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We won the Nevada caucuses, Vishnu. Thank you. This would not have happened without you.

I am so grateful for everything you've done to get us to this moment.

I'm on my way to Texas to officially kick off our next big push. South Carolina votes next weekend, and then on Super Tuesday, March 1st, people in more than a dozen states will vote or caucus -- and more than 800 delegates are at stake.

Chip in $5 right now to say you're with me for the next part of our fight.

Vishnu, this might not fit in with the narrative, but this campaign is driven by people like you -- more than 750,000 donors, thousands of volunteers, and millions of people are doing the unrecognized but important work of talking to friends and family about why this campaign matters. You are seen, you are heard, and I will do everything I can to make you proud.

The choice in this primary might be tough for some, because the truth is, Senator Sanders and I agree on a basic premise: Wall Street, big banks, drug companies, and the like all have too much power and influence in our country.

But it's not enough just to want to take them on. If we were to stop those special interests in their tracks tomorrow, the indifference that caused the water crisis in Flint would still exist. Women would still be getting paid less than men for the same job. Racism would still hold people back. LGBT people would still be able to get married on Saturday and fired on Monday.

Americans are right to be angry. These injustices demand action from all of us.

No one can win these fights alone -- not even the President of the United States. It has to be the mission of our entire nation.

We're going to have to work together to win this nomination, win the presidency, and then together, we'll work to break down every barrier holding Americans back from reaching their full potential.

With you on this team, we can do it. Stand with me. Chip in $5 right now:

Thank you,




Hillary needs you now more than ever. Chip in $5 to stand with her:


Vish M
Vish M posted:

We won the Nevada caucuses, Vishnu. Thank you. This would not have happened without you.

I am so grateful for everything you've done to get us to this moment.

I'm on my way to Texas to officially kick off our next big push. South Carolina votes next weekend, and then on Super Tuesday, March 1st, people in more than a dozen states will vote or caucus -- and more than 800 delegates are at stake.

Chip in $5 right now to say you're with me for the next part of our fight.

Vishnu, this might not fit in with the narrative, but this campaign is driven by people like you -- more than 750,000 donors, thousands of volunteers, and millions of people are doing the unrecognized but important work of talking to friends and family about why this campaign matters. You are seen, you are heard, and I will do everything I can to make you proud.

The choice in this primary might be tough for some, because the truth is, Senator Sanders and I agree on a basic premise: Wall Street, big banks, drug companies, and the like all have too much power and influence in our country.

But it's not enough just to want to take them on. If we were to stop those special interests in their tracks tomorrow, the indifference that caused the water crisis in Flint would still exist. Women would still be getting paid less than men for the same job. Racism would still hold people back. LGBT people would still be able to get married on Saturday and fired on Monday.

Americans are right to be angry. These injustices demand action from all of us.

No one can win these fights alone -- not even the President of the United States. It has to be the mission of our entire nation.

We're going to have to work together to win this nomination, win the presidency, and then together, we'll work to break down every barrier holding Americans back from reaching their full potential.

With you on this team, we can do it. Stand with me. Chip in $5 right now:

Thank you,


Hillary needs you now more than ever. Chip in $5 to stand with her:


lol lol lol lol lol lol

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol !!!

Last edited by Former Member

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