<noscript>&amp;lt;img class=" wp-image-449829" src="https://s1.stabroeknews.com/images/2017/09/20170911WTPS-Annie-Deonarine-263x350.jpg" alt="" width="183" height="244" /&amp;gt;</noscript>
Annie Deonarine (Salesperson)

Annie Deonarine (Salesperson): `On a daily basis we deal with customers and they donÃĒ₮â„Ēt all speak English. As a sales person you might want to learn it because otherwise you canÃĒ₮â„Ēt relate to the customer or know what they want. I had an incident where a customer was asking about buying a food item and they said they didnÃĒ₮â„Ēt understand so I was showing them signs. And both of us were laughing because neither us of could understand. When it came to working out the price, I had to use the calculator to show them.ÃĒ₮â„Ē
