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Restricted air space breached – Merai

Jagdeo house photo

– urges police to launch criminal probe


Retired Assistant Police Commissioner Stephen Merai has condemned the publishing of photographs that have exposed the tactical and security integrity of former head of state Bharrat Jagdeo’s residence, and has called for an immediate inquiry into the invasion of the restricted air space and privacy of the former president.


Former Assistant Police Commissioner Stephen Merai

Merai in an interview on Wednesday could not contain his disgust over the photos, which he said has clearly put Jagdeo’s life at risk, informing criminal minds of the logistics of the residence and surrounding areas. He deemed the act wicked and unethical, noting that it has left the former head of state exposed to possible attacks which could be easily ambushed since all the entry/exit points by air, land and sea on that property have been exposed by the pictures.
Merai, who last served in B Division from where he retired last December, said in his opinion as a security expert, with that much detail published on the location, it can be concluded that much mischief is afoot.
“I am of the view that it is a deliberate act to present those photographs to the nation by way of the print media by person/s who has/have an agenda to expose the former presidents’ security to potential attacks by criminal elements and persons with political ulterior motives,” Merai, who at one time headed the police ant-crime unit said.
“Now that location is compromised and it’s no longer safe since a quick security analysis has deep reaching effects revealing critical tactical information. This act must be condemned and never repeated because it’s disrespectful to Jagdeo and not a trend to encourage in the future where other former presidents and political figures could be harassed in this manner.”
He argued that photos published showing aerial view of the residences of Tony Blair and George Bush have not been confirmed by respective authorities of those countries as indeed private residences of these political figures. However, it is known public information that property photographed by KN is that of Jagdeo, and by claiming such responsibility, the newspaper has crossed the boundaries of ethics, professionalism and personal space, Merai said.
“From a security perspective, there is need for an immediate investigation to be done by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) assisted by the Special Branch to investigate and expose key players involved in this act.” Merai said that this operation had to be planned carefully then executed at a time where the weather allowed for visibility to capture those photographs. The pilot/s had to be prepared for the mission and knew fully what the objective of that flight was before hand. If the charter was local, it should not be difficult to get the flight manifest and aircraft used.
Further underscoring his point that the matter is of national interest, Merai quoted from the Federal Aviation Regulations Manual used by pilots locally. According to section 91.141, he said “No person may operate an aircraft over or in the vicinity of an area to be visited or travelled by the president, the vice president or other public figures contrary to the restrictions established by the administrator or publicised in a notice to airmen.”
In addition, Merai said that information from local aeronautical intelligence advised him that the area where Jagdeo’s residence is located is a no-fly zone area and aircraft are not allowed within 2000 feet and must be no less than 1000 feet over head. Further, the speed of the aircraft had to significantly reduce to allow the photos to be taken and from that distance, objects could have been thrown with precision into the compound, Merai observed.  “Therefore, regulations have been flaunted and disregarded in this invasion of the property, because at least one pilot advised me that an aircraft had to get as close as 500 feet to the property to generate such photographs. To be that close, permission had to be granted,” Merai asserted.
According to Merai, the government needs to know with certainty the pilot/s who conducted that mission immediately because of the looming threat to current President Donald Ramotar and his Cabinet, who are exposed since they would from time-to-time charter local aircraft for coastal and interior flights and these agents would definitely spy on them and sell sensitive information.
Merai said he is curious whether there are other photographs of national interest in the possession of the persons who conducted the intrusion on Jagdeo’s property.  “This was a deliberate act because not only you have an aerial photograph… you have others from other angles… the photos are very clear they don’t only detect the outer perimeter of the defence mechanism and apparatus of the location, it also reveals position of the property… vantage locations… possible observations points in adjacent neighbourhood… you could buy or rent a building in the neighbourhood and spy and study the former presidents’ movement and whatever going on in the compound… we need to find out who paid for this operation.”
Merai insisted that the aerial reconnaissance could not have been done by a photographer flying over by accident and could amount to illegal surveillance. Further, he said there could very well be on going surveillance of Jagdeo’s private activities. Stating that he would not accept such invasion of his privacy, Merai said the former president should not accept this level of harassment and beef up his security outfit, and include assault rifles in his armoury.
Meanwhile, head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr Roger Luncheon at a news conference on Wednesday said that the sentiments definitely among the members of the administration are that the publication of the photograph represents a gross invasion of privacy. “This position has resonated among other members of our community… who have in one or the other expressed their apprehensions about the pursuit by the opposition and the way in which elements… of the hostile media have been a party to that trend of behaviour.” Maintaining that the former president’s security has been compromised with the photograph, Dr Luncheon said following the invasion of privacy is almost an invitation for “miscreants and for ill-advised Guyanese to use the invitation and the way in which the information was presented… first to have envy and aspire to have access, to gain, obtain some sort of access to the facilities to engage in whatever nefarious plots…”
“I think that it is quite clear that it is a general advertisement, not only to the general public spelling out in great detail what is and what isn’t, but it could also be seen as an invitation to the maladjusted and criminal intent to use that information to perpetrate invasions of the privacy of the former president.”  On Tuesday, several members of civil society condemned the Kaieteur News’ spread of the photograph on its front page. The photo was reprinted in the newspaper’s Wednesday edition.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Pictures of world leaders published by KN had to be vetted by security agenciesPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Peter Browne   
Wednesday, 05 September 2012 23:06

