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June 6, 2016 Source

Publisher of Kaieteur News Glenn Lall yesterday expressed disappointment with the police probe of Saturday’s incident when a grenade was lobbed outside the newspaper’s offices and said if he is not satisfied with the level and quality of the investigation, he would be seeking international help.

A grenade was on Saturday night lobbed outside the offices of Kaieteur News at Saffon Street, Charlestown, where staff had gathered for a wake for one of its reporters. Lall, last night via phone told Stabroek News that he is looking to seek international help even if it means he has to hire his own investigators in order to find the persons involved in throwing the grenade next to his vehicle.

He called on the government to work faster on drastic policies that would target criminal activities. He said if no strong message is sent on criminal activities, it would dampen the spirit of the nation.

According to Lall, surveillance footage showed that a grey, heavily tinted unlicensed Toyota Spacio rolled up, the grenade was lobbed and the vehicle sped away.

The explosive device landed near one of the front wheels of Lall’s vehicle but did not explode.

Lall said he believes that someone is trying to send a message to his company and condemned the act especially at a time when the company is mourning.

The newspaper is mourning the death of senior reporter Dale Andrews, 47, who died on Saturday morning due to heart complications.

However, Lall said they are not threatened by the actions as they have experienced worse than Saturday night.

Further, Lall expressed disappointment in the manner in which Commander of ‘A’ Division Clifton Hicken acted while he was on the scene. He related that the commander was on the scene for at least two hours but did not enquire from him what had happened.

He added too that he is disappointed in the investigators’ sluggishness in only requesting the surveillance footage long after the incident despite viewing it on Saturday night.

Meantime, the government yesterday voiced alarm at the lobbing of the grenade and expressed solidarity with Kaieteur News.

In a statement, the government condemned the “heinous and dastardly act of cowardice” and said it is thankful that no lives or limbs were lost and there was no damage to property.

“We do not believe that the dropping of a grenade, even if a fake device, alongside a newspaper publisher’s vehicle could be considered a joke or a hoax.

It was grave and an undisputed act of terror designed to intimidate, harm and create fear,” the statement said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I would suggest to Lall that he keeps his mouth shut, instead of shouting he is going to get international hitmen to solve the problem. If the police decide that Lall is insulting them, and then not provide him with any protection, he'll be assassinated by the PPP.

Mr.T posted:

I would suggest to Lall that he keeps his mouth shut, instead of shouting he is going to get international hitmen to solve the problem. If the police decide that Lall is insulting them, and then not provide him with any protection, he'll be assassinated by the PPP.

Keep his mouth shut to protect Humun, the military intelligence bandit who too 3 million US doalla from Chinee people and got 10 dredge in the bush already?

Mr.T posted:
Nehru posted:

HEHEHE DEm gat any Bellevue in London???????????


Is there any Security Consultant???

I see the antiman from queens just wake up .

And I see a certified Nutcase not getting the psychiatric help he needs.


Well he has been insulting the de-facto government for some time now about their poor performance.Afterall they promised the people milk and honey when they got into power but what the majority have received is eddo bush and rice,no black pudding or souse.Well they voted for them so they have to suffer until a few more years till the next elections.

Never seen such incompetence and dunceness in my life.Look at the ministers the ugliest women and men that say that they are Guyanese.Even the people in Africa would be embarassed.

The government is populated by old time drunkards,one senior minister is known by the international community for his drunkeness,laying down on pavement totally intoxicated.The chief terrorist and hustler lohas a cut around his jawbone.One step forward five step backward with the PNC.

Well the AFC Negromotoo is now Tonto,kemosaby,counting the number of whiskey bottles left until next elections.Ramrattan anothe hustler who cannot perform until he is fully charged.

What a mess under a two by two brigadier,a bufiander who cant figure out which side ,whether buck or negro he is on.Perhaps while guyana is falling into ruins for the second time since independence he sits making pegall.



Mr.T posted:

I would suggest to Lall that he keeps his mouth shut, instead of shouting he is going to get international hitmen to solve the problem. If the police decide that Lall is insulting them, and then not provide him with any protection, he'll be assassinated by the PPP.

Hey you racist, how do you know that he will not be assassinated by the the Coalition government? Are you asking the man to give up his freedom of speech? You are not only a damn full blown racist, but a PNC spinner driving fear into the minds of people.

Last edited by Former Member
Dondadda posted:
Mr.T posted:

I would suggest to Lall that he keeps his mouth shut, instead of shouting he is going to get international hitmen to solve the problem. If the police decide that Lall is insulting them, and then not provide him with any protection, he'll be assassinated by the PPP.

Hey you racist, how do you know that he will not be assassinated by the the Coalition government? Are you asking the man to give up his freedom of speech? You are not only a damn full blown racist, but a PNC spinner driving fear into the minds of people.

Hey rapist, you back from molesting the kids on the street I see.

