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Samsung has taken the technological lead and threatens to send the only two remaining American icons down into irrelevance, Motorola and Apple. This is a threat to the American economy and American technological dominance. Japan feels the same way, overtaken by its former colony it used to look down at.

So, by provoking a war and destroying South Korea they expect to create a vacuum they are ready to fill up. They will destroy South Korea while pretending to protect it. The formula is simply, provoke the North into attacking the South, hopefully using nuclear and chemical weapons then retaliate against the North, who will take all the blame. Leave it to China to rebuilt the North, America will rebuilt the South. They will be heroes, while Samsung and other Korean multinational will exist no more. South Koreans will be so gratefull with the Americans while ignoring that this war was designed to happen that way so that the west continue dominance can be guarantee and will not be threaten in any front.

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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

now I know you're joking . . .


but be aware that the head klown slot on GNI is already filled

Tell him deh.  He endangering you "status"!

ummm . . . i suggest u purchase some brains and engage me on something substantive rather than sniping from the bushes like a frightened antiman

Originally Posted by Lucas:

Samsung has taken the technological lead and threatens to send the only two remaining American icons down into irrelevance, Motorola and Apple. This is a threat to the American economy and American technological dominance. Japan feels the same way, overtaken by its former colony it used to look down at.

So, by provoking a war and destroying South Korea they expect to create a vacuum they are ready to fill up. They will destroy South Korea while pretending to protect it. The formula is simply, provoke the North into attacking the South, hopefully using nuclear and chemical weapons then retaliate against the North, who will take all the blame. Leave it to China to rebuilt the North, America will rebuilt the South. They will be heroes, while Samsung and other Korean multinational will exist no more. South Koreans will be so gratefull with the Americans while ignoring that this war was designed to happen that way so that the west continue dominance can be guarantee and will not be threaten in any front.

That Lucas is wan deep thinker. Like he just came back for the Korean border where he met up with Ron Paul, The man from The Coast to Coast am Radio show and lyndon larouche.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

Thanks. I take all these comments as compliments..

North Korea is striving for relevance.  They are no match for even South Korea, though they could inflict pain.  If they decide to launch any war, that regime will be brought down in two weeks.  They main fear is drawing China into an open conflict, which will be helter-skelter.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

Thanks. I take all these comments as compliments..

North Korea is striving for relevance.  They are no match for even South Korea, though they could inflict pain.  If they decide to launch any war, that regime will be brought down in two weeks.  They main fear is drawing China into an open conflict, which will be helter-skelter.

Baseman Bhai you believe too much American propaganda.  Most North Koreans are complete nut cases they are going to fight to the very end and take many Americans with them to the great Marxist heaven in the sky.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Lucas I hope you are not going to tell us next that young Kim got a pet godzilla that he is going to release on America

Com'on you impose sanctions on NK for 20 years because they test missiles and test nukes and now you are trying to tell me those nukes and missiles are useless, that they cannot kill a fly?

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

Thanks. I take all these comments as compliments..

North Korea is striving for relevance.  They are no match for even South Korea, though they could inflict pain.  If they decide to launch any war, that regime will be brought down in two weeks.  They main fear is drawing China into an open conflict, which will be helter-skelter.

Baseman Bhai you believe too much American propaganda.  Most North Koreans are complete nut cases they are going to fight to the very end and take many Americans with them to the great Marxist heaven in the sky.

So we thought of Sadaam.  You would be surprised how quickly that house of cards would collapse.  Not that they will not inflict pain, but they are a hallow shell.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

Thanks. I take all these comments as compliments..

North Korea is striving for relevance.  They are no match for even South Korea, though they could inflict pain.  If they decide to launch any war, that regime will be brought down in two weeks.  They main fear is drawing China into an open conflict, which will be helter-skelter.

Baseman Bhai you believe too much American propaganda.  Most North Koreans are complete nut cases they are going to fight to the very end and take many Americans with them to the great Marxist heaven in the sky.

So we thought of Sadaam.  You would be surprised how quickly that house of cards would collapse.  Not that they will not inflict pain, but they are a hallow shell.

The situation is reverse, Saddam never believed the Americans will invade or kill him. In the Korean case the Americans are making mockery of the NK leader, calling his bombs "fireworks". Americans do not believe NK will attack. So, it seem like is America in the position of Iraq.


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