The latest response by Kaieteur News to publish the homes of two former world leaders is indeed a sad attempt to mislead Guyanese. The photos which are available through the Google search engine were released by the said governments after being vetted by security agencies for obvious reasons.
The fact that the photographs had to be checked and cleared for publication is an accepted practice, particularly given the times in which we live.
The move by Kaieteur News has rightly been condemned by many right-thinking Guyanese as reckless journalism and indeed as a security breach. It should be noted that when Google decided to make available online satellite views of certain key facilities, many governments objected and some areas were redacted. It is disturbing that the publisher of the newspaper is willing to take what can only be described now as a personal vendetta to new heights. Given the measures many key figures in society take to insure their personal safety, the move by the publication was slammed by a senior police official as a flagrant security breach and an abuse of press freedom. He likened it to publishing the schematics of the homes of private individuals and noted that the response from those so offended would be swift.
The fact was noted that many countries have had to adapt to a constantly evolving security situation and the press should be cognizant of this fact. The home of the former president should be considered sacrosanct and indeed this applies to all former heads of state across the world. The two former world leaders have at their disposal far greater resources with which to guarantee their security; indeed, the airspace around many of those homes and facilities are tightly controlled, much less access by ground. Closer to home, I challenge anyone to find online a clear aerial photograph of the Prime Minister’s residence of Trinidad and Tobago. The pictures online of the residence show shots from certain angles and interior shots, all of which are officially vetted and sanctioned.


These PPP comedians  and bonehead Merai know how many pictures are on the internet where Tony Blair is domiciled, aerial shots of the White House that is under constant threats?


Jagdeo is a ward of the state and not a private person. It could be argued in a court of law that this property belongs to the Tax payers.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

These PPP comedians  and bonehead Merai know how many pictures are on the internet where Tony Blair is domiciled, aerial shots of the White House that is under constant threats?


Jagdeo is a ward of the state and not a private person. It could be argued in a court of law that this property belongs to the Tax payers.



"It should be noted that when Google decided to make available online satellite views of certain key facilities, many governments objected and some areas were redacted."


IT Security Editors


Depending on which feature you use, Google Maps offers a satellite view or a street-level view of tons of locations around the world. You can look up landmarks like the Pyramids of Egypt or the Great Wall of China, as well as more personal places, like your ex’s house. But for all of the places that Google Maps allows you to see, there are plenty of places that are off-limits. Whether it’s due to government restrictions, personal-privacy lawsuits or mistakes, Google Maps has slapped a "Prohibited" sign on the following 51 places.


Government and Military Sites

  1. The White House: Google Maps' images of the White House show a digitally erased version of the roof in order to obscure the air-defense and security assets that are in place.
  2. The U.S. Capitol: The U.S. Capitol has been fuzzy ever since Google Maps launched. Current versions of Google Maps and Google Earth show these sites uncensored, though with old pictures.
  3. Dick Cheney's House: The Vice President's digs at Number One Observatory Circle are obscured through pixelation in Google Earth and Google Maps at the behest of the U.S. government.

That doesn't change the fact that Jagdeo is a ward of the state and not a private citizen.


In eight years,  Bharat earned $96 million tax free. That is US $480,000 tax-free over eight years.


 However, Jagdeo was in power from August 11, 1999 to December 3, 2011, a period of 12 years 3 months. At $1 million per month, Jagdeo would have earned $147 million or US$735,000 tax-free during his tenure.


How could a man who likely earned this stupendous kind of income, tax-free, still want to suck this country dry?