Last edited by Mr.T

KNews has been carrying anti-coalition articles in recent weeks. After the grenade incident, the coalition was quick to say they stand in solidarity with KNews and Glenn Lall. They are trying to pin this on the PPP as they did with Courtney Ewing, the blood thirsty racist that they killed and make him a hero. Why the police is not doing enough and the camera images were blur to recognized anything? Something fishy is going on here.

Cobra posted:

Why the police is not doing enough and the camera images were blur to recognized anything? Something fishy is going on here.

What do you want the police to do? Kick down the door of Jagdeo and shoot him dead?

Mr.T posted:
Dondadda posted:
Mr.T posted:

I would suggest to Lall that he keeps his mouth shut, instead of shouting he is going to get international hitmen to solve the problem. If the police decide that Lall is insulting them, and then not provide him with any protection, he'll be assassinated by the PPP.

Hey you racist, how do you know that he will not be assassinated by the the Coalition government? Are you asking the man to give up his freedom of speech? You are not only a damn full blown racist, but a PNC spinner driving fear into the minds of people.

Hey rapist, you back from molesting the kids on the street I see.

You are the face of evil. Nothing and nobody can save you. 

Mr.T posted:
Cobra posted:

Why the police is not doing enough and the camera images were blur to recognized anything? Something fishy is going on here.

What do you want the police to do? Kick down the door of Jagdeo and shoot him dead?

Your incompetent PNC couldn't even find the PPP guilty on corruption charges after $millions spent on forensic audits. Yall have to stop pinning people on false allegation yall can't handle. Allyou looking like idiots right now. I wouldn't advise you to play with rope, you might hang youself.

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:
Mr.T posted:
Cobra posted:

Why the police is not doing enough and the camera images were blur to recognized anything? Something fishy is going on here.

What do you want the police to do? Kick down the door of Jagdeo and shoot him dead?

Your incompetent PNC couldn't even find the PPP guilty on corruption charges after $millions spent on forensic audits. Yall have to stop pinning people on false allegation yall can't handle. Allyou looking like idiots right now. I wouldn't advise you to play with rope, you might hang youself.

I shall tell you one more time you jackass: I am not a PNC supporter. So stop sucking the dick of Jagdeo and coming here to spill out those lies.

Mr.T posted:
Cobra posted:
Mr.T posted:
Cobra posted:

Why the police is not doing enough and the camera images were blur to recognized anything? Something fishy is going on here.

What do you want the police to do? Kick down the door of Jagdeo and shoot him dead?

Your incompetent PNC couldn't even find the PPP guilty on corruption charges after $millions spent on forensic audits. Yall have to stop pinning people on false allegation yall can't handle. Allyou looking like idiots right now. I wouldn't advise you to play with rope, you might hang youself.

I shall tell you one more time you jackass: I am not a PNC supporter. So stop sucking the dick of Jagdeo and coming here to spill out those lies.

What do you want the police to do? Kick down the door of Jagdeo and shoot him dead?

Next time don't make statement or ask question you have no knowledge or facts about.


Listen you dick sucker, not being a supporter of Jagdeo is not equivalent to being a racist. Is which school your parents send you to, because it looks that you had a severe lack of education. Jagdeo is a certified crook as the wikileaks paper have proven. And all that calling out that I am a racist is not going to silence me till he faces jail for murdering Sawh.

Django posted:

June 6, 2016 Source

Publisher of Kaieteur News Glenn Lall yesterday expressed disappointment with the police probe of Saturday’s incident when a grenade was lobbed outside the newspaper’s offices and said if he is not satisfied with the level and quality of the investigation, he would be seeking international help . . .

Glen Lall, you need to slow your roll, stop running your self-serving mouth and let the police do their job . . . it's only been since Saturday night

and dude, much as u are enamored with chasing the limelight, this is NOT all about you!

more important shyte at stake here

unfair as it likely is (KN has been DEADLY TARGETED before!!!) the more you pose, the more u pointing to yourself as the perp mastermind here

this coming from someone who values immensely the critical role Kaieteur News plays and must continue to play in keeping the rulers of Guyana in check


Last edited by Former Member
Mr.T posted:

Listen you dick sucker, not being a supporter of Jagdeo is not equivalent to being a racist. Is which school your parents send you to, because it looks that you had a severe lack of education. Jagdeo is a certified crook as the wikileaks paper have proven. And all that calling out that I am a racist is not going to silence me till he faces jail for murdering Sawh.

That's your opinion on Jagdeo, but not the facts about him. Wikileaks also said Granger is racist toward Indians. Do you believe it? BTW, I went to a racist school that was controlled by Burnham. I heard bigger cock than you crow about sending Jagdeo to prison. Corruption claim is over, now you charging him for murder. What buggery am I seeing here? Keep on crowing.

Cobra posted:

. . . BTW, I went to a racist school that was controlled by Burnham.

which special "racist" school was that?

weren't ALL the schools "controlled by Burnham" when u were a student?

scratching meh head . . .

