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I challenge Kwame Mc Coy to answer these questions

December 20, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, A friend called me insisting that I tune in on the Mr. Kwame McCoy ‘Square Talk TV Program’ – he launched a vigorous personal attack on my character. From what I heard, allow me to state the following; then I will pose Mr. McCoy some questions, to which he has so far failed to give a truthful response. First, the billions he says are collected by Mayor and City Council and misspent by the Mayor is a colossal fabrication and an abuse of the media. The Mayor has absolutely nothing to do, I repeat nothing to do, with the spending of monies, this is within the purview of this Town Clerk imposed on us by the Minister, she signs all cheques and decides outside of the recommendations of the Mayor and City Council. So Mr. McCoy, if there is misspending, it is by the Minister/Town Clerk duo, not the Mayor.  What we have in this so called democracy is an administrative dictatorship. Ms. Sooba modus operandi does not allow even for a discussion related to the spending of monies she, compliments of the Minister, is now the unqualified, imperial mistress at City Hall, unbelievable but true – so what nonsense is Mr.  McCoy talking about on his programme. We can understand why he is promoting an unqualified person to control the City a most unusual and unacceptable situation.  He says my yard is in a disgraceful state, normally every Mayor has his yard maintained by the Council, if it is in bad shape as he claims, it is compliments of his Town Clerk. He next assaults the Mayor’s management – well well. Perhaps he is correct. I should have handled his case when employed at City Hall differently. Hence my question Mr. McCoy was my Special Assistant from November 1, 1997 and was allowed to resign on June 22, 1998 – an unusual time – Let us wonder why?  Let him tell his listeners why he resigned on the 22nd of a month. Maybe he can explain why he was asked to leave. Is it not true that had it not been for the compassion of Mayor Green, he would have been placed in the hands of the police – true or false – he can answer on his next program.  Mr. McCoy can tell us the whole story. Next, could he tell us if he knew a young boy by the name of Julius?  Mark Benschop, whom he attacked on the program, can help refresh his memory. Third, does he know anyone employed in a high position in the office of the President who was deported from a certain Caribbean State? Does he know of anyone who cannot obtain a US visa and why? When this bold faced ‘gentleman’ responds truthfully, I will offer some more explanation referring to both he and Ms. Sooba, who he has declared is competent and trying to stop corruption.  They say cast the beam out of your own eye, before you see the speck in your brother’s eye. Hamilton Green, J.P,

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Rev..... Hammi mek some serious charge here Bhai.

He say yu'all practicing Buggery.

Could u tell us if u knew a young boy by the name of Julius?


Kwame was Hammi Special assistant from Nov1,1997

and was allowed to resign on June 22,1998.


Maybe u can explain

why "De Buggery Boy" was asked to leave.

Is it true Hammi save "Kwame - De Buggery Boy",

 from some serious Jail Time? –

true or false –


Rev do you know anyone

employed in a high position in the office of the President

who was deported from a certain Caribbean State?


Does u know of anyone who cannot obtain a US visa and why?


Rev why Hammi addressing you as "De Buggery Boy"???


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