Even if this was not Jagdeo’s doing but that of his party, he never said no to this insanity.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:


In eight years,  Bharat earned $96 million tax free. That is US $480,000 tax-free over eight years.


 However, Jagdeo was in power from August 11, 1999 to December 3, 2011, a period of 12 years 3 months. At $1 million per month, Jagdeo would have earned $147 million or US$735,000 tax-free during his tenure.


Despite what you presented above you guys in the AFC still have to question the mans ability to construct his current home. It shows how dishonest and bitter you people are 

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


In eight years,  Bharat earned $96 million tax free. That is US $480,000 tax-free over eight years.


 However, Jagdeo was in power from August 11, 1999 to December 3, 2011, a period of 12 years 3 months. At $1 million per month, Jagdeo would have earned $147 million or US$735,000 tax-free during his tenure.


Despite what you presented above you guys in the AFC still have to question the mans ability to construct his current home. It shows how dishonest and bitter you people are 

He used his office as a leech source to fatten his accounts. Even burnham with dictatorial powers did not build himself and his ministers gated communities.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


In eight years,  Bharat earned $96 million tax free. That is US $480,000 tax-free over eight years.


 However, Jagdeo was in power from August 11, 1999 to December 3, 2011, a period of 12 years 3 months. At $1 million per month, Jagdeo would have earned $147 million or US$735,000 tax-free during his tenure.


Despite what you presented above you guys in the AFC still have to question the mans ability to construct his current home. It shows how dishonest and bitter you people are 

 You have no integrity nor  decency and are so blinded by the semen of your master. You are a spineless lowlife; cannot stand up for yourself and tell the bloody truth. What kind of a mother would bring forth such a miasmic child like you into this word who is so crassly ignorant and deliberately deceptive?



Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


In eight years,  Bharat earned $96 million tax free. That is US $480,000 tax-free over eight years.


 However, Jagdeo was in power from August 11, 1999 to December 3, 2011, a period of 12 years 3 months. At $1 million per month, Jagdeo would have earned $147 million or US$735,000 tax-free during his tenure.


Despite what you presented above you guys in the AFC still have to question the mans ability to construct his current home. It shows how dishonest and bitter you people are 

 You have no integrity nor  decency and are so blinded by the semen of your master. You are a spineless lowlife; cannot stand up for yourself and tell the bloody truth. What kind of a mother would bring forth such a miasmic child like you into this word who is so crassly ignorant and deliberately deceptive?



I already pointed out several months ago that his conception was the result of an experiment that went wrong. It was clear from the outset that beastiality would never produce a viable product, especially when the owner of the sown seeds cannot be biologically determined. There was a large gene pool present on that occasion.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


In eight years,  Bharat earned $96 million tax free. That is US $480,000 tax-free over eight years.


 However, Jagdeo was in power from August 11, 1999 to December 3, 2011, a period of 12 years 3 months. At $1 million per month, Jagdeo would have earned $147 million or US$735,000 tax-free during his tenure.


Despite what you presented above you guys in the AFC still have to question the mans ability to construct his current home. It shows how dishonest and bitter you people are 

 You have no integrity nor  decency and are so blinded by the semen of your master. You are a spineless lowlife; cannot stand up for yourself and tell the bloody truth. What kind of a mother would bring forth such a miasmic child like you into this word who is so crassly ignorant and deliberately deceptive?



I already pointed out several months ago that his conception was the result of an experiment that went wrong. It was clear from the outset that beastiality would never produce a viable product, especially when the owner of the sown seeds cannot be biologically determined. There was a large gene pool present on that occasion.

I see; he is of a gene pool from some animal(s) where an entire species may be considered amoral simply because they do not belong to cultures with moral codes.


Bai Mitwah the words morals and scruples are expressly forbidden in PPP conversations. You could get thrown out of the party if you are even found in the possession of either of them. 


you ppp ass hole any guyanese can walk or drive around where batty boy jag live so what the big deal about security unless he plan to block off the road then he will have travell by chopper.i went across the the public road where there is a new resturant open and can see in batty boy yard in fact i can set right there with a rifle and shoot him in his ass,but then again he might like it there.what i will like to know is what a ****** will do will such a big house unless he and his boyfriend will be playing catchat.and then again i never know batty boy had his own airspace so no other plane can fly over his bugger castle.what that cocain expolice have to do his go hide his face he kill his own parder for money


How was Jagdeo able to obtain the current house lots when he was still owner of the one he disposed of?


