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Nothing wrong’ with taxpayers funding $$M in secret scholarships -President

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Weeks after it was revealed that the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition has been secretly expending millions of dollars for several of its Ministers to benefit from full-scholarship programmes, President David Granger has pronounced that his Administration had done nothing wrong.

President David Granger

Speaking with reporters on the weekly televised programme ‘The Public Interest’, which aired its first segment for the year on Friday evening, the Head of State posited that he has always supported the academic development of persons, even those holding office.

“Somebody may want a Bachelor’s degree and assistance would be provided for that person to be upgraded. I don’t think anything is wrong with that,” the President asserted while adding that scholarships are granted to personnel within other public service agencies such as the Guyana Police Force and the Guyana Defence Force so that the officers can perform better.

To this end, the Head of State pointed out that he is not necessarily concerned about scholarships being granted to persons holding office within his Administration, since he believes that with higher qualifications, officers of the State can improve their performance. This practice, the President outlined, occurs throughout the public service.

Junior Education Minister Nicolette Henry

“I don’t know the grounds for these specific cases but I would say that on the face of it, it is not a corrupt transaction; it is a legitimate means of career development and I think any form of enhancement of a person’s education should be more considerable,” he stressed.

Moreover, President Granger added that his Administration is committed to ensuring that citizens get more academic qualifications.

In midst of the consideration of 2017 Budget Estimates last month, it was revealed that Junior Education Minister Nicolette Henry and Junior Infrastructure Minister Annette Ferguson are among several Government officials who received millions of dollars to pursue their studies in the United States and the United Kingdom respectively.

Junior Infrastructure Minister Annette Ferguson

Henry is doing her PHD in Public Health to the tune of $3.36 million, while Ferguson is benefiting from a $3.38 million scholarship in Public Policy Management.

Additionally, Education Minister, Dr Rupert Roopnaraine’s daughter, Alicia, is benefiting from a $2.58 million scholarship at a university in the UK. She is studying psychology.

Other notable beneficiaries are former Chief Education Officer Olato Sam, who is studying Education Policy in Jamaica, costing some $946,000 and a Guyana Chronicle Board Director Tabitha Sarabo-Halley who is currently pursuing Public Policy Management studies in the UK to the tune of $3.4 million. Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate 2014 top student Elisa Hamilton is also a beneficiary of the Government scholarships programme, but unlike the others, hers’ was publicly announced.

These revelations came about just over a month ago after Minister of State Joseph Harmon submitted a list of names of all the persons benefiting from Government scholarships in response to a request made by Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira.

Harmon had disclosed to the National Assembly that Government has provided full scholarships to nine persons at the PHD Level, 75 at the Masters Level, 186 at the Bachelors Level, and 704 at various local institutions.

Questions on the issue have since been raised regarding the process used to select the beneficiaries of the programme and why Government did not, in the interest transparency, disclose that it is funding the studies of some of its Ministers. (Guyana Times)

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FIrstly, it's good that we have some transparency, even though the Govt was forced to reveal this info

Now, something is wrong when you have uneducated people as Ministers..and the reason they got there was because of party affliation...this also happened under previous Govts

Now, taxpayers have to pick up this cost....

WHy not have educated people in these positions...? 

I don't have a problem with scholarships for students

Prashad posted:

Mr. Nemakaram Nehru, you are a koolie into ruling Africans. So for you anti-koolie leadership is Katahar. But for Africans, anti- koolie in chief is the king.

you have a one track mind


Ray, the bigger picture is the socalled, DUMB President dont see anything wrong with Taxpayers monies for SECRET Scholarships!!!!


I expect that of Mugabe and other such Dummies!!!!!!!!


Granting scholarships misuse of public funds

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Dear Editor,
President David Granger is reported on in the State Media as saying “there is nothing corrupt about the granting of scholarships to Ministers Annette Ferguson and Nicolette Henry.” Along the same vein, I also have the Brooklyn Bridge to sell.
First of all, the President and his Cabinet have violated the general principles of granting scholarships in the public services by not acting impartially to all groups, persons, and organisations when these scholarships were distributed. This 2016 scholarship-gate was a giveaway fest for party members. Even the professionals in the Public Service Ministry Training Division expressed private disgust at the level of political interference to one of my friends and they all voted for the Coalition. The line between professionalism and unprofessionalism continues to be crossed every day by this Government; it is like they cannot help themselves and act professionally and within the rules for once.
Secondly, the President is being absolutely dishonest with the public with this statement because he is fully aware once these Ministers commence their programme of studies, they will not be able to give an honest effort in delivering service to the public. They cannot be “sucking cane and blowing the whistle” at the same time. They are either Ministers or students during this period, but undoubtedly they cannot be both since a Minister is a full-time effort.
Thirdly, this act of doling out these funds to these Ministers evidently represents a failure to protect and spend public funds in the best interest of the nation. This act of having the Minister with one foot in and one foot out is nothing but public fraud, public waste and misappropriation of public funds by the Granger government. Any high school child will know that this act by the Administration is public corruption.
The duty of a minister is to fulfil their mandate in good faith and with a full obligation to the citizens of Guyana. How can a Minister who is busy doing an assignment for a school project be able to offer the Guyanese people top service in the middle of a seawall breakaway? That Minister will never be 100 per cent on the job and what is the most important role of a Minister – making decisions. So we can expect many clumsy and ill-thought decisions by these Ministers in the ensuing period.
In conclusion, this scholarship situation is nothing but a wanton abuse of the rules and the misuse of public office for private gains for selected persons.
This is an immoral commitment of State funds for Government officials that bind the taxpayers in a relationship that has very little value for money for them and all the benefits for a select few. The mere fact that these scholarships were offered to sitting Ministers illustrates that they are gaining financially from a transaction that comes into direct conflict with their responsibilities to the Government and people of Guyana. So this last minute whitewash statement to justify the act cannot and will not erase the black mark concerning this unethical abuse of the Treasury. We must reject and combat these immoral acts of abuse by the Granger administration on all fronts.

Surujdai Lilmohan


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