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Former Member

February 17, 2016 By

– Crum-Ewing probe…

Another People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) supporter Kwame McCoy was taken into Police custody in relation to what appears to be another ongoing investigation into the murder of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing who was gunned down in his community some two months prior to the May 11 General and Regional Elections.

Guyana Times understands that police officers visited the home of former Information Liaison Officer and requested that McCoy turn come down to the police station for questioning.

McCoy is the second PPP/C activist who was arrested in connection to this probe.

Yesterday, Freedom House employee Jason Abdulla was also arrested.

Reports also indicate that self-confessed death squad member Sean Hinds was also taken into the police custody for questioning into the matter.

Notably, Regan Rodrigues aka “Grey Boy” was charged with the ex-soldier’s murder. Police confirmed the discovery of gun and ammunition that was tested a positive match to the one used in Crum-Ewing’s killing, within his possession.

Rodrigues was later sentenced to three years in prison on a charge of escaping lawful custody – after he fled the scene upon the discovery of the weaponry.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

This guy, Kwami, is a loudmouth thug. Why the PPP would have this guy working in the OP is beyond belief. He is as shady as they come. My guess is he will end up in jail. He better bring that pink dress with him.

VishMahabir posted:

This guy, Kwami, is a loudmouth thug. Why the PPP would have this guy working in the OP is beyond belief. He is as shady as they come. My guess is he will end up in jail. He better bring that pink dress with him.

why . . .?? huh

Kwame McCoy IS a member of the PPP Central Committee

keep playing yuh stupid

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Much Ado About Nothing?????

It is something, Bibi. A man was shot 5 times to death while unarmed and campaigning with only a bullhorn. A political assassination must never be taken lightly. As baseman rightly says, let the police proceed with their probe.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Much Ado About Nothing?????

You wouldn't say that if Crum was one of your relatives. Crum's untimely demise has the markings of a politically motivated assassination. Kwaame was one of the untouchables in the previous regime. Wasn't his Visa to NA taken away?

This is Standard Police operation as the investigation into his death is ongoing. Persons of interest, especially political operatives might be detained for questioning as they are connecting the dots to the intellectual authors.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Much Ado About Nothing?????

It is something, Bibi. A man was shot 5 times to death while unarmed and campaigning with only a bullhorn. A political assassination must never be taken lightly. As baseman rightly says, let the police proceed with their probe.

Don't get me wrong, I am in sympathy with the deceased.  But I am not sure if this was a political assassination or not, based on information of a drug ranting that was on his facebook page shortly before his murder.  I don't even think Kwame is the accused.  It does seem unusual that so much time has elapsed and so many others were already questioned and they still can't build a case.


Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Much Ado About Nothing?????

It is something, Bibi. A man was shot 5 times to death while unarmed and campaigning with only a bullhorn. A political assassination must never be taken lightly. As baseman rightly says, let the police proceed with their probe.

Don't get me wrong, I am in sympathy with the deceased.  But I am not sure if this was a political assassination or not, based on information of a drug ranting that was on his facebook page shortly before his murder.  I don't even think Kwame is the accused.  It does seem unusual that so much time has elapsed and so many others were already questioned and they still can't build a case.


Right on Bibi.

A lot of politics is being played out here. This just the beginning of this administration's dictatorship behaviour.

First in parliament and now private citizens opposed to the AFC/PNC dictatorship.

This is just the beginning. 

redux posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This guy, Kwami, is a loudmouth thug. Why the PPP would have this guy working in the OP is beyond belief. He is as shady as they come. My guess is he will end up in jail. He better bring that pink dress with him.

why . . .?? huh

Kwame McCoy IS a member of the PPP Central Committee

keep playing yuh stupid

Right on Redux.  Kwame's loyalty to the PPP Central Committee is unflinching.  I would argue that the only person who can work harder than him is BJ.  This past week Kwame has been churning out Press Releases to the media in real time on the Barton Scotland censorship.

Despite accusations of racism, the PPP values diversity in its party.  Kwame, Africo, Edgehill, Sam Hinds, Liz Harper, Yvonne Pearson, and others have shown more loyalty to the PPP than many of the Indians who were only there for personal enhancement.

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Much Ado About Nothing?????

It is something, Bibi. A man was shot 5 times to death while unarmed and campaigning with only a bullhorn. A political assassination must never be taken lightly. As baseman rightly says, let the police proceed with their probe.