One of the standard clauses in transports for the purchase of house lots from the GOG states: “Anyone who owns real property is not entitled to purchase a lot. If it is found out that the person had owned real property within the past three years s/he is liable to pay to the GOG or Central Housing and Planning Authority the current market value of the lot or at its option, the GOG will be entitled to repossess the said lot upon the repayment of the purchase money less expenses incurred for repossession.”


In 1997, Mr. Jagdeo purchased from the Government of Guyana, a plot of land situated at Goedverwagting, East Coast Demerara. He did so like thousands of other Guyanese who benefitted from the government’s housing policy. At the time, he was not President. He was the Finance Minister. Like thousands of Guyanese in like circumstances, his transport was subject to a condition that he could not have sold the land which is the subject of the transport until after the expiration of ten years of the issue of the said transport. President Jagdeo faithfully observed that condition of the transport to its letter. He sold the said plot of land in the year 2010. The condition had expired.


Should a President be allowed to own a home of his choice?

Should a President be allowed to own a home of his choice?

Georgetown, GINA, September 4, 2012

The Alliance For Change seems to be obsessed with Former President Bharrat Jagdeo’s house and has been using the media to highlight Jagdeo’s real estate, alleging that the former leader acquired more wealth than other presidents.

The Government Information Agency (GINA) solicited the views of the ordinary Guyanese as to whether the Former President ought not to, like every other Guyanese citizen, be allowed the opportunity to construct and possess a home.


Roy Wilkinson

Yes, because he is just a citizen of Guyana, and he has served his term and you cannot just let somebody who would have served our country to go and live like a pauper. So I have no problem with a President building his own home. One President, he didn’t mind that much and that was his choice; the late President Hoyte. He lived a simple life and that was his choice. But I think every President deserves to do what they want, thereafter their term.


Brian Wishart

Yes, why not. Everybody should have the choice to choose what they want to build. I don’t see any problem with it. The President has the right, I have the right. It’s a democratic choice, whether you are President or whoever you are, it is our choice. That is one thing that God has given us, the liberty of choosing. The only thing is that we have to do it in the right way, according to the law of the land.


Carol Blair

Yes, why not, if he can afford to build that home.


Mr. Latunga

He is a free individual and we live in a free country and if a President wants to build a house of any sort, as long as he gets it legally, that is, his option.


Raj Beharry

Everybody has a salary of their own. Everybody wants to have their own house, their own car, and their own choice of everything, so I think that the President should have whatever choice, five-storey, four-storey, because he earn it, he work for it.


Mr. Jagdeo legally sold his property

September 9, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor,
Permit me to respond to a letter published by the Kaieteur News on 4th September 2012, and written by Cindy Sookdeo, in respect of statements I made in the recently aired NCN debate series in respect of former President Bharat Jagdeo pensions.
In the letter, Ms Sookdeo, whom I understand to be an executive member of the Alliance for Change (AFC), contends that Mr Jagdeo received “preferential treatment” in so far as he was allowed to sell a plot of land purchased from the Government, which was the subject of a prohibition against such sale.
I have clarified this matter, publicly, two years ago. I will do so again.  In 1997, Mr. Jagdeo purchased from the Government of Guyana, a plot of land situate at Goedverwagting, East Coast Demerara. He did so like thousands of other Guyanese who benefitted from the Government’s housing policy. At the time, he was not President. He was the Finance Minister. Like thousands of Guyanese in like circumstances, his transport was subject to a condition that he could not have sold the land which is the subject of the transport until after the expiration of ten years of the issue of the said transport. President Jagdeo faithfully observed that condition of the transport to its letter. He sold the said plot of land in the year 2010.  The condition had expired.
Ms Sookdeo next argues that the allocation to a former Chairman of Region 10, of a house lot in the area where Mr Jagdeo current property is located, constitutes “empirical data” in support of her contention, that the offer to sell two acres of land was only made to Mr Jagdeo. By any standard, this is befuddling logic. The simple and plain fact is that the Regional Chairman could only have been allocated that for which he made an offer to buy. Is there any evidence whatsoever that he made an offer to buy a larger portion than that which he was allocated? No such evidence has been made available. The contention of Ms Sookdeo, therefore dies a natural death.
The remainder of the letter consists of inferences drawn and conclusions made, all predicated upon the two aforementioned false premises. They are not, therefore, deserving of a response.
And the obsession with former President Jagdeo continues. It has now shifted from his pensions to his property. I wonder what is next.
Mohabir Anil Nandlall, MP
Hon. Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

How was Jagdeo able to obtain the current house lots when he was still owner of the one he disposed of?