Cobra posted:
. Wikileaks also said Granger is racist toward Indians.

Better a racist towards Indians, than a criminal that the same source reveals the PPP as being.

The source didn't say that Granger actually hurt Indians.  That source describes many extra judicial killings of blacks by the Jagdeo regime.

Mr.T posted:
Cobra posted:
Mr.T posted:
Cobra posted:

Why the police is not doing enough and the camera images were blur to recognized anything? Something fishy is going on here.

What do you want the police to do? Kick down the door of Jagdeo and shoot him dead?

Your incompetent PNC couldn't even find the PPP guilty on corruption charges after $millions spent on forensic audits. Yall have to stop pinning people on false allegation yall can't handle. Allyou looking like idiots right now. I wouldn't advise you to play with rope, you might hang youself.

I shall tell you one more time you jackass: I am not a PNC supporter. So stop sucking the dick of Jagdeo and coming here to spill out those lies.

So you want Cobra to stop sucking Jagdeo's dick so that you can continue where he left off. You scraven fuh so. I heard that BJ ejaculated in your mouth many times to the point where you said that it is sweeter than honey. Good fuh you. 

george dasilva posted:

Well he has been insulting the de-facto government for some time now about their poor performance.Afterall they promised the people milk and honey when they got into power but what the majority have received is eddo bush and rice,no black pudding or souse.Well they voted for them so they have to suffer until a few more years till the next elections.

Never seen such incompetence and dunceness in my life.Look at the ministers the ugliest women and men that say that they are Guyanese.Even the people in Africa would be embarassed.

The government is populated by old time drunkards,one senior minister is known by the international community for his drunkeness,laying down on pavement totally intoxicated.The chief terrorist and hustler lohas a cut around his jawbone.One step forward five step backward with the PNC.

Well the AFC Negromotoo is now Tonto,kemosaby,counting the number of whiskey bottles left until next elections.Ramrattan anothe hustler who cannot perform until he is fully charged.

What a mess under a two by two brigadier,a bufiander who cant figure out which side ,whether buck or negro he is on.Perhaps while guyana is falling into ruins for the second time since independence he sits making pegall.




Here is a transparently racist moron attempting to cast others as ignoramus and only serving to establish his status as an idiot.

Guyana is doing fine. Just by the fact that ignorant fools like you are in your rightful place...on the sidelines is enough.

Mr.T posted:

I would suggest to Lall that he keeps his mouth shut, instead of shouting he is going to get international hitmen to solve the problem. If the police decide that Lall is insulting them, and then not provide him with any protection, he'll be assassinated by the PPP.

Lall is not a likable personality since he know the dark side of life well. He however used that knowledge well to expose the backsides of the PPP.  Indeed he is their enemy but he also knows where lots of the bodies are buried so they will not take action against him. It is obviously he has been angering the Guyanese netherworld as well. The police themselves would be more likely involved in this attempt on his life.

Danyael posted:
Mr.T posted:

I would suggest to Lall that he keeps his mouth shut, instead of shouting he is going to get international hitmen to solve the problem. If the police decide that Lall is insulting them, and then not provide him with any protection, he'll be assassinated by the PPP.

Lall is not a likable personality since he know the dark side of life well. He however used that knowledge well to expose the backsides of the PPP.  Indeed he is their enemy but he also knows where lots of the bodies are buried so they will not take action against him. It is obviously he has been angering the Guyanese netherworld as well. The police themselves would be more likely involved in this attempt on his life.

So why say this is not a PNC job?  Just asking?

Georgie posted:
Danyael posted:
Mr.T posted:

I would suggest to Lall that he keeps his mouth shut, instead of shouting he is going to get international hitmen to solve the problem. If the police decide that Lall is insulting them, and then not provide him with any protection, he'll be assassinated by the PPP.

Lall is not a likable personality since he know the dark side of life well. He however used that knowledge well to expose the backsides of the PPP.  Indeed he is their enemy but he also knows where lots of the bodies are buried so they will not take action against him. It is obviously he has been angering the Guyanese netherworld as well. The police themselves would be more likely involved in this attempt on his life.

So why say this is not a PNC job?  Just asking?

Because the police made some arrests that point to a PPP inspired murder attempt.

Georgie posted:
Danyael posted:
Mr.T posted:

I would suggest to Lall that he keeps his mouth shut, instead of shouting he is going to get international hitmen to solve the problem. If the police decide that Lall is insulting them, and then not provide him with any protection, he'll be assassinated by the PPP.

Lall is not a likable personality since he know the dark side of life well. He however used that knowledge well to expose the backsides of the PPP.  Indeed he is their enemy but he also knows where lots of the bodies are buried so they will not take action against him. It is obviously he has been angering the Guyanese netherworld as well. The police themselves would be more likely involved in this attempt on his life.

So why say this is not a PNC job?  Just asking?

Dem boys doan screw up de throwin' duds.


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