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GAWU calls for inquiry into sugar industry

Calling for a commission of inquiry into the sugar industry, GAWU has slammed GuySuCo over last year’s “disappointing” performance and accused it of producing the sweetener at a whopping US$40 cents per pound, harvesting young canes during the second crop and failing to negotiate a better sales deal with Tate and Lyle.


-cites high production cost, poor decisions


Square Pegs in Round Holes....

with Kwame holding top position in the PPP Leadership.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I support GAWU'S call for an inquiry into the mismanagement of GUYSUCO...The management of the state's largest industry rests in the hands of the Jagdeo/Ramouthar stooges who know nothing about sugar production....


Where are the funds which were pumped into GUYSUCO coffers from the state treasury ? How were those funds used ?


Originally Posted by Churchill:

I support GAWU'S call for an inquiry into the mismanagement of GUYSUCO...The management of the state's largest industry rests in the hands of the Jagdeo/Ramouthar stooges who know nothing about sugar production....


Where are the funds which were pumped into GUYSUCO coffers from the state treasury ? How were those funds used ?


Tough to get an answer PPP will not provide info.

workersOriginally Posted by warrior:

komal have to make up his mind who he is representing and stop being bias  

Komal is a good man... he has the workers' interest at heart....I agree that he seems to be sitting on the fence with several issues but at some point in time, soon I hope he will become fully awakened to what is really happening to the workers represented by GAWU.....


The PPP cabal seems to have forgotten that sugar workers make up the backbone of the party's political support and if the workers are not satisfied production suffers and the party loses votes... 

Originally Posted by Churchill:
workersOriginally Posted by warrior:

komal have to make up his mind who he is representing and stop being bias  

Komal is a good man... he has the workers' interest at heart....I agree that he seems to be sitting on the fence with several issues but at some point in time, soon I hope he will become fully awakened to what is really happening to the workers represented by GAWU.....


The PPP cabal seems to have forgotten that sugar workers make up the backbone of the party's political support and if the workers are not satisfied production suffers and the party loses votes... 

Churchie Komal is a god damn bandit just like that scoundrel ramotar.


He knows very well that Raj Singh is an incompetent ill qualified goon at the top of GuySuCo who is being paid millions to do a job he has no business being in.


Yet Komal sits down and accepts that. He does jack shit for the betterment of sugar workers and the facts are that he stood idly by while jagdeo and Robert Persaud raped and pillaged from GuySuCo to fill their own pockets vis a vis skeldon and a litany of real estate transactions involving the sell off of GuySuCo's assets.


Komal is no innocent bystander he is a just as guilty as these thieves.


Redux, I do not think we are talking about the same Person...Komal.

Komal refused to sit on the Guysuco Board with Raj Singh.

Komal & GAWU supported the Sugar worker who was fired by Dave Kumar (Ramotar Friend who lives at Rita Place and is always Drunk).


Churchill know these PPP guys more than us and he can judge them better.


Redux...If you know these guys more than Churchill maybe you can tell us why Jagdeo threatened Komal & the Sugar Workers that he would de-unionize Guysuco and the Sugar Workers.


Komal stood up to the PNC....while others joined the PNC......I would agree if you say those who Joined the PNC are Bandits. 

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Redux, I do not think we are talking about the same Person...Komal.

Komal refused to sit on the Guysuco Board with Raj Singh.

Komal & GAWU supported the Sugar worker who was fired by Dave Kumar (Ramotar Friend who lives at Rita Place and is always Drunk).


Churchill know these PPP guys more than us and he can judge them better.


Redux...If you know these guys more than Churchill maybe you can tell us why Jagdeo threatened Komal & the Sugar Workers that he would de-unionize Guysuco and the Sugar Workers.


Komal stood up to the PNC....while others joined the PNC......I would agree if you say those who Joined the PNC are Bandits. 

Komal refused to sit on the board because he does not want to be held accountable for what he knows his years of silence has now produced.


Jagdeo threatened a lot of folks, but the fact is Komal sat there and continues to sit in parliament as a PPP MP to continue to suck on the tit that feeds him, the Guyanese tax payer.


Those are the facts, Komal has betrayed every single sugar worker in GY that is the bottom line and he continued to support Jagdeo and This fat **** Ramotar.


BTW what is the difference between the PPP and the PNC, please do enlighten me. Would love to hear this........


Komal's silence is his acceptance and tacit endorsement of the corruption that exists at Freedom house. NEXT!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Komal is a man who stand with the workers.

What workers has komal stood with.


Listen lets discuss the facts here are sugar workers better off today than they were 20 years ago? Answer me that simple question please.


 What the **** did Komal Chand do for Davekumar Jainarine and thousands of other sugar workers injured on the job. Please educate me man. I am waiting all of your responses. This chap is a hypocrite like the rest of the PPP. The PPP have no ****ing saints in there none, not one.

Last edited by Former Member

Komal like Harry Lall and others

had the choice

of joining De PNC at Monkey Mountain

a long time ago when PNC was in Power ....

and he did not.