One of the standard clauses in transports for the purchase of house lots from the GOG states: “Anyone who owns real property is not entitled to purchase a lot. If it is found out that the person had owned real property within the past three years s/he is liable to pay to the GOG or Central Housing and Planning Authority the current market value of the lot or at its option, the GOG will be entitled to repossess the said lot upon the repayment of the purchase money less expenses incurred for repossession.”



In 1997, Mr. Jagdeo purchased from the Government of Guyana, a plot of land situated at Goedverwagting, East Coast Demerara. He did so like thousands of other Guyanese who benefitted from the government’s housing policy. At the time, he was not President. He was the Finance Minister. Like thousands of Guyanese in like circumstances, his transport was subject to a condition that he could not have sold the land which is the subject of the transport until after the expiration of ten years of the issue of the said transport. President Jagdeo faithfully observed that condition of the transport to its letter. He sold the said plot of land in the year 2010. The condition had expired.


come on man youall tell me the truth where you guys find those black people from and you give the black brother a tie to wear too and the collie wan please some day i want you guys to put a chinese man saying this shit then i might belive you dummys

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The obsession with former President Jagdeo continues. It has now shifted from his pensions to his property. I wonder what is next.

 his pension or his acquisition of wealth during his tenure are mirror representation of the misuse of state assets by the PPP.  What next ought to be a transparent system with checks and balances. NICIL accounting should be a beginning. Further, the removal of its officers ought to be an imperative. There are no shortage of minds to take over and any replacement should not appeal to tenure as these leeches.


According to section 91.141,  “No person may operate an aircraft over or in the vicinity of an area to be visited or travelled by the president, the vice president or other public figures contrary to the restrictions established by the administrator or publicised in a notice to airmen.”
In addition, Merai said that information from local aeronautical intelligence advised him that the area where Jagdeo’s residence is located is a no-fly zone area and aircraft are not allowed within 2000 feet and must be no less than 1000 feet over head. Further, the speed of the aircraft had to significantly reduce to allow the photos to be taken and from that distance, objects could have been thrown with precision into the compound, Merai observed.  “Therefore, regulations have been flaunted and disregarded in this invasion of the property, because at least one pilot advised me that an aircraft had to get as close as 500 feet to the property to generate such photographs. To be that close, permission had to be granted,” Merai asserted.
According to Merai, the government needs to know with certainty the pilot/s who conducted that mission immediately because of the looming threat to current President Donald Ramotar and his Cabinet, who are exposed since they would from time-to-time charter local aircraft for coastal and interior flights and these agents would definitely spy on them and sell sensitive information.
Merai said he is curious whether there are other photographs of national interest in the possession of the persons who conducted the intrusion on Jagdeo’s property....


Merai said that information from local aeronautical intelligence advised him that the area where Jagdeo’s residence is located is a no-fly zone area and aircraft are not allowed within 2000 feet and must be no less than 1000 feet over head.

you have to re write that laws. Even at that distance they can spot a dime with over the counter equipment.  A cam on a balloon can even do the same from the road.


Indeed one should be entitled to a modicum of privacy but the intent here is to quell the publication of the garish flouting of wealth in the size and scope of  build out of this property. It tells of the ease at which one in office rise to wealth in our impoverish society. We are no different from the ostentation we see by the king of Swaziland that some one posted here. The same corrupt uncaring gene runes in body  politic of the PPP.


“I am of the view that it is a deliberate act to present those photographs to the nation by way of the print media by person/s who has/have an agenda to expose the former presidents’ security to potential attacks by criminal elements and persons with political ulterior motives,” Merai, who at one time headed the police ant-crime unit said.
“Now that location is compromised and it’s no longer safe since a quick security analysis has deep reaching effects revealing critical tactical information. This act must be condemned and never repeated because it’s disrespectful to Jagdeo and not a trend to encourage in the future where other former presidents and political figures could be harassed in this manner.”
He argued that photos published showing aerial view of the residences of Tony Blair and George Bush have not been confirmed by respective authorities of those countries as indeed private residences of these political figures. However, it is known public information that property photographed by KN is that of Jagdeo, and by claiming such responsibility, the newspaper has crossed the boundaries of ethics, professionalism and personal space, Merai said.
“From a security perspective, there is need for an immediate investigation to be done by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) assisted by the Special Branch to investigate and expose key players involved in this act.”


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