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Kwame McCoy disrupts Youth Council meeting; says “I am a celebrity”

March 8, 2015 6:32 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

Kwame McCoy at the GNYC Meeting [Photo taken off of Mark Ross’ Facebook Page]


[] – What should have been an informative meeting of the Guyana National Youth Council (GNYC) turned out to be a stage for political grandstanding on Saturday afternoon (March 07) at the Georgetown Cricket Club (GCC).


Information Liaison Officer of the Office of the President, Kwame McCoy is accused of disrupting the meeting, proffering several challenges to the facilitators concerning their political persuasions and the implications of the proposed ‘Vote Like Ah Boss’ campaign scheduled to be launched next week.

McCoy in an extremely loud manner interrupted several presentations being made and questions being asked by persons. He is accused of verbally abusing a woman who made an off the shoulder remark at him.

With his air of importance, the Liaison Officer made it clear that he was a “celebrity.”

After several futile attempts by McCoy to disrupt the day’s proceedings, one man opted to leave and immediately after, in what appeared to be a well – rehearsed manner, several participants of the meeting walked out; but McCoy stayed behind and continued his tirade against the facilitators and persons who objected to his behavior.

There was also a verbal confrontation between McCoy and a representative of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce after she suggested that his behavior did not augur well for the overall aim of the meeting and he should make his exit.

It did not stop there for McCoy as he went on to accuse the Chair of GNYC, Tiffany Daniels of taking cues from Mark Ross, who is an AFC member.

“Mark directing the show. He’s winking at her and they are trading looks,” said McCoy.

He sternly warned Daniels that background checks were being made on each member of GNYC’s executive committee and she should thread lightly with the membership.

Meanwhile, Daniels told iNews that the incident was unfortunate. She maintained that the Council will not be daunted by the obvious attempts of McCoy to stir controversy and create an issue where there shouldn’t be any.

“It was just very unfortunate for the meeting to be dragged down to that level and for any political party to have brought their agenda to the meeting,” Daniels explained.

According to her, the fact that over 30 persons remained to “flesh out” the activities under the ‘Vote Like A Boss’ initiative is a plus for the Council in that McCoy’s interruptions did not bring the proceedings to a halt.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP are terrified of the urban youth vote. That's why Rohee and now Kwame are giving these young people a hard time. They see this organization as voting en masse against the PPP and they are deathly scared that the growth of this organization and its influence can spread to many more parts of the country.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The PPP cannot sincerely caution voters about a return to PNC thuggery when Freedom House harbours ex-PNC goons. Kwame Mc Koy is behaving just like the Burnham thugs.

and more so since Ramo selected Burnham cousin to be his running mate.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Mitwah is she related to Mrs. Burnham who was a Harper.

No, she is married to Mark Harper, who represented Guyana at cricket. Roger Harper's brother. Her father is Aubrey Barker.




I remember Mark Harper.  A very good batsman.  I went to the Harper house in Queenstown once to listen to cricket. I don't remember those guys ever mentioning that they were related to Mrs. Burnham whose father was a Harper. Is her father the brilliant land surveyor/land developer Aubrey Barker?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The PPP cannot sincerely caution voters about a return to PNC thuggery when Freedom House harbours ex-PNC goons. Kwame Mc Koy is behaving just like the Burnham thugs.

This is precisely the reason that the PPP hired these black ex PNC thugs. They are too cowardly to do it on their own and it will look like Indians brutalizing black people if they displayed their own thuggish behavior. 

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The PPP cannot sincerely caution voters about a return to PNC thuggery when Freedom House harbours ex-PNC goons. Kwame Mc Koy is behaving just like the Burnham thugs.

This is precisely the reason that the PPP hired these black ex PNC thugs. They are too cowardly to do it on their own and it will look like Indians brutalizing black people if they displayed their own thuggish behavior. 


In defence of our canecutters at Freedom House, the PNC set up the game of political violence so the PPP's attempts to neutralize it is actually commendable.


I think you need to attack the PPP for something other than the one time they actually protected Indians vicariously.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The PPP cannot sincerely caution voters about a return to PNC thuggery when Freedom House harbours ex-PNC goons. Kwame Mc Koy is behaving just like the Burnham thugs.

This is precisely the reason that the PPP hired these black ex PNC thugs. They are too cowardly to do it on their own and it will look like Indians brutalizing black people if they displayed their own thuggish behavior. 


In defence of our canecutters at Freedom House, the PNC set up the game of political violence so the PPP's attempts to neutralize it is actually commendable.


