspersions, the Commissioner stressed that “more than one producer [is] stockpiling (logs) there”, referring to the image of sprawling lands published in the local press, which erroneously cited BSL as the owner.

“A lot of the stuff that is in the papers is as a result of a lack of understanding of what forestry operations entail…[or] probably not enough research being done”, Singh declared as he gave an in-depth presentation to members of the press.
He bemoaned that publishing of misinformation is not restricted to Guyana, but “affects the markets of Guyana.” Driving home his remarks, the Commissioner rhetorically questioned, “Who are the ones that suffer?” He answered his question thus: “The community forestry operators…the small operators and the TSA holders.”
He directed media personnel to the Forestry Commission’s website for further clarity in times of uncertainty, even as he bemoaned the fast-pace cyberspace reporting and the way misinformation is callously published.
Questioning the integrity of some sections of the media, the Commissioner said, “This, to me, is not professionalism.” He urged that responsibility be exercised in placing information in the media, saying that it affects the lives of others.

In his closing remarks, Commissioner Singh asserted: “I don’t think it’s the role of any newspaper or any media house to be doing that (publishing inaccurate information). I think the role of the newspaper is to highlight the real facts, and not engage in speculation and rumour-mongering, because it does a disservice to the country and a disservice to people who depend on the forestry sector for a living.”
He extended the proverbial olive branch to the media, cautioning persons to be properly prepared before they present information to the public, and to contact the Forestry Commission for clarification in situations of doubt.

Also present at the news conference were members of the logging community, who made small gestures to indicate that they agreed with the points raised by Commissioner Singh.
The Guyana Chronicle caught up with one such member of the logging community, who identified herself as Assistant Secretary for the Rockstone Loggers Association, Ms. Celestine Peters.
Questioned how the aspersions have affected the logging community, she replied: “They are trying to say that the GFC is doing the wrong things, and that we are condoning it too; but these are laws that we have to abide with, even at the small loggers’ level.
“So it would affect us, because if the big ones are not adhering to (the laws), then why should the small ones adhere to (them)?”
She also disclosed that there are 28 loggers falling under the umbrella of her organisation from Rockstone in Region 10 (Upper Demerara/ Upper Berbice).

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Originally Posted by yuji22:

KN TOILET PAPER and TABLOID reporting exposed.

That's how poor Guyana people are. They have had to use news papers to wipe their backside since the days of the empire. But even after all the claims of progress under the PPP, people still have to resort to newspapers to wipe their bum. And that is what the PPP calls progress!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

KN TOILET PAPER and TABLOID reporting exposed.

Keep on using KN TOILET PAPER, yuji.

While you're busy wiping off your load, Kaieteur News online edition received 93,857 hits yesterday.

Add to that number the tens of thousands in Guyana and New York who read KN's newsprint edition.

The diligent hard-working and patriotic journalists at Kaieteur News couldn't be bothered about your meaningless posts here.


James Singha is a PPP scamp.  PPP paid his medical bills for over 100,000 USD and now it is payback time.


He have to clear the way for Uncle Roberta to get the kickbacks from Ban shin Lin


 Kaiteurnews should get the champion of the earth award since the last Guyanese recipient was a liar and a fraud and a introduce abuse of our forests and environment. Here are real people telling real stories of  real abuse. 


Facts are facts, Bai Shan Lin has broken now law, but where is the furniture city that they promised.  Where is the state of the art wood mill that Cofee day promised?


This is all wholesale raping of the logs from Guyana.


We want export furniture and processed TIMBER.


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