And how do you come to the conclusion it was a "political assassination"??  Seems you already decided when this loud-mouth outed his drug-dealing friend in CANU on Facebook.  Them bais got one way of dealing with loud-mouths!!  He had enough enemies of all sorts to fill and overflow Camp Street!!


BIBI,  but you left out the Black Thugs,Killers, Rapists, Kick-down-door Bandits and Ballot Box Thieves. Any it's  great that you acknowledged that Inidans, like Priya, Ashni, Robert, Irfaart, Bharat, Leslie, your Uncle.... were only there for personal enhancement.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
redux posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This guy, Kwami, is a loudmouth thug. Why the PPP would have this guy working in the OP is beyond belief. He is as shady as they come. My guess is he will end up in jail. He better bring that pink dress with him.

why . . .?? huh

Kwame McCoy IS a member of the PPP Central Committee

keep playing yuh stupid

Right on Redux . . .

well . . . 'right on'

might i suggest that u suggest to de rat that the PPP run Kwamee in the PM candidate slot next elections

his 'value' to the ticket would be incalculable

Mitwah posted:

BIBI,  but you left out the Black Thugs,Killers, Rapists, Kick-down-door Bandits and Ballot Box Thieves. Any it's  great that you acknowledged that Inidans, like Priya, Ashni, Robert, Irfaart, Bharat, Leslie, your Uncle.... were only there for personal enhancement.

Coming from a paid poster, it means little to less!!

redux posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Right on Redux . . .

his 'value' to the ticket would be incalculable

Not sure about that, but surely much more than your value to the PNC ticket!!  I mean the only relevance the PNC sees is for you to post crap on the obscure BB!!

redux posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This guy, Kwami, is a loudmouth thug. Why the PPP would have this guy working in the OP is beyond belief. He is as shady as they come. My guess is he will end up in jail. He better bring that pink dress with him.

why . . .?? huh

Kwame McCoy IS a member of the PPP Central Committee

keep playing yuh stupid

He does not belong in the PPP  CC either.

baseman posted:
redux posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Right on Redux . . .

his 'value' to the ticket would be incalculable

Not sure about that, but surely much more than your value to the PNC ticket!!  I mean the only relevance the PNC sees is for you to post crap on the obscure BB!!

u not sure . . . huh?

separately, what gives when bigot antiman happily vomiting on dis "obscure BB" for over a decade start whining about someone posting here with less than half his tenure?

apparently baseman, u are not as much a masochist as i had figured . . . lash biting nuh?

Last edited by Former Member

If there is evidence of a Crime, take it to the Court NOT randomly locking people up!!! Well, IS A DICTATORSHIP SINCE MAY 11 AND UNCLE TOM AND DEVANY HAS BEEN IMPRISINED MENTALLY SINCE!!!!!!!

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Much Ado About Nothing?????

It is something, Bibi. A man was shot 5 times to death while unarmed and campaigning with only a bullhorn. A political assassination must never be taken lightly. As baseman rightly says, let the police proceed with their probe.

Gilly bhai, you know something we don't? It could be called a political assassination if one thinks that the PNC paid someone to kill the man for political gain before the election. I cannot see the PPP killing him for political gain. Remember, the PNC cum AFC goons were already accusing the PPP of murder. I don't think they would have aggravated the situation.

This is nothing more than throwing sh*t on the wall to see where it sticks.

Dondadda posted:

February 17, 2016 By

– Crum-Ewing probe…

Another People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) supporter Kwame McCoy was taken into Police custody in relation to what appears to be another ongoing investigation into the murder of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing who was gunned down in his community some two months prior to the May 11 General and Regional Elections.

Guyana Times understands that police officers visited the home of former Information Liaison Officer and requested that McCoy turn come down to the police station for questioning.

McCoy is the second PPP/C activist who was arrested in connection to this probe.

Yesterday, Freedom House employee Jason Abdulla was also arrested.

Reports also indicate that self-confessed death squad member Sean Hinds was also taken into the police custody for questioning into the matter.

Notably, Regan Rodrigues aka “Grey Boy” was charged with the ex-soldier’s murder. Police confirmed the discovery of gun and ammunition that was tested a positive match to the one used in Crum-Ewing’s killing, within his possession.

Rodrigues was later sentenced to three years in prison on a charge of escaping lawful custody – after he fled the scene upon the discovery of the weaponry.


I think Kwame like this arrest.  Another chance for him to get BGRUD.

Blasted fraud.  BURY HIM SIX FEET DEEP.


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