I think you need to attack the PPP for something other than the one time they actually protected Indians vicariously.

What political violence was George Bacchus and his brother involved in? The Lindeners were involved in peaceful protest when the PPP sent their goons to whack them.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The PPP cannot sincerely caution voters about a return to PNC thuggery when Freedom House harbours ex-PNC goons. Kwame Mc Koy is behaving just like the Burnham thugs.

This is precisely the reason that the PPP hired these black ex PNC thugs. They are too cowardly to do it on their own and it will look like Indians brutalizing black people if they displayed their own thuggish behavior. 


In defence of our canecutters at Freedom House, the PNC set up the game of political violence so the PPP's attempts to neutralize it is actually commendable.


I think you need to attack the PPP for something other than the one time they actually protected Indians vicariously.

What political violence was George Bacchus and his brother involved in?


I believe they were gonna squeal on the death squad and that's just not how death squads are run. Snitching is somewhat against the unwritten rules of death squadding. What kinda death squad is allowin people to squeal with impugnity?


Or is that concept beyond your ability to grasp?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The PPP cannot sincerely caution voters about a return to PNC thuggery when Freedom House harbours ex-PNC goons. Kwame Mc Koy is behaving just like the Burnham thugs.

This is precisely the reason that the PPP hired these black ex PNC thugs. They are too cowardly to do it on their own and it will look like Indians brutalizing black people if they displayed their own thuggish behavior. 


In defence of our canecutters at Freedom House, the PNC set up the game of political violence so the PPP's attempts to neutralize it is actually commendable.


I think you need to attack the PPP for something other than the one time they actually protected Indians vicariously.

What political violence was George Bacchus and his brother involved in?


I believe they were gonna squeal on the death squad and that's just not how death squads are run. Snitching is somewhat against the unwritten rules of death squadding. What kinda death squad is allowin people to squeal with impugnity?


Or is that concept beyond your ability to grasp?

Murder is murder but it seems like you only highlight PNC violence and give all kinds of excuses for the PPP murdering Guyanese citizens. Carry on smartly. This is what I more expected from Yugi and those types but I guess I was mistaken.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The PPP cannot sincerely caution voters about a return to PNC thuggery when Freedom House harbours ex-PNC goons. Kwame Mc Koy is behaving just like the Burnham thugs.

This is precisely the reason that the PPP hired these black ex PNC thugs. They are too cowardly to do it on their own and it will look like Indians brutalizing black people if they displayed their own thuggish behavior. 


In defence of our canecutters at Freedom House, the PNC set up the game of political violence so the PPP's attempts to neutralize it is actually commendable.


I think you need to attack the PPP for something other than the one time they actually protected Indians vicariously.

What political violence was George Bacchus and his brother involved in?


I believe they were gonna squeal on the death squad and that's just not how death squads are run. Snitching is somewhat against the unwritten rules of death squadding. What kinda death squad is allowin people to squeal with impugnity?


Or is that concept beyond your ability to grasp?

Murder is murder but it seems like you only highlight PNC violence and give all kinds of excuses for the PPP murdering Guyanese citizens. Carry on smartly. This is what I more expected from Yugi and those types but I guess I was mistaken.


You are grossly mistaken if you are of the opinion that when the State is paralyzed, natural law and the principle of reciprocity will not kick in.


The law (statutory and natural) recognizes the inherent right of self-defense.


Coolies ain't goin quietly chap. Dem days over. Which is why the PNC is now so peaceful and peaceable. It is a remarkable coincidence how PNC peacefulness coincided with a bit of phantomizing.


P.S.....the more I talk to you and redux the more convinced I am that we need to nurture our dogs a lil more just in case we need them again. PNC violence must be met with more violence. Ya'll and Moses and them other crackheads can keep your accords and whatnot for yourselves. I put my trust the capacity for self-defense. If the army and police can't or won't protect Indians. Let's get our criminals to do the job. They seem to know the wuk.


The Coalition is going back to root cause analysis.


The goal is not removing the PPP only.  Then what?


You cannot solve problems at the fundamental level unless the 2 blocks come together.  This is exactly what the coalition wants to do.


Healing and reconciliation is not about going back to the past but reaching in to the future.


In the absence of the PPP at the table, the Coalition is a good starting point.


As Eusi said, "there is no innocent race." There are some on this Board who may not have taken a gun and shoot at blacks and Indians, but from what they write, in their hearts, they have done that.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The PPP cannot sincerely caution voters about a return to PNC thuggery when Freedom House harbours ex-PNC goons. Kwame Mc Koy is behaving just like the Burnham thugs.

