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Large turn-out at Region 3 budget outreach meeting


Residents of Region Three were educated about the recently presented 2013 National Budget.  Misconceptions that were created by the Opposition and some sections of the media were cleared-up during a community outreach by Minister of Education Priya Manickchand and Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud.


Minister of Education Priya Manickchand addressing the crowd.

Minister of Education Priya Manickchand addressing the crowd.


The Budget is the largest the country has ever seen, at a sum of $208.8B. Minister Manickchand said the question arises as to why  such a huge budget was presented, but explained that, “It is for the people of this country.”


Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud addressing the residents.

Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud addressing the residents.


She further explained that, “ this is the most holistic budget I have ever seen, it caters for the young, the old, the private and the public sectors; it has something for everyone.”


The budget is focused on the development of the country and its people. Several sectors including health, education and housing  have grown over the years, and which the Government is committed to continue expanding.


The crowd during the interaction with Minister Priya Manickchand and Robert Persaud.

The crowd during the interaction with Minister Priya Manickchand and Robert Persaud.


Minister Manickchand highlighted that 5,869 people received house lots in 2012, and in last year’s budget, $4.7B was allocated to the housing sector as opposed to this year’s $3.1B.


The Ministry of Health received over $17B last year and this year, $19.2B has been allocated. She added that Guyana’s health care may not be at its best, but it is one thousand times better than it was before.


The old age pension has been increased by 25 percent, and although it  may not be enough, it will help the senior citizens a bit more with their expenditure.


President Donald Ramotar has directed that the 2013 National Budget be put online  because it is something that everyone should have a look at, it was pointed out.


“It’s a people’s budget, Budget 2013 has something for everyone…this budget is a means of accelerating progress,’’ Minister Persaud said.


Guyana is the only country in the Caribbean/ Caricom that has achieved seven years of constant development, and it will continue to see more improvements as the years go by, Minister Persaud stated.


He then asked the question, “if this is the largest sum allocated then why doesn’t the Opposition want to spend it?  It is because they know it is good and will make the government look good, and that would not be good for them,” he explained.


It was also pointed out that the Private Sector has expressed satisfaction with the 2013 budget and has acknowledged that the PPP/C has listened to their views on having  property taxes reduced, and the private sector developed.


The residents said that they were very pleased that the government is giving back to them,  and has educated them about what the budget holds for them. One resident also thanked the ministers for the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) programme.

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