Some Grasshopper Join PNC after......

just for a Photo op....

and where are they today...


Komal did not make that mistake....



Indian Stalwarts leaving PNC...


Black Thugs & House of Israel Bandits

running away from Congress Place...


Please tell us why any Decent Indian

would drag others for a Photo op....

and the others in de Picture Denounce PNC



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Redux, I do not think we are talking about the same Person...Komal.

Komal refused to sit on the Guysuco Board with Raj Singh.

Komal & GAWU supported the Sugar worker who was fired by Dave Kumar (Ramotar Friend who lives at Rita Place and is always Drunk).


Churchill know these PPP guys more than us and he can judge them better.


Redux...If you know these guys more than Churchill maybe you can tell us why Jagdeo threatened Komal & the Sugar Workers that he would de-unionize Guysuco and the Sugar Workers.


Komal stood up to the PNC....while others joined the PNC......I would agree if you say those who Joined the PNC are Bandits. 

Komal refused to sit on the board because he does not want to be held accountable for what he knows his years of silence has now produced.


Jagdeo threatened a lot of folks, but the fact is Komal sat there and continues to sit in parliament as a PPP MP to continue to suck on the tit that feeds him, the Guyanese tax payer.


Those are the facts, Komal has betrayed every single sugar worker in GY that is the bottom line and he continued to support Jagdeo and This fat **** Ramotar.


BTW what is the difference between the PPP and the PNC, please do enlighten me. Would love to hear this........


Komal's silence is his acceptance and tacit endorsement of the corruption that exists at Freedom house. NEXT!


if Komal had Joined the PNC

would he have a good person.


Komal is the Leader of the Union

representing the Sugar Workers

in Guyana....


He is not Camping

at Monkey Mountain.

Last edited by Former Member

Look save all that irrelevant PNC, Monkey mountain ***** for miss JB it may have more of an effect on pussies like dat not me.


Komal chand and any union leader should never be any part of a political party, they should not be MP's Congressmen or senators or any of that sort of shit.


There is an inherent conflict of interest there and the past 20 years we have clearly seen how that conflict of interest has worked against the people of Guyana it is time to change that. Komal can continue being a PPP dunce or he can step up and make some monumental changes and fight for the people of Guyana.


Answer my questions directly I posed above rather than jumping around all over the place like a monkey, where the **** was Komal when Davekumar Jainarine was injured? When Jagdeo and Robert persaud went to the man's home and were calling him a liar where the **** was komal?


2nd question, give me a quick list of major wins Komal has achieved for sugar workers in 20 years.


Comments by Moses Nagamootoo, Vice Chairman
We note GAWU’s call for inquiry into sugar industry, and fully support this. AFC has been calling for such inquiry, especially into monies coming from the European Union, monies spent on the so-called modernization of the Skeldon factory, the estimated $17 billion bail-out packages given by Parliament, and the over-all management of the sugar industry.
Some months ago there was an ominous warning... from eminent scholar, Dr. Clive Thomas, that the sugar industry has reach a point of no return, “or alternatively, a negative tipping-point”.
For the 16,000 sugar workers and an estimated 50,000 persons whose lives depend of the industry, this raises the spectre of “bitter sugar”.
Even Jagdeo had recognized that on October 2, 2010 when he said observed the Skeldon factory tragedy unfolding: “This is a US$200 million facility… unfortunately, it’s not delivering the results we expected it to. They have too many mistakes going on there and I intend to fix it…it has to change…“If that doesn’t work well, because the European Union cut our sugar prices by 36 percent… if that doesn’t work well the sugar industry is dead,” he stressed. “It’s dead. It’s as simple as that.”
“If sugar is not growing in this Corentyne, this place would be a ghost town…”
Knowing all of that, our government was expected to come up with a rescue plan. But what we got was platitudes and false hopes instead of authentic leadership on the issue. In 2010 CEO Paul Bhim said that sugar was facing a heavy production deficit which slumped to “some low levels”, but promised that things would “pick up soon”. Ashni Singh promised bumper crops that would have, by now far exceeded, 500,000 tonnes and that by mid-2012 the Skeldon factory would be in full production swing.  But, production dropped from 325,317 tonnes of sugar in 2004 to 218,070 in 2012.  Last year at just over 216,000 tonnes, it was an all-time low in the past 20 years.
Besides sugar, there are worrying signs that the Government is dippng into our International Reserves. I would like it to react, as Benn did, to report that our Reserves fell from US$835 in 2012 to US$609 by November last year. This is a decline of US$226 million.
Where did this money go?
January 15, 2015



GAWU continues the pantomime of blaming the 'management' of Guysuco for the collapse of the sugar industry, but never the PPP which appoints that management and of which GAWU head Komal Chand is a member. The other side of the ethnic-industrial complex in Guyana wherein the PPP keeps a tremendous working class labour force in check through racist politics even as it undermines the industry through cronyism and subsidises it via taxpayer funding.


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