This is precisely the reason that the PPP hired these black ex PNC thugs. They are too cowardly to do it on their own and it will look like Indians brutalizing black people if they displayed their own thuggish behavior. 


In defence of our canecutters at Freedom House, the PNC set up the game of political violence so the PPP's attempts to neutralize it is actually commendable.


I think you need to attack the PPP for something other than the one time they actually protected Indians vicariously.

What political violence was George Bacchus and his brother involved in?


I believe they were gonna squeal on the death squad and that's just not how death squads are run. Snitching is somewhat against the unwritten rules of death squadding. What kinda death squad is allowin people to squeal with impugnity?


Or is that concept beyond your ability to grasp?

Murder is murder but it seems like you only highlight PNC violence and give all kinds of excuses for the PPP murdering Guyanese citizens. Carry on smartly. This is what I more expected from Yugi and those types but I guess I was mistaken.


You are grossly mistaken if you are of the opinion that when the State is paralyzed, natural law and the principle of reciprocity will not kick in.


The law (statutory and natural) recognizes the inherent right of self-defense.


Coolies ain't goin quietly chap. Dem days over. Which is why the PNC is now so peaceful and peaceable. It is a remarkable coincidence how PNC peacefulness coincided with a bit of phantomizing.

The current PNC peacefulness has nothing to do with phantomizing. They realized that they cannot win elections in Guyana because that's the only thing that the PPP campaigns on to win elections. The PPP cannot go on their record because it is dismal and they resort to highlighting the fear of the black bogeyman to fool the majority Indian population.


How is it that the crime situation has gotten even worse when the Phantoms were supposed to get rid of criminals? The Phantoms had nothing much to do with any counter insurgency. That was an excuse used by PPP lackeys to excuse the murderous ways of the PPP. The main aim of the Phantom Squad was to help Roger Khan (and by default the PPP) to monopolize the drug trade. Many of those young blacks who were bumped off had nothing to do with an insurgency and were petty criminals who were being used as security men by rival drug gangs. 


To open an inquiry and then murder the main witness in Bacchus is simply inexcusable. That would be like calling someone to testify before Congress in the US and then the Democrats bumping him off. Or in the case of Waddell, the Democrats hiring a drug kingpin to murder talk show host Rush Limbaugh. This is acceptable to you because no violence is being perpetrated against Indians. Just a few black people getting shot down in the street so who cares.  

Last edited by Mars

PPP has no shame to keep people of the ilk of Mc. Coy at OP.


This boggerman's salary is twice that of a UG doctorate person.


The Coalition will bring back respectability to OP.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

PPP has no shame to keep people of the ilk of Mc. Coy at OP.


This boggerman's salary is twice that of a UG doctorate person.


The Coalition will bring back respectability to OP.

The PPP love these feral anti man types buizin out the opposition. See Jagdeo's behavior at Babu John today being widely praised by PPP supporters.


APNU+AFC condemns PPP bullyism against National Youth Council


The A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) has condemned a campaign launched by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) to intimidate and bully the Guyana National Youth Council (GNYC).

AFC Youth Representative, Trevor Williams

AFC Youth Representative,
Trevor Williams

APNU Youth Representative, Christopher Jones

APNU Youth Representative, Christopher Jones

As of recent, this group has been playing an active role in reviving the faith of youths in politics and educating them about being a part of the electoral process.
The APNU+AFC noted that Youth Council was previously harassed by PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee. The partnership said, however, that it appears as though the PPP has upped the ante and now employed one of their “chief goons”, Kwame McCoy, to “level abuse and run amok as they seek to demoralize the GNYC”. APNU youth representative, Christopher Jones said that the PPP is using tactics from its old playbook of hate and divisiveness.
“APNU+AFC is not surprised by the PPP campaign of intimidation and bullyism as it is a clear sign that Freedom House is fully aware that the PPP has lost the confidence of the young people of Guyana who will vote resoundingly for APNU+AFC,” Jones said.
Also, AFC youth representative, Trevor Williams added that the coalition is fully respectful of the large block of young voters, inclusive of first time voters who are eligible to vote in the upcoming elections.
Williams asserted that the APNU+AFC respects the voice of the youth in Guyana and supports the efforts of the GNYC to educate the young people of Guyana on the need to exercise their franchise on May 11 for the party of their choice.
APNU+AFC reiterated that it explicitly supports the efforts of the GNYC and all other organizations and agencies engaged in sensitizing young people about the need to vote on May 11 and stands ready to offer whatever support may be required in this regard.


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