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Freddie Kissoon’s mind is as unkempt as his appearance


FOR the readers of Kaieteur News to truly understand the mindset of columnist Freddie Kissoon, it is necessary for me to repeat the definition of a word that I believe accurately describes this writer.The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines the word ‘pompous’ as:
“Having or showing the attitude of people who speak and behave in a very formal and serious way because they believe that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people.”
According to Google, ‘pompous’ means affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important – “a pompous ass who pretends he knows everything.”
Undoubtedly, Freddie Kissoon has his fan-club, whose members read his daily rants in criticising the government and besmirching the characters of decent members of the PPP/C Administration. The Minister of Education and our Executive President are constantly in his line of fire. His recent salvo aimed at President Donald Ramotar is another indication that Kissoon is in need of some serious help. The man’s mind is as unkempt as his appearance, for only a person that is psychologically disturbed, will allow such hatred, fabrication of lies, and distortion of facts to occupy his thoughts on a daily basis.
His latest ‘beef’ with the President of Guyana is that he spends too much time traveling and meeting people…two functions that come with the territory. In a recent letter, Kissoon wrote, “This week he addressed an education event, then opened the GT&T sponsored refurbishing of the UG labs, then Friday the man was on a plane to New York.” What is wrong with that? President Ramotar is a working president that is committed to serving all the people of this country. The Presidency may have given him the power to accomplish a lot more, but Donald Ramotar has always been a people’s person. To his credit, he never allowed the pressures that come with the presidency to deny ordinary Guyanese access to him. Meeting with the international communities and visiting the United Nations as he’s doing now, is an absolute necessity for any Head of State. That’s how he meets other Heads of State; that’s what brings development and investors to Guyana; that’s how treaties are established to protect our citizens and our sovereignty. That’s how foreign markets are open to Guyanese goods and services.
As a student of politics, these are things that Freddie is aware of, yet he is prepared to stifle his conscience just to let the government look bad to those mindless suckers who believes everything he writes.

Let there be no doubt, despite some personal reasons, Freddie Kissoon has a political agenda that’s as clear as daylight: He trying his best to get rid of the PPP/C Administration. And even if he has to shamelessly lie through his teeth to ignore growth and development under the PPP/C, and to besmirch the characters of good and decent people, he will do so. One must ask, why? Is he being paid by the Opposition to keep up these relentless attacks on the government? It certainly appears so to me. Does Freddie feel that his constant attacks on the government are his way of repaying those who helped finance the mansion he lives in? That’s certainly another possibility. But whatever the reason, there is no justification, except perhaps someone suffering from a mental disorder, to decry his own race and country, and the government that protects his right to freedom of speech.

Questions must also be asked: Is it benefitting Kaieteur News to allow a rattlesnake like Kissoon the use of its pages to disseminate lies and misinformation; to continuously use disparagingly remarks to decry the country we all love and its citizens; and to inflict personal attacks on members of the Administration when I was told on several occasions by the editor, Adam Harris, that it is the policy of Kaieteur News not to allow personal attacks on anyone? Why is Freddie Kissoon an exception to this policy?
Like so many others, I have restrained myself from responding to the filth that is spewed on a daily basis in the Freddie Kissoon Column in Kaieteur News. But every now and then, Guyanese need to be reminded of Freddie’s political agenda, and the danger of allowing him to poison the minds of those who read his column.


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