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February 19, 2016 Source

Guyana is one country in which people wid friends in high places does get away wid murder. Police use to see criminals in action and tun dem face. When dem boys complain de same police use to seh that de Goat man in charge and he does call de shots.De same Goat man did issue instruction to de police to lef Kwame and that if any of dem only arrest him that person would have to answer to de Goat Man.

De Creatah don’t sleep. He does probably blink and in de blink of an eye de Goat Man exhibit he powers.  De blink done and Rum Jattan sitting down in de Goat man chair. From de time that happen is nuff things change,Kwame who use to beat people like when women beating clothes spending some time in a cage wid tears in he eyes and he belly griping. Jagdeo does run to defend him. Not this time. Instead, de Goat Man put out a statement about political prisoners.

Last night was loud singing. Dem boys seh de harmony was fantastic. When de first song done,  everybody understand de tune that Kwame was de person who organize de filth that some of he boys throw pun Freddie.De second song had even more harmony. While some singing some was chanting. One man chant, “Is not me, Is Kwame.”

That was when de Chat-3 send a lawyer to see if he coulda get de men out of de lockups. He tell de police how de men get beat up. See-all don’t mek joke, suh he tell he men to send all of dem to de hospital.One man seh nutten ain’t happen to him and he don’t want see doctor.

Kwame seh de same thing. Jason seh how he foot break, but de X-ray can’t see de break. Dem boys seh is a magic break. One minute he walking good, and de other he limping when people looking.

One thing is certain; a murder charge coming and some of dem in de party start cutting spike nail again. Dem issue statement ‘bout political prisoner even as people chanting ‘bout Kwame.Dem boys seh that de talk about political prisoner is because dem frighten more name gun call.
Imagine Jagdeo name calling in a murder charge. That would be shocking.

Talk half and remember to keep yuh hand to yuhself .

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"Last night was loud singing. Dem boys seh de harmony was fantastic. When de first song done,  everybody understand de tune that Kwame was de person who organize de filth that some of he boys throw pun Freddie.De second song had even more harmony. While some singing some was chanting. One man chant, “Is not me, Is Kwame.”"


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